Karma is the law of moral causation. The theory of Karma is a fundamental doctrine in Buddhism. This belief was prevalent in India before the advent of the Buddha. Nevertheless, it was the Buddha who explained and formulated this doctrine in the complete form in which we have it today. What is the cause of the inequality that exists among mankind? Why should one person be brought up in the lap of luxury, endowed with fine mental, moral and physical qualities, and another in absolute poverty, steeped in misery? Why should one person be a mental prodigy, and another an idiot? Why should one person be born with saintly characteristics and another with criminal tendencies? Why should some be linguistic, artistic, mathematically inclined, or musical from the very cradle? Why should others be congenitally blind, deaf, or deformed? Why should some be blessed, and others cursed from their births? Either this inequality of mankind has a cause, or it is purely accidental.
No sensible person would think of attributing this unevenness, this inequality, and this diversity to blind chance or pure accident. In this world nothing happens to a person that he does not for some reason or other deserve. Usually, men of ordinary intellect cannot comprehend the actual reason or reasons. The definite invisible cause or causes of the visible effect is not necessarily confined to the present life, they may be traced to a proximate or remote past birth. According to Buddhism, this inequality is due not only to heredity, environment, “nature and nurture”, but also to Karma. In other words, it is the result of our own past actions and our own present doings. We ourselves are responsible for our own happiness and misery. We create our own Heaven. We create our own Hell. We are the architects of our own fate.
Perplexed by the seemingly inexplicable, apparent disparity that existed among humanity, a young truth-seeker approached the Buddha and questioned him regarding this intricate problem of inequality:
“What is the cause, what is the reason, O Lord,” questioned he, “that we find amongst mankind the short-lived and long-lived, the healthy and the diseased, the ugly and beautiful, those lacking influence and the powerful, the poor and the rich, the low-born and the high-born, and the ignorant and the wise?”
The Buddha’s reply was:
“All living beings have actions (Karma) as their own, their inheritance, their congenital cause, their kinsman, their refuge. It is Karma that differentiates beings into low and high states.” He then explained the cause of such differences in accordance with the law of cause and effect.
Certainly we are born with hereditary characteristics. At the same time we possess certain innate abilities that science cannot adequately account for. To our parents we are indebted for the gross sperm and ovum that form the nucleus of this so-called being. They remain dormant within each parent until this potential germinal compound is vitalised by the karmic energy needed for the production of the foetus. Karma is therefore the indispensable conceptive cause of this being. The accumulated karmic tendencies, inherited in the course of previous lives, at times play a far greater role than the hereditary parental cells and genes in the formation of both physical and mental characteristics.
The Buddha, for instance, inherited, like every other person, the reproductive cells and genes from his parents. But physically, morally and intellectually there was none comparable to him in his long line of Royal ancestors. In the Buddha’s own words, he belonged not to the Royal lineage, but to that of the Aryan Buddhas. He was certainly a superman, an extraordinary creation of his own Karma. According to the Lakkhana Sutta of Digha Nikaya, the Buddha inherited exceptional features, such as the 32 major marks, as the result of his past meritorious deeds. The ethical reason for acquiring each physical feature is clearly explained in the Sutta. It is obvious from this unique case that karmic tendencies could not only influence our physical organism, but also nullify the potentiality of the parental cells and genes – hence the significance of the Buddha’s enigmatic statement, – “We are the heirs of our own actions.” Dealing with this problem of variation, the Atthasalini, being a commentary on the Abhidharma, states:
“Depending on this difference in Karma appears the differences in the birth of beings, high and low, base and exalted, happy and miserable. Depending on the difference in
Karma appears the difference in the individual features of beings as beautiful and ugly, high-born or low born, well-built or deformed. Depending on the difference in Karma appears the difference in worldly conditions of beings, such as gain and loss, and disgrace, blame and praise, happiness and misery.” Thus, from a Buddhist point of view, our present mental, moral intellectual and temperamental differences are, for the most part, due to our own actions and tendencies, both past and present. Although Buddhism attributes this variation to Karma, as being the chief cause among a variety, it does not, however, assert that everything is due to Karma. The law of Karma, important as it is, is only one of the twenty-four conditions described in Buddhist Philosophy. Refuting the erroneous view that “whatsoever fortune or misfortune experienced is all due to some previous action”, the Buddha said: ”So, then, according to this view, owing to previous action men will become murderers, thieves, unchaste, liars, slanderers, covetous, malicious and perverts. Thus, for those who fall back on the former deeds as the essential reason, there is neither the desire to do, nor effort to do, nor necessity to do this deed, or abstain from this deed.” It was this important text, which states the belief that all physical circumstances and mental attitudes spring solely from past Karma that Buddha contradicted. If the present life is totally conditioned or wholly controlled by our past actions, then certainly Karma is tantamount to fatalism or determinism or predestination.
If this were true, free will would be an absurdity. Life would be purely mechanistic, not much different from a machine. Being created by an Almighty God who controls our destinies and predetermines our future, or being produced by an irresistible Karma that completely determines our fate and controls our life’s course, independent of any free action on our part, is essentially the same. The only difference lies in the two words God and Karma. One could easily be substituted for the other, because the ultimate operation of both forces would be identical.
Such a fatalistic doctrine is not the Buddhist law of Karma. According to Buddhism, there are five orders or processes (niyama) which operate in the physical and mental realms.
They are:
Utu Niyama
physical inorganic order, e.g. seasonal phenomena of winds and rains. The unerring order of seasons, characteristic seasonal changes and events, causes of winds and rains, nature of heat, etc., all belong to this group.
Bija Niyama
order of germs and seeds (physical organic order), e.g. rice produced from rice-seed, sugary taste from sugar-cane or honey, peculiar characteristics of certain fruits, etc. The scientific theory of cells and genes and the physical similarity of twins may be ascribed to this order.
Karma Niyama
order of act and result, e.g., desirable and undesirable acts produce corresponding good and bad results. As surely as water seeks its own level so does Karma, given opportunity, produce its inevitable result, not in the form of a reward or punishment but as an innate sequence. This sequence of deed and effect is as natural and necessary as the way of the sun and the moon.
Dhamma Niyama
order of the norm, e.g., the natural phenomena occurring at the advent of a Bodhisattva in his last birth. Gravitation and other similar laws of nature. The natural reason for being good and so forth, may be included in this group
Citta Niyama
order or mind or psychic law, e.g., processes of consciousness, arising and perishing of consciousness, constituents of consciousness, power of mind, etc., including telepathy, telaesthesia, retro-cognition, premonition, clairvoyance, clairaudience, thought-reading and such other psychic phenomena which are inexplicable to modern science. Every mental or physical phenomenon could be explained by these all-embracing five orders or processes which are laws in themselves. Karma as such is only one of these five orders. Like all other natural laws they demand no lawgiver.
Of these five, the physical inorganic order and the order of the norm are more or less mechanistic, though they can be controlled to some extent by human ingenuity and the power of mind. For example, fire normally burns, and extreme cold freezes, but man has walked scathe less over fire and meditated naked on Himalayan snows; horticulturists have worked marvels with flowers and fruits;
Yogis have performed levitation. Psychic law is equally mechanistic, but Buddhist training aims at control of mind, which is possible by right understanding and skilful volition. Karma law operates quite automatically and, when the Karma is powerful, man cannot interfere with its inexorable result though he may desire to do so; but here also right understanding and skilful volition can accomplish much and mould the future. Good Karma, persisted in, can thwart the reaping of bad Karma, or as some Western scholars prefer to say ‘action influence’, is certainly an intricate law whose working is fully comprehended only by a Buddha. The Buddhist aims at the final destruction of all Karma.
The Pali term Karma literally means action or doing. Any kind of intentional action whether mental, verbal, or physical, is regarded as Karma. It covers all that is included in the phrase “thought, word and deed”. Generally speaking, all good and bad action constitutes Karma. In its ultimate sense Karma means all moral and immoral volition. Involuntary, unintentional or unconscious actions, though technically deeds, do not constitute Karma, because volition, the most important factor in determining Karma, is absent.
The Buddha says:
“I declare, O Bhikkhus, that volition is Karma. Having willed one acts by body, speech, and thought.”
Every volitional action of individuals, save those of Buddhas and Arahants, is called Karma. The exception made in their case is because they are delivered from both good and evil; they have eradicated ignorance and craving, the roots of Karma.”Destroyed are their germinal seeds (Khina bija); selfish desires no longer grow,” states the Ratana Sutta of Sutta nipata. This does not mean that the Buddha and Arahantas are passive. They are tirelessly active in working for the real well being and happiness of all. Their deeds ordinarily accepted as good or moral, lack creative power as regards themselves. Understanding things as they truly are, they have finally shattered their cosmic fetters – the chain of cause and effect.
Karma does not necessarily mean past actions. It embraces both past and present deeds. Hence in one sense, we are the result of what we were; we will be the result of what we are. In another sense, it should be added, we are not totally the result of what we were; we will not absolutely be the result of what we are. The present is no doubt the offspring of the past and is the present of the future, but the present is not always a true index of either the past or the future; so complex is the working of Karma. It is this doctrine of Karma that the mother teaches her child when she says “Be good and you will be happy and we will love you; but if you are bad, you will be unhappy and we will not love you.” In short, Karma is the law of cause and effect in the ethical realm. Karma is action, and Vipaka, fruit or result, is its reaction.
Just as every object is accompanied by a shadow, even so every volitional activity is inevitably accompanied by its due effect. Karma is like potential seed: Vipaka could be likened to the fruit arising from the tree – the effect or result. Anisamsa and Adinaya are the leaves, flowers and so forth that correspond to external differences such as health, sickness and poverty – these are inevitable consequences, which happen at the same time. Strictly speaking, both Karma and Vipaka pertain to the mind. As Karma may be good or bad, so may Vipaka, – the fruit – is good or bad.
As Karma is mental so Vipaka is mental (of the mind). It is experienced as happiness, bliss, unhappiness or misery, according to the nature of the Karma seed. Anisamsa are the concomitant advantages – material things such as prosperity, health and longevity. When Vipaka’s concomitant material things are disadvantageous, they are known as Adinaya, full of wretchedness, and appear as poverty, ugliness, disease, short life-span and so forth. As we sow, we reap somewhere and sometime, in his life or in a future birth. What we reap today is what we have sown either in the present or in the past.
The Samyutta Nikaya states:
“According to the seed that’s sown,
So is the fruit you reap there from,
Doer of good will gather good,
Doer of evil, evil reaps,
Down is the seed and thou shalt taste
The fruit thereof.”
Karma is a law in itself, which operates in its own field without the intervention of any external, independent ruling agency. Happiness and misery, which are the common lot of humanity, are the inevitable effects of causes. From a Buddhist point of view, they are not rewards and punishments, assigned by a supernatural, omniscient ruling power to a soul that has done good or evil. Theists, who attempt to explain everything in this and temporal life and in the eternal future life, ignoring a past, believe in a ‘postmortem’ justice, and may regard present happiness and misery as blessings and curses conferred on His creation by an omniscient and omnipotent Divine Ruler who sits in heaven above controlling the destinies of the human race. Buddhism, which emphatically denies such an Almighty, All merciful God-Creator and an arbitrarily created immortal soul, believes in natural law and justice which cannot be suspended by either an Almighty God or an All-compassionate Buddha. According to this natural law, acts bear their own rewards and punishments to the individual doer whether human justice finds out or not. There are some who criticize thus: “So, you Buddhists, too, administer capitalistic opium to the people, saying: “You are born poor in this life on account of your past evil karma. He is born rich on account of his good Karma.
So, be satisfied with your humble lot; but do good to be rich in your next life. You are being oppressed now because of your past evil Karma. There is your destiny. Be humble and bear your sufferings patiently. Do good now. You can be certain of a better and happier life after death.”
The Buddhist doctrine of Karma does not expound such ridiculous fatalistic views. Nor does it vindicate a postmortem justice. The All-Merciful Buddha, who had no ulterior selfish motives, did not teach this law of Karma to protect the rich and comfort the poor by promising illusory happiness in an after-life. While we are born to a state created by ourselves, yet by our own self-directed efforts there is every possibility for us to create new, favorable environments even here and now. Not only individually, but also, collectively, we are at liberty to create fresh Karma that leads either towards our progress or downfall in this very life. According to the Buddhist doctrine of Karma, one is not always compelled by an ‘iron necessity’, for Karma is neither fate, nor predestination imposed upon us by some mysterious unknown power to which we must helplessly submit ourselves. It is one’s own doing reacting on oneself, and so one has the possibility to divert the course of one’s Karma to some extent. How far one diverts it depends on oneself. Is one bound to reap all that one has sown in just proportion?
The Buddha provides an answer:
“If anyone says that a man or woman must reap in this life according to his present deeds, in that case there is no religious life, nor is an opportunity afforded for the entire extinction of sorrow. But if anyone says that what a man or woman reaps in this and future lives accords with his or her deeds present and past, in that case there is a religious life, and an opportunity is afforded for the entire extinction of a sorrow.” (Anguttara Nikaya)
With the blessings of the Almighty and Swamiji I shared some of my thoughts on Spirituality in Upanishads during the past issues. In this issue I wish to discuss Lord Krishna’s ideas on “how to get the best wisdom or knowledge”. According to the thoughts of great saints like Sri.Sankaracharya, Sri.Ramanuja and Sri Madhwacharya Lord Krishna is not only the reincarnation of Lord Mahavishnu. But he is considered as the wisest. Great scholars like Sri.Rajaji and Dr.S.Radhakrishnan considered Lord Krishna as the best statesman. I am not a scholar like them. But with the blessings of Almighty I wish to discuss a little bit about the ”Gnana Yoga”, the fourth chapter of Bhagavat Geetha. Lord Krishna explains to Arjuna, how to get great knowledge, wisdom and mental courage to face the situations. Arjuna was facing the worst situation of facing his cousin brothers, teachers and other close relatives in the battle field. Lord Krishna sat as the driver of Arjuna’s chariot and explained him to face the situations.Instaed of writing as an essay I give this in the form of questions and answers.
The Blessed Lord said: I instructed this imperishable science of yoga to the sun god, Vivasvan, and Vivasvan instructed it to Manu, the father of humankind, and Manu in turn instructed it to Iksvaku. This supreme science was thus received through the chain of disciple succession, and the saintly kings understood it in that way. However, in course of time, the succession was broken, and therefore the science as it is appears to be lost. That very ancient science of the relationship with the Supreme is today told by me to you because you are my devotee as well as my friend; therefore you can understand the transcendental mystery of this science.
Arjuna said: The sun-god Vivasvan is senior by birth to you. How am I to understand that in the beginning you instructed this science to him?
The Blessed Lord said: Many, many births both you and I have passed. I can remember all of them, but you cannot, because you are mortal and I am immortal. Although I am unborn and my transcendental body never deteriorates, and although I am the Lord of all sentient beings, I still appear in every millennium in my original transcendental form. Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice and a predominant rise of irreligion–at that time I descend myself. In order to deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I advent myself millennium after millennium.
One who knows the transcendental nature of my appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take his birth again in this material world, but attains my eternal abode. Being freed from attachment, fear and anger, being fully absorbed in Me and taking refuge in Me, many, many persons in the past became purified by knowledge of Me and thus they all attained transcendental love for Me. All of them as they surrender unto me I reward accordingly. Everyone follows my path in all respects. Men in this world desire success in furtive activities, and therefore they worship the demigods. Quickly, of course, men get results from furtive work in this world.
According to the three modes of material nature and the work ascribed to them, the four divisions of human society were created by me. And, although I am the creator of this system, you should know that I am yet the non-doer, being unchangeable. There is no work that affects Me; nor do I aspire for the fruits of action. One who understands this truth about me also does not become entangled in the furtive reactions of work.
All the liberated souls in ancient times acted with this understanding and so attained liberation. Therefore, as the ancients, you should perform your duty in this divine consciousness. Even the intelligent are bewildered in determining what is action and what is inaction. Now I shall explain to you what action is, knowing which you shall be liberated from all sins. The intricacies of action are very hard to understand. Therefore one should know properly what action is, what forbidden action is, and what inaction is.
One, who sees inaction in action, and action in inaction, is intelligent among men, and he is in the transcendental position, although engaged in all sorts of activities. One is understood to be in full knowledge whose every act is devoid of desire for sense gratification. He is said by sages to be a worker whose furtive action is burnt up by the fire of perfect knowledge. Abandoning all attachment to the results of his activities, ever satisfied and independent, he performs no furtive action, although engaged in all kinds of undertakings.
Such a man of understanding acts with mind and intelligence perfectly controlled, gives up all sense of proprietorship over his possessions and acts only for the bare necessities of life. Thus working, he is not affected by sinful reactions. He who is satisfied with gain which comes of its own accord, who is free from duality and does not envy, who is steady both in success and failure, is never entangled, although performing actions.
The work of a man who is unattached to the modes of material nature and who is fully situated in transcendental knowledge merges entirely into transcendence.
A person who is fully absorbed in Lord Krishna’s teachings and follows it is sure to attain the spiritual kingdom because of his full contribution to spiritual activities, in which the consummation is absolute and that which is offered is of the same spiritual nature. Some yogis perfectly worship the demigods by offering different sacrifices to them, and some of them offer sacrifices in the fire of the Supreme Brahman. Some of them sacrifice the hearing process and the senses in the fire of the controlled mind, and others sacrifice the objects of the senses, such as sound, in the fire of sacrifice.
Those who are interested in self-realization, in terms of mind and sense control, offer the functions of all the senses, as well as the vital force [breath], as oblations into the fire of the controlled mind.
There are others who, enlightened by sacrificing their material possessions in severe austerities, take strict vows and practice the yoga of eightfold mysticism, and others study the Vedas for the advancement of transcendental knowledge. And there are even others who are inclined to the process of breath restraint to remain in trance, and they practice stopping the movement of the outgoing breath into the incoming, and incoming breath into the outgoing, and thus at last remain in trance, stopping all breathing. Some of them, curtailing the eating process, offer the outgoing breath into itself, as a sacrifice.
All these performers who know the meaning of sacrifice become cleansed of sinful reaction, and, having tasted the nectar of the remnants of such sacrifice, they go to the supreme eternal atmosphere. Dear Arjuna, without sacrifice one can never live happily on this planet or in this life: what then of the next? All these different types of sacrifice are approved by the Vedas, and all of them are born of different types of work. Knowing them as such, you will become liberated.
Dear Arjuna, you are very wonderful and brave person. Do not fear on the situations. Their karma is like that. You are used only as a weapon or some sort of machinery by the karma or destiny. The sacrifice of knowledge is greater than the sacrifice of material possessions. So, dear Arjuna, after all, the sacrifice of work culminates in transcendental knowledge. Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized soul can impart knowledge unto you because he has seen the truth.
And when you have thus learned the truth, you will know that all living beings are but part of me–and that they are in me, and are mine. Even if you are considered to be the most sinful of all sinners, when you are situated in the boat of transcendental knowledge, you will be able to cross over the ocean of miseries. As the blazing fire turns firewood to ashes, O Arjuna, so does the fire of knowledge burn to ashes all reactions to material activities.
In this world, there is nothing as sublime and pure as transcendental knowledge. Such knowledge is the mature fruit of all mysticism. And one who has achieved this enjoys the self with himself in due course of time. A faithful man who is absorbed in transcendental knowledge and who subdues his senses quickly attains the supreme spiritual peace.
But ignorant and faithless persons who doubt the revealed scriptures do not attain God consciousness. For the doubting soul there is happiness neither in this world nor in the next. Therefore, one who has renounced the fruits of his action, whose doubts are destroyed by transcendental knowledge, and who is situated firmly in the self, is not bound by works, O conqueror of riches. Therefore the doubts which have arisen in your heart out of ignorance should be slashed by the weapon of knowledge. Armed with yoga, stand and fight. There is no use in simply going through the writings of great scholars. But one should try to adopt at least a few points of the teachings of great scholars. By adopting these methods, we can live in a wonderful world. That wonderful world will be free from all kinds of egos, jealous and other unwanted fights. I thank Almighty and Swamiji for giving me opportunity to share my thoughts on Spirituality. By the same blessings, we will meet in the nest issue.
Vedic Astrology.
During the last issue, I explained a little bit about the “Rasis” or zodiac signs. In this issue, I wish to explain a little bit about the nature of the Children born in the specified Rasis. This is a general explanation. This will vary according to the planets occupy the rasi or the position of the owner of that rasi.
Ruled by Mars, the Aries child must be busy with something and prefer to follow their impulses rather than logical demands. Their ruler planet Mars gives them energy and courage. The Aries child’s attention and shrieks his head off if he does not get it. Just in case you do not know it yet, he is the boss! Even when he is not old enough to speak, you will be able to tell his likes and dislikes, as he does not have a faint bone in his body. Aries girls too are extremely direct and determined to get their own way. Aries children learn to walk and talk faster than other children. They must be disciplined as soon as possible. Accident-prone, curious and impetuous by nature, you must watch over them carefully. Keep knife like objects out of their reach. Watch out for their temper tantrums. However, you need not be concerned. Arian children are extremely affectionate. If he or she likes you, he can be generous to a fault. Remember that he or she will only like you if he or she can get his or her own way. Do not ever make the mistake of comparing him or her to their siblings. If you want to motivate them to do well, he or she will shine in challenges. On one hand, the Aries child can be tough and practical and on the other, a dreamy sentimental soul with a vivid imagination.
A fixed sign Taurus child shows both be aware of trait so that neither of you will be discouraged if his progress in school of is not as fast or spectacular as children of other signs. Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus. Taurus child is gifted and talented children and will be able to array to a successful completion. You just cannot force the Taurus.
Taurus child to do anything that he does not want to do. There is a reason why they are called “bulls.” On the face of it, the Taurus child is the most mild-mannered of all. However, if they are pushed, you will see the stubbornness of the bull rise to the surface. The way to get around them is through logic and love. Powerful, emotionally stable and athletically inclined, these toddlers seem more competent than the average child. Calm and cheerful, they are not disheveled easily. Marked by maturity beyond their years, they dislike too much attention. They are extremely well behaved and much happier left to their own devices. A very sensual sign, the Taurus (Rishabha) child responds to harmonious colures and sounds. Discordance disturbs their mental equilibrium. That is why it is important to have a harmonious family life in his formative years. A wise parent will start the little Taurean on music and singing lessons as early as possible. Logical, practical and industrious, the Taurean is a born leader. He has a sense of fair play and good judgment. He will always be a credit to his school and will certainly make you proud.
Ruled by mercury Child If blessed with a Gemini (Mithunam) child, you had better learn to fly. In this case, one equals two. Gemini (Mithunam) is the sign of the twins. Your child can be in two places simultaneously and you might find it hard to keep up, this little one was born with winged feet. Extremely active, the typical Gemini (Mithunam)
hates to feel constricted and seeks mental stimulation by exploring his little world. All air signs need variety, so make sure you provide him with tons of books and toys. Restricting a Gemini (Mithunam) mentally and physically leads to an emotionally depressed adult.
Mercury (the ruler of the sign) will give him or her sharp voice may be un bearable. Extremely restless, the twins can do two things at once, and be able to concentrate on both. These youngsters love communicating and have a variety of friends. Gemini (Mithunam) hands are the most sensitive and expressive of all signs, who knows, you may be raising a skilled surgeon or dentist. Blessed with a vibrant sense of imagination, the Gemini (Mithunam) youngster lives in a dual world of fantasy and reality. Always encourage him to speak the truth because he could get confused between the two worlds.
The Gemini (Mithunam) lacks patience and persistence and finds it hard to listen without interruption. It is very difficult to catch his mercurial attention, until you have his curiosity aroused.
Ruling Planet is Moon Children of this sign are deeply attached to home and family. They are likely to be tied to mother as apron strings and a wise parent will give them a gentle push now and then. Blessed with the powers of observation and a sharp memory, his or her emotions form rich and colorful images. A loner at heart, this tender soul is usually easy to manage and discipline. All he needs is loads of attention, lots of love, hugs and cuddles. His or her emotional needs surpass that of all other signs. Therefore, his or her formative years and early home environment influence the rest of his life.
You will have to learn to laugh and cry with him or her; keep him or her safe and protected from all his or her fears – real or imaginary. Attention, understanding and emotional empathy from you will encourage his artistic and creative tendencies and help him or her gain confidence. You will be paid back in full measure when you are ill or down. He or she will gently lend you his or her little shoulder to cry. You will be better able to cope with it and to work with them in acquirement of a more equable nature.
Most of them are sensitive, courteous souls famous in the fields of art and music and have good business sense too. However, for all their gentleness and docility, they just cannot be followers. Highly individualistic and blessed with independent thinking, they make the most compassionate.
As a fire sign, their passions run hot. A typical lion cub, this child will be happy and cheerful as long as he/she gets his/her way. They will attack if they feel let down or their position is threatened. Although you should encourage their natural leadership qualities, otherwise they will turn into a show-off. Blessed with an innate sense of dignity, they thrive on power and applause and need to be respected. However, do not let them get away with making demands. Teach them to respect the dignity of others. On the brighter side, these youngsters are playful, affectionate and a lot of fun. They enjoy games of challenge and chance. Though intelligent and quick to learn, they can be a little lazy. Therefore, it is important that you inculcate discipline and good study habits and give them responsible and dignified duties to perform. These little charmers also fall in and out of love easily, so you are for a tough adolescent phase. You need to provide them gentle discipline and lots of love and affection. Build his courage and confidence with love instead.
Mercury the ruling planet of Virgo as associated with reasoning and intellectual activities. They will be joy to rise, as they are pleasant, very neat and tidy. They will learn to talk early and fluently and is a born actor and an excellent mimic too. Always the teacher’s pet, Viragos are very bright and easy to discipline. Efficient and highly dependable, they make the ideal class monitor. Very sensitive to criticism themselves, they are still a little too quick to point out other people’s mistakes. Instinctive, they are quick learners and require a full education. You would be wise to provide your little Virgoan with educational toys and good reading material. You should point out to them that few things in life are perfect that they will be happier if they reserve their perfectionist tendencies.
Wise beyond their little years and with a curious practical bend of mind, they are realists who are always careful with their allowance. Ever ready to help others, financially or otherwise, you never need to worry about spoiling this little sage. They have strong likes, dislikes, and are usually a fussy eater. However, do not look surprised if they show a preference for healthy, wholesome vegetables over chocolates and fries. Good for you. Virgo children generally are very good students as they are mentally acute and have a passion for accuracy. As a member of an earth sign, your young Virgo is calm and dependable. Although they do not show it, these children crave physical demonstrations of affection to survive. They do not find it easy to make emotional connections, needs plenty of love and encouragement, and compliments to believe that they are as good as the rest. You must get them a little pet to teach them the lessons of love and caring. Ever ready to help others, financially or otherwise, you never need to worry about spoiling this little sage.
Venus is ruling this rasi. An utterly charming baby, with the sweetest of expressions, is a blessing indeed. Your little Libran is too well behaved to throw peevishness. Do not rush them, or you will disturb their mental equilibrium. Do not be discouraged. Their natural bent towards caution usually keeps them out of trouble and helps avoid accidents and stupid mistakes. The harmonious Libran is a great seeker of truth and beauty. Kind-hearted and balanced, they insist on fair play and can normally see both sides of the story. In fact, they enjoy a healthy argument and make great lawyers. Although people consider Librans as lazy, it is not true. Librans just need to intersperse periods of great activity with moments of deep respite. It is the way their batteries are recharged. Be careful of the famous Libran charm, as it is through this that they manage to get their own way. You just will not be able to refuse them for anything, and would certainly end up spoiling them. More than actual discipline, they need less mollycoddling. Raised well, this child will turn out to be bright and logical.They love companionship and will make many friends also point out to Libran child that compromise policy is not always best policy. They love pretty pictures, also be sure they will take very good care of their belongings.
Scorpio child generally has strong physiques and even stronger wills. A challenge for any parent, this one enjoys a good fight. Your little Scorpion will never compromise. With those beautiful, penetrating eyes, they will hypnotize you into getting their own way. They will only learn from someone that they perceive to be stronger than they are. So stand firm and earn their respect, but always do it with love. Encourage them the qualities of compassion and forgiveness, because Scorpions are famous for their vindictiveness. Raised well, they will turn into a brilliant, magnetic personality. They have a strong desire for privacy, but usually manage to search out your secrets. They have fantastic instincts and could sense your moods before you know it. Extremely perceptive, they have sharp, penetrating minds. You must channel their energies in the right direction by keeping them mentally active and physically stimulated. Your Scorpion knows exactly what they want and makes sure that they get it. So guide them towards a worthy cause or goal. Never impose your will. Extremely loyal themselves, they expect loyalty in return. Do not even make the mistake of breaking your word to a Scorpio. You will live to regret it. Scorpions make the best of friends and the worst of enemies. . Guide them gently, and teach them to love and be loved. It is a lesson they need to learn.
This Jupiter ruled Sagittarius child is versatile and adaptable. You must give them a good reason for all activities concerning them. You also need to be firm in all your dealings. They expect you to be fair and almost as honest as themselves for you to earn their respect. You have given birth to a cute little clown. Their sunny disposition and love for human contact assure them friends everywhere. They crave for hugs and cuddles from you. These children are frank and outspoken. This happy-go-lucky archer can be brutally honest, and they expect the same from you. They will obey you only if they find your command logical, otherwise expect defiance tremendously curious as well as uncomfortable and clumsy, the little archer is known to trip. Keep your first-aid kit handy. They have a strong desire for freedom, mentally and physically, and likes being around people who believe in them. They will become independent faster than your other children will. Sagittarius is a sign of extravagance and spend-thriftiness. Therefore, you must teach your child the value of money while still in the formative years. They can learn easily if they concentrate on their study. The Sagittarian curiosity and thirst for knowledge makes them excellent students. They crave for variety and change. Surprisingly, you will find ever on the lookout for a mission or a cause; their freewheeling natures force them to follow their own paths.
Capricorn is a cardinal sign ruled by Saturn. They need evidence of your love and affection. They are born old also the influence of Saturn, young Capricorn might have a very dull outlook of life and seem to look younger as they grow older. They are quite definite about what they want and will surely let you know. They set a place for all their things and do not like it if anything is disturbed. They love their home and family, and seldom have a large group of friends. Extremely responsible and obedient, you will not have to chase them to finish their homework. Capricorn children do not waste their leisure time either and are a delight for their teachers of arts and crafts. However, they should also be encouraged to play outdoors games. They are very thorough where studies are concerned, and have deep concentration. Slowly and steadily, they manage to acquire positions of authority and trust. Patient and polite, your Capricorn child will display great respect for his elders and he will always take good care of you.
As an Air Sign, their talent is apt to the intelligent mental inviter rather manual, who lives in tomorrow. Fixed air Sign ruled by Saturn. In the matter of discipline, you will find that they will listen to reasons. Sensitive and individualistic, you will find it impossible to keep with his thought processes. Your Uralian child may react negatively to a command. However, let them be until they have weighed all the pros and cons and thought over the matter themselves. You can trust them to do the right thing eventually. Very unpredictable, lovable and amusing, this one is a bundle of contradictions. They may not know where they are headed, but certainly knows how to get there. They may wander off trying to chase the rainbow or simply explore their surroundings. Whichever way, you will just not know what to expect. Aquarius (Kumba) is the sign of genius. In addition, as you know, there is a very thin line between genius and insanity. These absent-minded little children can grow into unusual adults and even forget their last name or where they were going. You must teach your little Aquarian to organize his thoughts. Always encourage physical activity or you might have a little daydreamer on your hands. It is possible for him to while away the whole day. Aquarius (Kumba) is the sign of the humanitarian, as well as that of ‘friends’. Some may say, ‘friends’. You see, they do not just love you; they love the complete human race.
Ruled by the planet Jupiter, Pisces Children are angelic charming – the Piscean lives up to its image, always in a world of fantasy. Your Piscean infant will not follow a routine. As a rule, Pisceans march to their own drumbeat. Tea times might be at dinner times. They will require lots of attention and affection because they are susceptible, uncertain little child. They fiercely guard their privacy and withdraw into their own little world whenever they please, innately artistic. Pisces children love dancing and singing. They are passionate about reading; they are enchanted with poetry. They make excellent writers. Sensitive by nature, they get hurt easily and much prefers the company of adults to other children. Blessed with deep wisdom, they are not in the least bit materialistic. They also shun responsibility, as they prefer to live life on their own terms. Characterized by gentleness, compassion, beauty, understanding, tolerance and imagination, these youngsters are highly intuitive. You would be wise not to take his dreams too lightly, as the universe speaks to them in their dreams. Who knows, it may have been a Piscean who coined the phrase “dream come true”. This young Piscean may incline to worry or feel that desires are unattainable and his efforts fruitless.
In the next issue, we will discuss a great interesting subject in Vedic Astrology. I pray Lord Shiva and Sri Vana Durga to shower their entire blessings on all of us to have a very comfortable living.
Om Shanthi Om Shanthi Om Shanthi.
Adi Shankara was born thousand years before this century. He was born in a Brahmin family, but he lost his father at the very young stage of life. His birth place is called
“KALADY”, a small village situated in KERALA of SOUTH INDIA. Up to six years he was brought up by his mother. He was willing to take renunciation by that age of six itself. However, his mother refused him for Ashram life of renunciation and penance.
One day, when the boy Shankara was taking bath in the river, a crocodile caught one of his legs. That information went into the ears of his mother. His mother ran to the riverbank and saw her son struggling for life. At that stage also, Sri Shankara told his mother, that if she could permit him for a life of renunciation Lord Vishnu would save my life from this crocodile. His mother had no other go. She gave permission for the boy to take renunciation.
By surprise an elephant came into that place and fought with the crocodile. The crocodile slipped into the river leaving the boy unhurt. From that time he became Sanyasi (sage/saint/monk). It was meant, that a person who left the earthly pleasures. But Sri Shankara promised his mother that he would come to her at the time of her last days . He traveled through out India and visited all holy places. Adi Shankara had composed and written many Sanskrit slogas of philosophy. Bhaja Govindam is a collection of poems written by Adi Shankara and his desiples, Sri Padma pathar and Sri Todakachariyar. Baja Govindham plainly explains the sorrowful and changeable nature of the worldly life of people.
Bhaja Govindham follows with 31Slogas, worshipping Sri Vishnu in other name Sri Govindha.
Sloga No.1
Oh fool, the time of death is harmful, what is the use of learning Sanskrit grammar like
“Duklinkarane”.The Grammatical verses will not save any one when the death occurs.
So, through the mind, through the words and through physique worship the “Lord Govindha”. Always worship by chanting the words “Lord Govindha”.
Sloga No.2
Oh fool!! A person gets wealth through his past births and contributions. Avoid strong desire for money, wealth and property. Be satisfied with what that comes ultimately. Do not get confused and get strong desire and become insane. The deeds of past birth have much attachment to present life.
Sloga No.3
Oh fool!! A young woman’s breasts and hip are made by flesh and excessive protein. Do not get infatuation or lust by looking at them! Think with patience how these forms come into vision. Control the mind by minute to minute and second to second. Think about the basic elements of those physical anatomy, then the lust and sexual feeling will not arise.
Sloga No.4
In the lotus leaf, the dew drops of water in the early morning, which exists for a few seconds. Human life is impermanent. This world has strange nature. Every where Ego and Selfishness and disease appear and exist. For this destructive worldly pleasure don’t wander with hunger.
Sloga No.5
When a person has ability to earn and make income, his relatives and others will love him much. When that person becomes unable to make money, wealth due to old age, his relatives and others start to neglect him, and they would not ask his well fare. In old age that person would fall bed-ridden due to disease. No one would come near to that person.
Sloga No.6
While that bird named ‘soul’ fly away from one’s physique, no body would care about that person. With whom that person shared the pleasure would get afraid to go near to that dead body. These are temporary contacts with close relatives and not permanent. The flower like words from them would cease. Nothing in this world is eternal.
Sloga No.7
When a person born and reach to boy hood, he spends his time through playful activities. When a person attains young, he goes behind woman for pleasure. When a person attains old age, he spends his time through thinking about past with tears. These are the three stages of one’s worldly life. Even then no one spends his time about thinking of the God. No one leads his life towards the Almighty.
Sloga No.8
Who is one’s son? Who is one’s wife? This world is nothing but strange trap. Where from a person comes into this world? Who are the relatives when a person has not entered into this world? Engage into that “Deep thought”! Come to realize this physique is not one’s nature! Then how this birth came? Search through philosophy. How and where this deep-mist that disclose the “Truth” of one’s “Self”.
Sloga No.9
Have and join with the true devotees of God! Join with justful people. Then the truth and revealation will come through this attachment! Then the imaginary relations and attraction would destroy. By that time a person will achieve eternal pleasure and will be a known one to all. Even while living in this world a person will become a saint or devotee of God and attains wisdom. Then those people know and understand about the eternal pleasure.
Lord Shiva in the form of Rudras.
Atharva Veda has given a lot for the betterment of humanity. It has a lot of Thantras. Out of these Thantras, two Thantras play a vital role in giving remedy to various problems faced by the common human being. They are Shiva Rudra Thantra and Vishnu Malya Thantra.According to Shiva Rudra Thantra, Lord Shiva has 108 poses. Each one is capable of healing some kind of problems. During the past issues we discussed about a few. In this issue also I wish to tell about some more shapes of Lord Shiva.
At the time of the reconstruction of this universe Brahma, the creator of this universe created this universe. On this affair he had a proud that I’m more than Lord Shiva. So, Lord Shiva got angry and cut one of the heads of Brahma. Till that time Brahma also had five heads as Lord Shiva. Only after this incident Brahma become the deity with four heads. In this pose Lord Shiva has four hands. The first right hand is adorned with “two faced trisulam” [a six headed weapon]. His second right hand is adorned with an axe to cut off the sins and evil spirits of the devotees. His second left hand is adorned with “trisulam” [a three headed weapon]. His first left hand is adorned with the skull of Brahma. This deity shows a proper judgment and punishment will be given to the persons who commit mistakes. By praying this deity one can have a very good judging capacity. This deity is to be worshipped by the Magistrates and Judges and by their prayer they can give the best judgments and earn a very good name and fame.
Easwara means the leader. Maheswara is the leader of leaders. By praying him one can be the best leader. This is the deity to be worshipped by the politicians and leaders. They can establish their position well. In this position Lord Shiva is having five faces and ten hands. He is the creator of the Vedas. From his east facing face he created Sama Veda. From the south facing face he created RigVeda. From the west facing face he created Atharvana Veda. From the top facing face he created 28 Shiva aagamas. As he is the creator of Vedas he is the symbol of knowledge. By praying him one can have the best knowledge. If a student prays he or she can be the best in their studies and they will establish their skills. Out of his 10 hands, the first right hand is the blessing hand. The second right hand is adorned with an axe to cut off the sins and the evil spirits of his devotees. The third right hand is adorned with a knife to cut off the enemies and agyanam [foolishness] of his devotees. His fourth right hand is adorned with a double headed trisulam [two three headed weapons kept in opposite directions]. His fifth right hand is adorned with a trisulam. His fifth left hand is adorned with a curved stick to pull the hearts and minds of his devotees towards him. The fourth left hand is adorned with a fire torch to remove the darkness and lack of knowledge. His third left hand is adorned with a bell to inform his arrival. His second left hand is adorned with a rope to tie the enemies of his devotees. His first left hand is adorned with a snake to bite the evil spirits of his devotees. By praying them we can become the best in our field and we will be the best leader.
As seen earlier Lord Shiva is having five faces. The top face and the first face is Easaana moorthy. He is the creator of SamaVeda and music. Those who wish to establish their name in the field of music and fine arts should pray this deity. In this shape Lord Shiva is having five faces and ten hands. The first right hand is the blessing hand. The second right hand is adorned with trisulam. The third right hand is adorned with a garland made of rudraksha to denote the knowledge and meditating skills. The fourth right hand is adorned with a curved stick to pull the heart and minds of his devotees towards him. The fifth right hand is adorned with an axe to cut off the sins and evil spirits of his devotees. The fifth left hand is adorned with a small drum like musical instrument which is called as “Damarukam” in Sanskrit and in Tamil it is called as “udukkai” and a snake is used as the handle of the instrument. The fourth left hand is adorned with a rope to tie the enemies of his devotees. The third left hand is adorned with a bunch of palm leaves called as “suvadi” in Tamil to show the knowledge and wisdom. The second left hand is adorned with a skull to frighten the enemies of his devotees. The first left hand is the giving hand. As he is having a bunch of palm leaves to show the knowledge and wisdom, he is the best deity for the students to gain the best knowledge. If a student worships this deity it is sure that the student will be the best in education, knowledge and wisdom.
As seen earlier Lord Shiva is having five faces. Thath purusha is the east facing face. He guards us in the eastern side. In this shape he is having four hands and four faces. His color is golden yellow. His first right hand is the blessing hand. The second right hand is adorned with an axe to cut the sins and evil spirits of his devotees. His second left hand is adorned with a bunch of palm leaves which are called as “suvdi” in Tamil. The first left hand is the giving hand. As he is in charge of the knowledge and wisdom, if we pray him we will have a very good knowledge and wisdom. As he is a guard, we can have the best security and we can come across all the evil spirits from the eastern side. As he is the creator of Sama Veda, he is the best for the people who wish to earn name and fame in the field of music and SamaVeda.
As seen earlier Lord Shiva is having five faces. Agora moorthy is the south facing face. He guards us in the southern side. In this shape he is having four faces and eight hands. In his first right hand his having a trisulam [a three faced weapon]. His second right hand is adorned with an axe to cut off the sins and evil spirits of his devotees. His third right hand is adorned with a garland made or rudraksha which is the best for meditation. His fourth right hand is adorned with a curved stick to pull the hearts of his devotees to his side. His fourth left hand is adorned with a rope to tie the evil spirits of his devotees. His third left hand is adorned with a bunch of palm leaves which are called as “suvadi” in Tamil. His second left hand is adorned with drum like musical instrument called as “damarukam” in Sanskrit and “udukkai” in Tamil. His first left hand is adorned with a skull to frighten the enemies of his devotees. As he is the creator of Atharva Veda, he is the best for atharva Veda and tantric practitioners. As he is having “suvadi” in his hand we can have a very good knowledge and wisdom.
As seen earlier Lord Shiva is having five faces. The west facing face is called Vamadeva moorthy. He guards us in the north side. He is yellow color. In this shape he is having four faces and four hands. His first right hand is the blessing hand. His second right hand is adorned with an axe to cut off the sins and evil spirits of his devotees. His second left hand is adorned with a garland made of rudraksha which is the best for meditation. His first left hand is the giving hand. As he is the creator of Rig Veda, Vedic pundits should prey this Lord to show and establish their skills and talents. Those who wish to have the best meditation skills
should pray this deity.
We will discuss about some more of Lord Shiva’s forms in the next issue.
Om Namashivaya Om Namashivaya Om Namashivaya
Eka Vilvam Shivarpanam
Vilva is a tree. The leaves of the tree are called vilva leaves. Lord Shiva is pleased with the prayers using vilva leaves. Bringing baskets of flowers and offering the same for the archana in the temples are the regular custom used everywhere. Lord Shiva is known for his profound gracefulness towards his devotees. He is pleased, with just only one leaf of ‘Vilva’ and grants boons to his devotees. Lord Shiva kind-heartedly blesses his devotees and fulfills their ambitions. For those who need good jobs, promotions, and any development in their careers they have to worship the Lord Shiva in the form of “Sukashna Moorthy”. The beginning of the name is explaining the comfort and happiness. Peacefulness is at the atmosphere where Lord Shiva appears. The face is adoring with gracefulness and genorousity.
Lord Shiva is the deity with the name “Pranatharthihara”. True meaning for this title is the savior of his devotees. People are used to attend the prayers every day. Due to their busy moments and tight engagements, they are unable to schedule long time for prayers. So the practice to chant the Mantras is disturbed. Many of the sages have guided us to chant in a simplified form “Om Shivaya Namaha”.
Sukashna Moorthy to be worshipped by all the members of the family. Specifically the ladies engaged in the domestic routines. And also for those who are awaiting for good education and proper appointments. It will be helpful to the circle of profession and business. The name sukashna is combined with Sugam and Asana. Sukam means pleasure and Ashana means the place of comfort. Asana is involved for, firm and right status of sitting. To be steady and to have positive improvement the devotees have to pray the Lord with the ‘Manthra’ given above.
Lord Shiva and Lord Maha Vishnu Happened to meet each other in their avatars and incornatins. In one of the event, Hiranya Kasibu a notable demon King secured several boons from Lord Brahma. Lord Brahma was the creator of the worlds stars and universe. All kinds of living beings were also created by him. For living, one should eat food. For that purpose, the duty went to the hands of Lord Maha Vishnu. If all the living beings happen to stay permanently, then there could be no space and only the births would be filling up to cover the world. So, the destruction of all the beings were also needed. Lord Shiva accepted that job. Therefore, the creator and the accommodator and destructor were the three charges under taken by Lords Brahma Maha Vishnu and Shiva respectively.
Lord Brahma gave the boons to Hiranya Kasibu as he asked. Boon related to his life and age. His opinion was to live forever with out death and that he preferred that no one could put an end to his life, either by man or by Divine. He specified that neither in daytime nor at nighttime should the death occur to him. The condition was further claimed that it should not be through animal, birds or reptiles. In both earth and heaven, the death should not reach him. He had composed for himself all the measures in the boon and wanted to live as a sole authority for all the worlds including Divine Land.
He had restricted every one worshipping Lord Shiva and Lord MahaVishnu. He inducted his name ‘Hiranya’ in the manthras and prayers. Instead “Om Namo Narayana” the prayer for Lord Maha Vishnu, he compelled to worship as “Om Namo Hiranyaya Nama”. His atrocious actions were boundless and no one lived with happiness. Lord Maha Vishnu was requested by the Divines and sages to put an end to this arrogant giant. Lord Maha Vishnu promised them to do the essential remedies. As per the proceedings, ‘Prahalad’ a male child born to “Hiranya Kasibu”. From the beginning, that child behaved as devotee to Lord Maha Vishnu. When the boy grew, he was sent to the Gurukulam, the residing school for studies. The teacher began to teach him the manthra “Om Hiranyaya Namaha”.
However, the boy boldly expressed the manthra of Sri Narayana as “Om Namo Narayana”. The adament nature of the boy was brought to the knowledge of king ‘Hiranya Kasibu’. He punished the boy, by sending the ‘Elephant’ to crush him at the soils of ground. However, the animal did no harm to him and returned. The Boy was brought inside the palace. King Hiranya asked the Boy “Who is Narayan and where is he?” The Boy told to his father that “The Lord dwells in the pillar of palace as well in every dust surrounded”.
Hiranya got angry and went near the pillar and gave a forceful kick upon the pillar. As a strange and miraculous appearance, a big body of a lion with the legs of a human came out ferociously from the pillar. It was not day or night. It was evening. The hands were four in number, the flying wheel of Maha Vishnu (Sudharshan) and the conch “Pancha Janya” were in the upper hands and the body was streaking ahead to the sky. It was not earth or heaven. In the mid place, the lion faced strange being lifted the king Hiranya. The stomach of Hiranya was torn and the blood was streaming down in huge quantity. The anger of the lion was not over even after killing Hiranya Kasibu. As per boon the death was not through animal or reptile. It was partially a lion with other part as man. Time was not the day or night. It was evening. Therefore, the ferocious manner of lion Faced “Narsimha moorthy” could not interfered by any one. The temper and mood in the victorious from “Narasimha Moorthy” started roaring and the sound spread over the world to face the stage of destruction. In order to save the world from danger Lord Shiva, wanted to divert the attention of Narasinga Moorthy and bring down to the observation of normalcy. “Narasimha” means, ‘Nara’ denotes the human and simha denotes animal. Simha means lion. So, it was a combined avathar of man and animal. Lord Shiva turned as a bird with horrible beak, extended the shape to the hight of the sky, and stood before “Narasimha”. For a moment, the lion faced Narasimha astonished to look a very big bird with terrifying nature. Of course there took place no quarrel, but, Lord Maha Vishnu in the from of “Narasimha Moorthy” came down to the normalcy and attained to the atmosphere of piece. This is what needed at that juncture. The killing of the demon king was over and the Lord Narasimha Moorthi and Sarabeswara (Lord Shiva in the form of Bird) blessed the human beings and the divines. Prahalatha the son of the Demon king fell at the feet of both Lords Maha Vishnu and Lord Shiva and got their blessings.
In the world if any one is fearful to oppose a big person for a noble cause, the prayer to Sri Sarabeswara will be helpful. The proper way and plan will be blessed to the devotee who can claim for justice and win the event. “Om Sri Sarabeswaraya Namaha” for prayer, one leaf of vilva will derive the purpose. “Eka Vilvam Shivarpanam”.
Karma & Vedic Astrology
Karma is the law of moral causation. The theory of Karma is a fundamental doctrine in Buddhism. This belief was prevalent in India before the advent of the Buddha. Nevertheless, it was the Buddha who explained and formulated this doctrine in the complete form in which we have it today. What is the cause of the inequality that exists among mankind? Why should one person be brought up in the lap of luxury, endowed with fine mental, moral and physical qualities, and another in absolute poverty, steeped in misery? Why should one person be a mental prodigy, and another an idiot? Why should one person be born with saintly characteristics and another with criminal tendencies? Why should some be linguistic, artistic, mathematically inclined, or musical from the very cradle? Why should others be congenitally blind, deaf, or deformed? Why should some be blessed, and others cursed from their births? Either this inequality of mankind has a cause, or it is purely accidental.
No sensible person would think of attributing this unevenness, this inequality, and this diversity to blind chance or pure accident. In this world nothing happens to a person that he does not for some reason or other deserve. Usually, men of ordinary intellect cannot comprehend the actual reason or reasons. The definite invisible cause or causes of the visible effect is not necessarily confined to the present life, they may be traced to a proximate or remote past birth. According to Buddhism, this inequality is due not only to heredity, environment, “nature and nurture”, but also to Karma. In other words, it is the result of our own past actions and our own present doings. We ourselves are responsible for our own happiness and misery. We create our own Heaven. We create our own Hell. We are the architects of our own fate.
Perplexed by the seemingly inexplicable, apparent disparity that existed among humanity, a young truth-seeker approached the Buddha and questioned him regarding this intricate problem of inequality:
“What is the cause, what is the reason, O Lord,” questioned he, “that we find amongst mankind the short-lived and long-lived, the healthy and the diseased, the ugly and beautiful, those lacking influence and the powerful, the poor and the rich, the low-born and the high-born, and the ignorant and the wise?”
The Buddha’s reply was:
“All living beings have actions (Karma) as their own, their inheritance, their congenital cause, their kinsman, their refuge. It is Karma that differentiates beings into low and high states.” He then explained the cause of such differences in accordance with the law of cause and effect.
Certainly we are born with hereditary characteristics. At the same time we possess certain innate abilities that science cannot adequately account for. To our parents we are indebted for the gross sperm and ovum that form the nucleus of this so-called being. They remain dormant within each parent until this potential germinal compound is vitalised by the karmic energy needed for the production of the foetus. Karma is therefore the indispensable conceptive cause of this being. The accumulated karmic tendencies, inherited in the course of previous lives, at times play a far greater role than the hereditary parental cells and genes in the formation of both physical and mental characteristics.
The Buddha, for instance, inherited, like every other person, the reproductive cells and genes from his parents. But physically, morally and intellectually there was none comparable to him in his long line of Royal ancestors. In the Buddha’s own words, he belonged not to the Royal lineage, but to that of the Aryan Buddhas. He was certainly a superman, an extraordinary creation of his own Karma. According to the Lakkhana Sutta of Digha Nikaya, the Buddha inherited exceptional features, such as the 32 major marks, as the result of his past meritorious deeds. The ethical reason for acquiring each physical feature is clearly explained in the Sutta. It is obvious from this unique case that karmic tendencies could not only influence our physical organism, but also nullify the potentiality of the parental cells and genes – hence the significance of the Buddha’s enigmatic statement, – “We are the heirs of our own actions.” Dealing with this problem of variation, the Atthasalini, being a commentary on the Abhidharma, states:
“Depending on this difference in Karma appears the differences in the birth of beings, high and low, base and exalted, happy and miserable. Depending on the difference in
Karma appears the difference in the individual features of beings as beautiful and ugly, high-born or low born, well-built or deformed. Depending on the difference in Karma appears the difference in worldly conditions of beings, such as gain and loss, and disgrace, blame and praise, happiness and misery.” Thus, from a Buddhist point of view, our present mental, moral intellectual and temperamental differences are, for the most part, due to our own actions and tendencies, both past and present. Although Buddhism attributes this variation to Karma, as being the chief cause among a variety, it does not, however, assert that everything is due to Karma. The law of Karma, important as it is, is only one of the twenty-four conditions described in Buddhist Philosophy. Refuting the erroneous view that “whatsoever fortune or misfortune experienced is all due to some previous action”, the Buddha said: ”So, then, according to this view, owing to previous action men will become murderers, thieves, unchaste, liars, slanderers, covetous, malicious and perverts. Thus, for those who fall back on the former deeds as the essential reason, there is neither the desire to do, nor effort to do, nor necessity to do this deed, or abstain from this deed.” It was this important text, which states the belief that all physical circumstances and mental attitudes spring solely from past Karma that Buddha contradicted. If the present life is totally conditioned or wholly controlled by our past actions, then certainly Karma is tantamount to fatalism or determinism or predestination.
If this were true, free will would be an absurdity. Life would be purely mechanistic, not much different from a machine. Being created by an Almighty God who controls our destinies and predetermines our future, or being produced by an irresistible Karma that completely determines our fate and controls our life’s course, independent of any free action on our part, is essentially the same. The only difference lies in the two words God and Karma. One could easily be substituted for the other, because the ultimate operation of both forces would be identical.
Such a fatalistic doctrine is not the Buddhist law of Karma. According to Buddhism, there are five orders or processes (niyama) which operate in the physical and mental realms.
They are:
Utu Niyama
physical inorganic order, e.g. seasonal phenomena of winds and rains. The unerring order of seasons, characteristic seasonal changes and events, causes of winds and rains, nature of heat, etc., all belong to this group.
Bija Niyama
order of germs and seeds (physical organic order), e.g. rice produced from rice-seed, sugary taste from sugar-cane or honey, peculiar characteristics of certain fruits, etc. The scientific theory of cells and genes and the physical similarity of twins may be ascribed to this order.
Karma Niyama
order of act and result, e.g., desirable and undesirable acts produce corresponding good and bad results. As surely as water seeks its own level so does Karma, given opportunity, produce its inevitable result, not in the form of a reward or punishment but as an innate sequence. This sequence of deed and effect is as natural and necessary as the way of the sun and the moon.
Dhamma Niyama
order of the norm, e.g., the natural phenomena occurring at the advent of a Bodhisattva in his last birth. Gravitation and other similar laws of nature. The natural reason for being good and so forth, may be included in this group
Citta Niyama
order or mind or psychic law, e.g., processes of consciousness, arising and perishing of consciousness, constituents of consciousness, power of mind, etc., including telepathy, telaesthesia, retro-cognition, premonition, clairvoyance, clairaudience, thought-reading and such other psychic phenomena which are inexplicable to modern science. Every mental or physical phenomenon could be explained by these all-embracing five orders or processes which are laws in themselves. Karma as such is only one of these five orders. Like all other natural laws they demand no lawgiver.
Of these five, the physical inorganic order and the order of the norm are more or less mechanistic, though they can be controlled to some extent by human ingenuity and the power of mind. For example, fire normally burns, and extreme cold freezes, but man has walked scathe less over fire and meditated naked on Himalayan snows; horticulturists have worked marvels with flowers and fruits;
Yogis have performed levitation. Psychic law is equally mechanistic, but Buddhist training aims at control of mind, which is possible by right understanding and skilful volition. Karma law operates quite automatically and, when the Karma is powerful, man cannot interfere with its inexorable result though he may desire to do so; but here also right understanding and skilful volition can accomplish much and mould the future. Good Karma, persisted in, can thwart the reaping of bad Karma, or as some Western scholars prefer to say ‘action influence’, is certainly an intricate law whose working is fully comprehended only by a Buddha. The Buddhist aims at the final destruction of all Karma.
The Pali term Karma literally means action or doing. Any kind of intentional action whether mental, verbal, or physical, is regarded as Karma. It covers all that is included in the phrase “thought, word and deed”. Generally speaking, all good and bad action constitutes Karma. In its ultimate sense Karma means all moral and immoral volition. Involuntary, unintentional or unconscious actions, though technically deeds, do not constitute Karma, because volition, the most important factor in determining Karma, is absent.
The Buddha says:
“I declare, O Bhikkhus, that volition is Karma. Having willed one acts by body, speech, and thought.”
Every volitional action of individuals, save those of Buddhas and Arahants, is called Karma. The exception made in their case is because they are delivered from both good and evil; they have eradicated ignorance and craving, the roots of Karma.”Destroyed are their germinal seeds (Khina bija); selfish desires no longer grow,” states the Ratana Sutta of Sutta nipata. This does not mean that the Buddha and Arahantas are passive. They are tirelessly active in working for the real well being and happiness of all. Their deeds ordinarily accepted as good or moral, lack creative power as regards themselves. Understanding things as they truly are, they have finally shattered their cosmic fetters – the chain of cause and effect.
Karma does not necessarily mean past actions. It embraces both past and present deeds. Hence in one sense, we are the result of what we were; we will be the result of what we are. In another sense, it should be added, we are not totally the result of what we were; we will not absolutely be the result of what we are. The present is no doubt the offspring of the past and is the present of the future, but the present is not always a true index of either the past or the future; so complex is the working of Karma. It is this doctrine of Karma that the mother teaches her child when she says “Be good and you will be happy and we will love you; but if you are bad, you will be unhappy and we will not love you.” In short, Karma is the law of cause and effect in the ethical realm. Karma is action, and Vipaka, fruit or result, is its reaction.
Just as every object is accompanied by a shadow, even so every volitional activity is inevitably accompanied by its due effect. Karma is like potential seed: Vipaka could be likened to the fruit arising from the tree – the effect or result. Anisamsa and Adinaya are the leaves, flowers and so forth that correspond to external differences such as health, sickness and poverty – these are inevitable consequences, which happen at the same time. Strictly speaking, both Karma and Vipaka pertain to the mind. As Karma may be good or bad, so may Vipaka, – the fruit – is good or bad.
As Karma is mental so Vipaka is mental (of the mind). It is experienced as happiness, bliss, unhappiness or misery, according to the nature of the Karma seed. Anisamsa are the concomitant advantages – material things such as prosperity, health and longevity. When Vipaka’s concomitant material things are disadvantageous, they are known as Adinaya, full of wretchedness, and appear as poverty, ugliness, disease, short life-span and so forth. As we sow, we reap somewhere and sometime, in his life or in a future birth. What we reap today is what we have sown either in the present or in the past.
The Samyutta Nikaya states:
“According to the seed that’s sown,
So is the fruit you reap there from,
Doer of good will gather good,
Doer of evil, evil reaps,
Down is the seed and thou shalt taste
The fruit thereof.”
Karma is a law in itself, which operates in its own field without the intervention of any external, independent ruling agency. Happiness and misery, which are the common lot of humanity, are the inevitable effects of causes. From a Buddhist point of view, they are not rewards and punishments, assigned by a supernatural, omniscient ruling power to a soul that has done good or evil. Theists, who attempt to explain everything in this and temporal life and in the eternal future life, ignoring a past, believe in a ‘postmortem’ justice, and may regard present happiness and misery as blessings and curses conferred on His creation by an omniscient and omnipotent Divine Ruler who sits in heaven above controlling the destinies of the human race. Buddhism, which emphatically denies such an Almighty, All merciful God-Creator and an arbitrarily created immortal soul, believes in natural law and justice which cannot be suspended by either an Almighty God or an All-compassionate Buddha. According to this natural law, acts bear their own rewards and punishments to the individual doer whether human justice finds out or not. There are some who criticize thus: “So, you Buddhists, too, administer capitalistic opium to the people, saying: “You are born poor in this life on account of your past evil karma. He is born rich on account of his good Karma.
So, be satisfied with your humble lot; but do good to be rich in your next life. You are being oppressed now because of your past evil Karma. There is your destiny. Be humble and bear your sufferings patiently. Do good now. You can be certain of a better and happier life after death.”
The Buddhist doctrine of Karma does not expound such ridiculous fatalistic views. Nor does it vindicate a postmortem justice. The All-Merciful Buddha, who had no ulterior selfish motives, did not teach this law of Karma to protect the rich and comfort the poor by promising illusory happiness in an after-life. While we are born to a state created by ourselves, yet by our own self-directed efforts there is every possibility for us to create new, favorable environments even here and now. Not only individually, but also, collectively, we are at liberty to create fresh Karma that leads either towards our progress or downfall in this very life. According to the Buddhist doctrine of Karma, one is not always compelled by an ‘iron necessity’, for Karma is neither fate, nor predestination imposed upon us by some mysterious unknown power to which we must helplessly submit ourselves. It is one’s own doing reacting on oneself, and so one has the possibility to divert the course of one’s Karma to some extent. How far one diverts it depends on oneself. Is one bound to reap all that one has sown in just proportion?
The Buddha provides an answer:
“If anyone says that a man or woman must reap in this life according to his present deeds, in that case there is no religious life, nor is an opportunity afforded for the entire extinction of sorrow. But if anyone says that what a man or woman reaps in this and future lives accords with his or her deeds present and past, in that case there is a religious life, and an opportunity is afforded for the entire extinction of a sorrow.” (Anguttara Nikaya)
Although it is stated in the Dhammapada that “not in the sky, nor in mid-ocean, or entering a mountain cave is found that place on earth where one may escape from (the consequences of) an evil deed”, yet one is not bound to pay all the past arrears of one’s Karma. If such were the case emancipation would be impossibility. Eternal recurrence would be the unfortunate result. Ignorance (avijja), or not knowing things as they truly are, is the chief cause of Karma. Dependent on ignorance arise activities (avijja paccaya samkhara) states the Buddha in the Paticca Samuppada (Dependent Origination).
Associated with ignorance is the ally craving (tanha), the other root of Karma. Evil actions are conditioned by these two causes. All good deeds of a worldling (putthujana), though associated with the three wholesome roots of generosity (alobha), goodwill (adosa) and knowledge (amoha), are nevertheless regarded as Karma because the two roots of ignorance and craving are dormant in him. The moral types of Supramundane Path Consciousness (magga citta) are not regarded as Karma because they tend to eradicate the two root causes.
Who is the doer of Karma?
Who reaps the fruit of Karma?
Does Karma mould a soul?
In answering these subtle questions, the Venerable Buddhaghosa writes in the Visuddhi Magga:
“No doer is there who does the deed;
Nor is there one who feels the fruit;
Constituent parts alone roll on;
This indeed! Is right discernment.”
For instance, the table we see is apparent reality. In an ultimate sense the so-called table consists of forces and qualities. For ordinary purposes a scientist would use the term water, but in the laboratory he would say H 20.
In this same way, for conventional purposes, such terms as man, woman, being, self, and so forth are used. The so-called fleeting forms consist of psychophysical phenomena, which are constantly changing not remaining the same for two consecutive moments.
Buddhists, therefore, do not believe in an unchanging entity, in an actor apart from action, in a perceiver apart from perception, in a conscious subject behind consciousness. Who then, is the doer of Karma? Who experiences the effect?
Volition, or Will (tetana), is itself the doer, Feeling (vedana) is itself the reaper of the fruits of actions. Apart from these pure mental states (suddhadhamma) there is no-one to sow and no-one to reap. With respect to different functions, Karma is classified into four kinds:
Every birth is conditioned by a past good or bad karma, which predominated at the moment of death. Karma that conditions the future birth is called Reproductive Karma. The death of a person is merely ‘a temporary end of a temporary phenomenon’. Though the present form perishes, another form which is neither the same nor absolutely different takes its place, according to the potential thought-vibration generated at the death moment, because the Karmic force which propels the life-flux still survives. It is this last thought, which is technically called Reproductive(janaka) Karma, that determines the state of a person in his subsequent birth. This may be either a good or bad Karma. According to the Commentary, Reproductive Karma is that which produces mental aggregates and material aggregates at the moment of conception. The initial consciousness, which is termed the patisandhi rebirth consciousness, is conditioned by this Reproductive (janaka) Karma. Simultaneous with the arising of the rebirth-consciousness, there arise the ‘body-decad’, ‘sex-decad’ and ‘base-decad’ (kaya-bhavavatthu dasakas). (decad = 10 factors).
(a) The body-decad is composed of:
The element of extension (pathavi).
The element of cohesion (apo).
The element of heat (tajo).
The element of motion (vayo).
(b) The four derivatives (upadana rupa):
Colour (vanna).
Odour (gandha).
Taste (rasa).
Nutritive Essence (oja)
These eight (mahabhuta 4 + upadana 4 = 8) are collectively called Avinibhoga Rupa (indivisable form or indivisable matter).
(c) Vitality (jivitindriya) and Body (kaya)
These (avinibhoga 8 + jivitindriya 1 + Kaya 1 = 10) ten are collectively called “Body-decad” =(Kaya dasaka).
Sex-decad and Base-decad also consist of the first nine, sex (bhava) and seat of consciousness(vathu) respectively (i.e. eye, ear, nose, tongue, and body).
From this, it is evident that the sex of a person is determined at the very conception of a being. It is conditioned by Karma and is not a fortuitous combination of sperm and ovum cells. The Pain and Happiness one experiences in the course of one’s lifetime are the inevitable consequence of Reproductive Karma.
That which comes near the Reproductive (janaka) Kamma and supports it. It is neither good nor bad and it assists or maintains the action of the Reproductive (janaka) Karma in the course of one’s lifetime. Immediately after conception till the death moment this Karma steps forward to support the Reproductive Karma. A moral supportive (kusala upathambhaka) Karma assists in giving health, wealth, happiness etc. to the being born with a moral Reproductive Karma. An immoral supportive Karma, on the other hand, assists in giving pain, sorrow, etc. to the being born with an immoral reproductive(akusala janaka) Karma, as for instance to a beast of burden.
Which, unlike the former, tends to weaken, interrupt and retard the fruition of the Reproductive Karma. For instance, a person born with a good Reproductive Karma may be subject to various ailments etc., thus preventing him from enjoying the blissful results of his good actions. An animal, on the other hand, who is born with a bad Reproductive Karma may lead a comfortable life by getting good food, lodging, etc., as a result of his good counteractive or obstructive (upabidaka) Karma preventing the fruition of the evil Reproductive Karma.
According to the law of Karma the potential energy of the Reproductive Karma could be nullified by a mere powerful opposing Karma of the past, which, seeking an opportunity, may quite unexpectedly operate, just as a powerful counteractive force can obstruct the path of a flying arrow and bring it down to the ground. Such an action is called Destructive (upaghataka) Karma, which is more effective than the previous two in that it is not only obstructive but also destroys the whole force. This Destructive Karma also may be either good or bad. As an instance of operation of all the four, the case of Devadatta, who attempted to kill the Buddha and who caused a schism in the Sangha (disciples of the Buddha) may be cited. His good Reproductive Karma brought him birth in a royal family. His continued comfort and prosperity were due to the action of the Supportive Karma. The Counteractive or Obstructive Karma came into operation when he was subject to much humiliation as a result of his being excommunicated from the Sangha. Finally the Destructive Karma brought his life to a miserable end.
(B) There is another classification of Karma, according to the priority of effect:
This is either weighty or serious – may be either good or bad. It produces its results in this life or in the next for certain. If good, it is purely mental as in the case of Jhana (ecstasy or absorption). Otherwise it is verbal or bodily. On the Immoral side, there are five immediate effective heinous crimes(pancanantariya karma): Matricide, Patricide, and the murder of an Arahant, the wounding of a Buddha and the creation of a schism in the Sangha. Permanent Scepticism (Niyata Micchaditthi) is also termed one of the Weighty (garuka) Karmas.
If, for instance, any person were to develop the jhana (ecstasy or absorption) and later were to commit one of these heinous crimes, his good Karma would be obliterated by the powerful evil Karma. His subsequent birth would be conditioned by the evil Karma in spite of his having gained the jhana earlier. Devadatta lost his psychic power and was born in an evil state, because he wounded the Buddha and caused a schism in the Sangha. King Ajatasattu would have attained the first stage of Sainthood (Sotapanna) if he had not committed patricide. In this case the powerful evil Karma acted as an obstacle to his gaining Sainthood.
This is that which one does or remembers immediately before the moment of dying. Owing to the great part it plays in determining the future birth, much importance is attained to this deathbed (asanna) Karma in almost all Buddhist countries. The customs of reminding the dying man of good deeds and making him do good acts on his deathbed still prevails in Buddhist countries. Sometimes a bad person may die happily and receive a good birth if he remembers or does a good act at the last moment. A story runs that a certain executioner who casually happened to give some alms to the Venerable Sariputta remembered this good act at the dying moment and was born in a state of bliss. This does not mean that although he enjoys a good birth he will be exempt from the effects of the evil deeds which he accumulated during his lifetime. They will have there due effect as occasions arise. At times a good person may die unhappy by suddenly remembering an evil act of his or by harboring some unpleasant thought, perchance compelled by unfavorable circumstances. In the scriptures, Queen Mallika, the consort of King Kosala, remembering a lie she had uttered, suffered for about seven days in a state of misery when she lied to her husband to cover some misbehavior.
These are exceptional cases. Such reverse changes of birth account for the birth of virtuous children to vicious parents and of vicious children to virtuous parents. As a
result of the last thought moment being conditioned by the general conduct of the person.
It is that which on habitually performs and recollects and for which one has a great liking. Habits whether good or bad becomes ones second nature, tending to form the character of a person. At unguarded moments one often lapses into one’s habitual mental mindset. In the same way, at the death-moment, unless influenced by other circumstances, one usually recalls to mind one’s habitual deeds. Cunda, a butcher, who was living in the vicinity of the Buddha’s monastery, died yelling like an animal because he was earning his living by slaughtering pigs. King Dutthagamini of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) was in the habit of giving alms to the Bhikkhus (monks) before he took his own meals. It was his habitual Karma that gladdened him at the dying moment and gave him birth in the Tusita heaven.
This literally means ‘because done’. All actions that are not included in the aforementioned and those actions soon forgotten belong to this category. This is, as it were the reserve fund of a particular being.
(C) There is another classification of Karma according to the time in which effects are worked out:
Immediately Effective (ditthadhammavedaniya) Karma.
Subsequently Effective (uppapajjavedaniya) Karma.
Indefinitely Effective (aparapariyavedaniya) Karma.
Defunct or Ineffective (ahosi) Karma.
Immediately Effective Karma is that which is experienced in this present life. According to the Abhidhamma one does both good and evil during the javana process (thought-impulsion), which usually lasts for seven thought-moments. The effect of the first thought-moment, being the weakest, one may reap in this life itself. This is called the Immediately Effective Karma.
If it does not operate in this life, it is called ‘Defunct or Ineffective’ Karma.
The next weakest is the seventh thought-moment. Its effect one may reap in the subsequence birth. This is called ‘Subsequently Effective’ Karma.
This, too, is called Defunct or Ineffective Karma if it does not operate in the second birth. The effect of the intermediate thought-moments may take place at any time until one attains Nibbana. This type of Karma is known as ‘Indefinitely Effective’ Karma.
No one, not even the Buddhas and Arahantas, is exempt from this class of Karma which one may experience in the course of one’s wandering in Samsara. There is no special class of Karma known as Defunct or Ineffective, but when such actions that should produce their effects in this life or in a subsequent life do not operate, they are termed Defunct or Ineffective Karma.
(D) The last classification of Karma is according to the plane in which the effect takes place, namely:
Evil Actions (akusala kamma) which may ripen in the sentient planes (kammaloka). (Six celestial planes plus one human plane plus four woeful planes = eleven kamaloka planes.) Here are only four woeful kamalokas.
Good Actions (kusala kamma) which may ripen in the sentient planes except for the four woeful planes.
Good Actions (kusala kamma) which may ripen in the Realm of Form (rupa brahamalokas). There are four Arupa Brahma Lokas.
Question: Do the Karmas of parents determine or affect the Karmas of their children?
Answer: Physically, the Karma of children is generally determined by the Karma of their parents. Thus, healthy parents usually have healthy offspring, and unhealthy parents have unhealthy children. On the effect or how the Karma of their children is determined: the child’s Karma is a thing apart of itself – it forms the child’s individuality, the sum-total of its merits and demerits accumulated in innumerable past existences. For example, the Karma of the Buddha-to-be, Prince Siddhartha was certainly not influenced by the joint Karma of his parents, King Suddhodana and Queen Maya. The glorious and powerful Karma of our Buddha-to-be transcended the Karma of his parents which jointly were more potent than his own.
Question: If the Karma of parents do not influence those of their children, how would the fact be explained that parents who suffer from certain virulent diseases are apt to transmit these evils to their offspring?
Answer: Where a child inherits such a disease it is due to the force of the parents’ characteristics because of the force of the latter’s Utu (conditions favorable to germination). Take, for example, two seeds from a sapling; plant one in inferior, dry soil; and the other in rich, moist soil. The result is that the first seed will sprout into a sickly sapling and soon show symptoms of disease and decay; while the other seed will thrive and flourish and grow up to be a tall and healthy tree. It will be observed that the pair of seeds taken from the same stock grows up differently according to the soil into which they are put. A child’s past Karma may be compared to the seed: the physical disposition of the mother to the soil; and that of the father to the moisture, which fertilized the soil. Roughly speaking, to illustrate our subject, we will say that, representing the sapling’s germination, growth, and existence as a unit, the seed is responsible for one-tenth of them, the soil for six-tenths, and the moisture for the remainder, three-tenths.
Thus, although the power of germination exists potentially in the seed (the child), its growth is powerfully determined and quickened by the soil (the mother) and the moisture (the father). Therefore, even as the conditions of the soil and moisture must be taken as largely responsible factors in the growth and condition of the tree. So must the influences of the parents (or progenitors, as in the case of the animal world) be taken into account in respect to the conception and growth of their offspring? The parents’ share in the Karma determining the physical factors of their issue is as follows: If they are human beings, then their offspring will be a human being. If they are cattle then their issue must be of their species. If the human being is Chinese, then their offspring must be of their race. Thus, the offspring are invariably of the same genera and species, etc., as those of the progenitors. It will be seen from the above that, although a child’s Karma is very powerful in itself, if cannot remain wholly uninfluenced by those of it parents. It is apt to inherit the physical characteristic of its parents. Yet, it may occur that the child’s Karma, being superlatively powerful, the influence of the parent’s joint Karma cannot overshadow it. Of course, it need hardly be pointed out that the evil influences of parents can also be counteracted by the application of medical science.
All beings born of sexual cohabitation are the resultant effects of three forces:
The old Karma of past existence;
The seminal fluid of the mother, and
The seminal fluid of the father.
The physical dispositions of the parents may, or may not, be equal in force. One may counteract the other to a lesser or greater extent. The child’s Karma and physical characteristics, such as race, color, etc., will be the produce of the three forces.
Question: On the death of a sentient being, is there a ‘soul’ that wanders about at will?
Answer: When a sentient being leaves one existence, it is reborn either as a human being, a celestial being, (Deva or Brahama), and inferior animal, or a denizen of one of the regions of hell. The sceptics and the ignorant people held that there are intermediate stages – antrabhava – between these; and that there are being who are neither of the human, the celestial, the Deva or the Brahma worlds nor of any one of the stages of exist recognised in the scriptures – but are in an intermediate stage. Some assert that these transitional stages are possessed of the Five Khandhas (Five Aggregates: they are Matter (rupa); Feeling (vedana); Perception(sanna); 4. Mental-activities (sankhara); and Consciousness (vinnana).
Some assert that these beings are detached ‘souls’ or spirits with no material encasement, and some again, that they are possessed of the faculty of seeing like Devas, and further, that they have power of changing at will, at short intervals, from one to any of the existence mentioned above.
Others again hold the fantastic and erroneous theory that these beings can, and so, fancy themselves to be in other than the existence they are actually in. Thus, to take for example one such of these suppositious beings. He is a poor person – and yet he fancies himself to be rich. He may be in hell – and yet he fancies himself to be in the land of the Devas, and so on. This belief in intermediate stages between existences is false, and is condemned in the Buddhist teachings. A human being in this life who, by his Karma is destined to be a human being in the next, will be reborn as such; one who by his Karma is destined to be a Deva in the next will be appear in the land of the Devas; and one whose future life is to be in Hell, will be found in one of the regions of hell in the next existence.
The idea of an entity or soul or spirit ‘going’, ‘coming’, ‘changing’ or ‘transmigrating’ from one existence to another is an idea entertained by the ignorance and materialistic, and is certainly not justified by the Dhammas that there is no such thing as ‘going’, ‘coming’, ‘changing’, etc., as between existences. The conception, which is in accordance with the Dhamma, may perhaps be illustrated by the picture thrown out by a cinema projector, or the sound of emitted by the gramophone, and their relation to the film or the sound-box and records respectively. For example, a human being dies and is reborn in the land of Devas.
Though these two existences are different, yet the link or continuity between the two at death is unbroken in point of time. The same is true in the case of a man whose further existence is to be in hell. The distance between Hell and the abode of man appears to be great. Yet, in point of time, the continuity of ‘passage’ from the one existence to the other is unbroken, and no intervening matter or space can interrupt the trend of a man’s Karma from the world of human beings to the regions of Hell. The ‘passage’ from one existence to another is instantaneous, and the transition is infinitely quicker than the blink of an eyelid or a lightening-flash. Karma determines the realm of rebirth and the state of existence in that realm of all transient being (in the cycle of existences, which have to be traversed till the attainment, at last, of Nibbana). The results of Karma are manifold, and may be affected in many ways. Religious offerings (dana) may obtain for a man the privilege of rebirth as a human being, or as a deva, in one of the six deva worlds according to the degree of the merit of the deeds performed, and so with the observance of religious duties (sila).
The jhanas or states of absorption, are found in the Brahma world or Brahmalokas up to the summit, the twentieth Brahma world: And so with bad deeds, the perpetrators of which are to be found, grade by grade, down to the lowest depths of Hell. Thus are Karma, past, present and future were, are, and will ever be the sum total of our deeds, good, indifferent or bad. As was seen from the foregoing, our Karma determines the changes of our existences. ”Evil spirits” are, therefore, not beings in an intermediate or transitional stages of existence, but are really very inferior beings, and they belong to one of the following five realms of existence:
1. World of Men: 2. The Lowest plane of deva-world; 3. The region of hell; 4. Animals below men, and 5. Pretas (ghosts).
Number 2 and 5 are very near the world of human beings. As their condition is unhappy, and they are popularly considered evil spirits. It is not true that all who die in this world are reborn as evil spirits; nor is it true that beings who die sudden or violent deaths are apt to be reborn in the lowest plane of the world of devas.
Question: Is there such a thing as a human being who is reborn and who is able to speak accurately of his or her past existence?
Answer:Certainly, this is not an uncommon occurrence, and is in accordance with the tenets of Buddhism in respect to Karma.
The following (who form, an overwhelming majority of human beings) are generally unable to remember there past existences when reborn as human beings: Children who die young. Those who die old and senile. Those who are addicted to the drug or drink habit. Those whose mothers, during their conception, have been sickly or have had to toil laboriously, or have been reckless or imprudent during pregnancy. The children in the womb, being stunned and started, lose all knowledge of their past existence. The following are possessed of a knowledge of their past existences, viz: Those who are not reborn (in the human world) but proceed to the world of the devas, of Brahmas, or to the regions of Hell, remember their past existences. Those who die suddenly deaths from accidents, while in sound health, may also be possessed of this faculty in the next existence, provided that their mothers, in whose womb they are conceived, are healthy. Again, those who live steady, meritorious lives and who in their past existences have striven to attain, often attain it. Lastly the Buddha, the Arahantas and Ariyas attain this gift which is known as pubbenivasa abhnna(Supernatural Power remembering previous existences).
Question: Which are the five Abhinna? Are they attainable only by the Buddha?
Answer: The five Abhinna (Supernatural Powers): Pali – abhi, excellent, nana, wisdom) are:
Iddhividha = Creative power;
Dibbasola = Divine Ear;
Cetopariya nana = Knowledge of others’ thoughts;
Pubbenivasanussati = Knowledge of one’s past existence;
Dibbacakkhu = The Divine eye.
The Abhinna are attainable not only by the Buddha, but also by Arantas and Ariyas, by ordinary mortals who practise according to the Scriptures (as was the case with hermits etc, who flourished before the time of the Buddha and who were able to fly through the air and traverse different worlds). In the Buddhist Scriptures, we find, clearly shown, the means of attaining the five Abhinna. And even nowadays, if these means are carefully and perseveringly pursued, it would be possible to attain these. That we do not see any person endowed with the five Abhinna today is due to the lack of strenuous physical and mental exertion towards their attainment. In the working of Karma there are maleficent and beneficent forces and conditions to counteract and support this self-operating law. Birth (gati) time or condition (kala) substratum of rebirth or showing attachment to rebirth (upadhi) and effort (payoga) act as such powerful aids and hindrances to the fruition of Karma.
Though we are neither the absolutely the servants nor the masters of our Karma, it is evident from these counteractive and supportive factors that the fruition of Karma is influenced to some extent by external circumstances, surroundings, personality, individual striving, and so forth. It is this doctrine of Karma that gives consolation, hope, reliance and moral courage to a Buddhist. When the unexpected happens, and he meets with difficulties, failures, and misfortune, the Buddhist realises that he is reaping what he has sown, and he is wiping off a past debt. Instead of resigning himself, leaving everything to Karma, he makes a strenuous effort to pull the weeds and sow useful seeds in their place, for the future is in his own hands.
He who believes in Karma does not condemn even the most corrupt, for they, too, have their chance to reform themselves at any moment. Though bound to suffer in woeful states, they have hope of attaining eternal Peace. By their own doings they have created their own Hells, and by their own doings they can create their own Heavens, too. A Buddhist who is fully convinced of the law of Karma does not pray to another to be saved but confidently relies on him for his own emancipation. Instead of making any self-surrender, or calling on any supernatural agency, he relies on his own will power, and works incessantly for the well-being and happiness of all. This belief in Karma validates his effort and kindles his enthusiasm, because it teaches individual responsibility. To the ordinary Buddhist, Karma serves as a deterrent, while to an intellectual, it serves as in incentive to do good. He or she becomes kind, tolerant, and considerate. This law of Karma explains the problem of suffering, the mastery of so-called fate and predestination of other religions and about all the inequality of mankind.
Vedic Astrology is a tool or a science that Interprets your Karma. The Vedic Birthchart is a Karmic Blueprint of your destiny that you are going to undergo and receive in this life. A good Vedic Astrologer uses your Rasi Chakra and the various Vargas or ‘Harmonic Charts’ in conjunction with Dasa Systems and Transits to arrive at an accurate conclusion as to what circumstances will accrue in the lifetime of an individual based on his Karma from previous lives. The Karma system of Vedic Astrology is ancient, divine and highly accurate. You reap what you sow, Vedic Astrology will tell you what you reap because of what you sowed. I like to call Vedic Astrology or Jyotisha – Karmic Astrology Vedic Astrology is a tool or a science that Interprets your Karma. The Vedic Birthchart is a Karmic Blueprint of your destiny that you are going to undergo and receive in this life. A good Vedic Astrologer uses your Rasi Chakra and the various Vargas or ‘Harmonic Charts’ in conjunction with Dasa Systems and Transits to arrive at an accurate conclusion as to what circumstances will accrue in the lifetime of an individual based on his Karma from previous lives. The Karma system of Vedic Astrology is ancient, divine and highly accurate. You reap what you saw, Vedic Astrology will tell you what you reap because of what you sowed. An apt name to call Vedic Astrology or Jyotisha would be Karma Astrology. Om Shanthi!!
Atharva Vedic Astrology & Children Problems in your life
H.H Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar
-No Children --Seizures to your children -Artisam to your children-Like to have new baby-No children-Frequent abortions-Miscarriage- Drinks, Sexual & Drugs Addiction to your children
A native will beget children if the 5th is owned by a benefic or a benefic is standing in 5th or the 5th is aspected by a benefic. If the 5th is owned by a malefic and occupied/aspected by another malefic, the native will have no children.
If the 5th from Asdt or Moon (whichever is stronger) happens to be owned by a benefic and if one of the shad vargas (viz classifications) of the 5th bhava madhya happens to belong to Jupiter or the 5th is aspected by a benefic, the native shall have a son without fail through his married wife. Number of sons will equal the number of navamsas covered by the lord of 5th. Of these navamsas, number of children equalling the number of navamsas which have fallen in benefic signs or which have benefic aspect/connection, will prosper; and number of children equaling the number of malefic navamsas or navamsas with malefic aspect/connection will not thrive. A benefic navamsa with strong benefic aspect will give double the results.
Aspect to a navamsa is called for here. This requirement will be satisfied if the zodiac sign in which the navamsa falls is aspected by a planet. Masculine navamsas represent boys and feminine navamsas, girls. If lord of 5th is suffering debilitation, combustion or stay in bitter enemy house, even if having benefic connection, there may be no issues.
If the 5th house happens to be Capricorn or Aquarius or the 5th bhava madhya falls in a varga of Saturn, aspected by Mercury, and not aspected by Sun/Mars/Jupiter, the native will have a son born to his wife, out of wedlock, known as KSHETRAJA. Same result will occur if 5th bhava falls in a Mercurian sign/varga, aspected by Saturn, and not aspected by Sun, Mars or Jupiter.
In SARAVALI text circulating in Andhra, this sloka has been interpreted thus -
If the GANA ruled by Saturn in the 5th house is aspected by Mercury, not aspected by Sun, Mars or Jupiter, the native will have kshetraja. In this context, GANA means a varga (classification viz.
Rasi, Hora, Drekkana, Saptamsa, Navamsa, Dwadasamsa and Trimsamsa). According to this interpretation, one of the seven classifications may be that of Saturn, aspected by Mercury or vice versa. Here, the aspecting planet has also got to be in the same varga.
Assuming 5th is Capricorn or Aquarius, Mercury’s full aspect is enough. Assuming 5th bhava madhya falls at 15° Libra, the 5th bhava madhya is in 2nd drekkana ruled by Saturn. In this case, mercury has to be in Aries 2nd drekkana for his full aspect on Saturnian GANA. From the context and general build of the sloka, both the interpretations seem to be correct. In the former, the yoga will apply only if the 5th falls in a Saturnian/Mercurian sign whilst in the latter, the yoga may arise in any sign subject to the varga being that of Saturn or Mercury. The scope is enlarged in the latter.
If Capricorn or Aquarius becomes the 5th and if Saturn is standing there with aspect of Moon, the native will have an adopted son. Aspect of Mercury in place of Moon indicates a KREETA PUTRA. This is how the sloka has been interpreted in Andhra texts. There is a difference of opinion amongst the South Indian savants with regard to the interpretation of that part of the sloka, pertaining to KREETA PUTRA. According to this opinion, the 5th house should fall in a Mercurian sign with Mercury posited in there and aspected by Moon. Kreeta Putra is said to be a child whose worthiness to be adopted in NOT considered but is purchased for cash. From the context and general build of the sloka, the translators prefer the first opinion.
If the Saptamsa of the 5th happens to be owned by Mars whilst Saturn is posited in 5th, without aspect or conjunction, the native will possess a KRITRIMA PUTRA. this interpretation is based on Andhra texts.Incidentally, Saptamsa is given importance here. This is in keeping with Maharshi Parashara Immortal Astrological Classic BRIHAT PARASHARA HORA wherein he advocates use of Saptamsa Chakra for
predictions concerning issues. This sloka has been interpreted differently in South Indian vernacular texts thus :
If the 7th house falls in Aries/Scorpio whilst Saturn is standing therein without any aspect, the native will have KRITRIMA PUTRA.
The first interpretation is based on the use of words SAPTAMA BHAGA in the sloka, whilst the 2nd interpretation is based on the words SAPTAMA BHAVA in the said sloka. The translators support the first interpretation without any hesitation. KRITRIMA PUTRA is one who has all the features and qualities befitting the parents, but who is not actually adopted but taken in, out of love, as their son.
If one of the vargas of the 5th house belong to Sun and Sun stands in that varga aspected by Mars, the native will have a BIJA PUTRA (a son born to native through a woman belonging to a low community, not married by him).
Example :
If Sun is standing in Leo or own Hora/drekkana/saptamsa/navamsa/dwadasamsa and is aspected by Mars, the yoga arises. Mars should be occupying the same number of varga as that of Sun. If Sun is in 2nd drekkana, Mars should also be in 2nd drekkana; if Sun is in 5th navamsa, Mars should also be in 5th navamsa and so on.
South Indian texts interpret this sloka to mean thus :
If the 5th happens to be Leo with Sun posited in there, aspected by Mars, the native will beget a child known as BIJA PUTRA. If Moon is standing in a martian sign, which happens to be the 5th with aspect of Saturn, and without any other aspect, the native will possess a GOODHOTPANNA (son born to his wife due to her intimacy with someone). This sloka is by KARUNA MUNI. The Andhra interpretation for this sloka is – If Moon in 5th occupies a Martian Navamsa and is aspected by Saturn, the native will beget a Goodhotpanna. Hindi texts interpret this sloka as – If Moon is in 5th in Martian Navamsa aspected by Saturn, without aspect of any benefic, the son will be a fool and of a low type.
Mars in 5th (which happens to be Capricorn/Aquarius) if aspected by Sun, the native will have an APAVIDHA PUTRA (one who is forsaken by parents). This sloka is by KARUNA MUNI. If Moon is conjunct with Saturn and both of them occupy Capricorn/Aquarius, which happens to be the 5th or Moon occupies one of Saturn’s vargas in the 5th aspected by Sun and Venus, the native will have a PUNARBHAVA PUTRA (one born to a woman who has been forsaken or divorced by her
husband and out of wedlock). The South Indian interpretation for this sloka runs thus - Moon standing Saturnian signs/vargas, whilst Saturn in 5th is aspected by both Sun and Venus, the native will beget a Punarbhava Putra.
If Moon is very weak in the matter of Rasmies and is with combustion in any sign, whilst the 5th is conjunct or aspected by Sun, the native will have a KANEENA PUTRA (the native marries a woman who already has a son from her previous marriage).
If Sun and Moon occupy their vargas in Cancer or Leo, which happen to be the 5th, aspected by Venus, there will birth of a SAHODA PUTRA (one who is aleady in the womb of mother at the time of marriage). Sun and Moon should be in the same sign.
The interpretation given for this sloka, which is slightly different compared to Andhra texts, is as follows in malayalam version : if the 5th happens to be Cancer/Leo wherein Sun and Moon are together and aspected by Venus; or Sun and Moon stand on their own vargas in 5th house aspected by Venus, there will be birth of SAHODA PUTRA.
If 5th is owned by malefic and is occupied by a malefic (without benefic aspect), there will be no issues. If there is also a benefic aspect, there will be birth of children after necessary propitiatory measures/shantis. If Venus aspects its own navamsa occurring in the 5th house, birth of a son through maid-servant will occur. If Moon is stronger than Ascendant, this yoga may be considered with reference to 5th of Moon sign.
If the 5th happens to be Taurus, Libra, or Cancer, Moon and Venus in of these signs, the native will have more of girl children. This yoga occurring in Taurus or Cancer is more powerful. If the 5th, Moon and Venus occupy masculine signs, the native will have a mixture of boys and girl children.
Moon in 10th, Venus in 7th and a malefic in 4th indicate that the native will have no issues and that the native’s dynasty will cease with him. Mars in 5th, either as lord of Asendent or lord of 5th indicates birth of some children. If such Mars is conjunct or aspected by Jupiter, the first born will die. If there is aspect of Venus or other planets, same results should NOT be predicted.
Mars in 5th indicates loss of all children born. If all the 3 malefics are in 5th, it denotes that the native will have no happiness and will have few relatives. Mars alone in 5th indicates defect in any organ. Saturn alone in 5th indicates diseases. Mercury, Jupiter or Venus in 5th indicates growth of everything the 5th signifies viz. happiness, prosperity and finance.
-H.H Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar
- Divorce
- Sexual Problems
- Too many Girl / Boy Friends
- Sexual Diseases
- Pre ejection Problems
- Abuse in the Marriage life
Lagna Lord of Girl is Mercury and Lagna Lord of Boy is Jupiter. Mercury and Jupiter are not friendly to each other.
Chara Dara Karaka of Girl is Mercury placed in the 11th in Aries, Boy’s is Moon, afflicted in the 8th House placed in Cancer in Marana Karaka Avastha. Darakaraka shows the partner on a level of Karma at the Soul.
Position of Venus – Karaka for Marriage and Spouse. Venus in the girls chart is Exalted in Pisces in the 10th house but afflicted as it is Conjunct the same Degree as Rahu. Venus conjunct Rahu tends to spoil the Karakatwa of Venus and makes the native prone to illicit relationships and extra-marital affairs. Venus is placed in the 7th house in Navamsa which is also the 12th lord. It is not the best placement. Venus in the Boy’s chart is placed in the 9th house in Inimical Sign Leo with Gulika, the poisonous son of Saturn. In the Navamsa, Venus is placed in the evil 8th House which is also the lord of the 6th House. This shows distress and strife in marriage.
7th Lord from Venus is Mercury placed in the 2nd from it for the girl – Its fine. Kendra and Trikona placements are better. 7th House from Venus has Ketu. This is an affliction. It is also aspected by Rahu which is a Malefic. Tithi Lord of Girl is Mercury is placed in the 2nd from Venus. Tithi Lord of the Boy is Jupiter placed in the 5th from Venus. There is no affliction. Chandra Nakshatra Lord of Girl is the Moon, Nakshatra Lord of the Boy is Saturn. Saturn is inimical to the Moon. Ashtakoota compatibility points between the Girl and the Boy are 26 out of 36 which is Good.
7th Lord of Girl is Jupiter afflicted in close conjunction with Rahu (Guru Chandal Yoga) in the 10th house. It is the 7th Lord (Marriage) placed in the adverse and evil 8th house in the Navamsa in Debilitation. This is a very adverse sign for marriage and the Spouse in General. Jupiter is the Sthira Karaka of the husband in a woman’s chart. The affliction of Jupiter in the Rasi and the Navamsa is not positive for married life. 7th lord of Boy is Mercury placed in the 9th which is auspicious but not quite as it also houses Gulika.
In the Navamsa, the 7th lord of the boy is Mars placed in the 6th House whos dispositor is Venus which is afflicted by virtue of its placement and being Lagnesh. Venus is also the Chara Atma Karaka of the boy. Such individuals have to learn to control their passion and sexuality in this life. The AK in the 8th House is not a positive placement in terms of Marriage, being Venus – the Karaka for married life and spouse.
7th House from Chandra of the Girl is afflicted by a Retrograde Saturn in Scorpio aspected by Mars and Rahu. This is again indicative of inharmony and adversity in Married life. Upapada Lagna This Lagna shows the actual Spouse. UL for the girl is in the 8th House. Upapada Lagna in the 8th house is indicative of ‘Dushta Karma’ from past lives related to Marriage. It is not positive. Lord of the Upapada Lagna is a Retrograde Saturn placed in enemical Scorpio in the 6th House. Saturn is also the 8th Lord and the Second Lord from the Upapada Lagna which shows sustenance of Marriage. It is aspected by Rahu and Mars. This again is not a positive omen for the marriage partner. UL for the Boy is in the 9th house in Leo which has Venus, Sun and Mercury. It shows a bright and elegant wife. The second from UL is aspected by Rahu which shows a sudden end to the first serious relationship or Marriage the boy goes through. The Upapada Lagna is placed in the 12th from Arudha Lagna. The 2/12 axis is not favorable for compatibility between the partners. It shows that he may reject the spouse and not be emotionally or physically in harmony with her need for affection and attention.
Dosha:- Girl has Mars in the 12th and Boy has Mars in the 12th too. They are both Manglik. Two people who are Manglik in Marriage cancels the Dosha. However, it is recommended for your daughter to get married after the age of 28 to avoid any complications. Mars reduces its Martian Energy at this age.
I would not recommend this couple to get married based on the 10 Factor analysis above. It will not last according to my knowledge and experience.
We all have a relationship that works for us. Whatever you need from a relationship, there is someone out there, who can fulfil your needs. There is never complete compatibility as there are always some aspects of the relationship a couple needs to work out. If there were no issues to work out, then why would two souls come together. The trick in finding your best relationship is to look beyond the mere physical attraction and take all the issues you deal with to the spiritual evolution of your relationship.
Vedic Astrology pays great importance to relationships – especially marriage and there are many techniques for compatibility. Traditionally in India, the parents arranged marriages. One of the most important factors which, helped in making the marriages successful was the comparing of the birth charts of couple by the family astrologer. Marriage could only go ahead after the astrologers was satisfied with the compatibility and could let the parents know that there couple would be happy together. This practice of matching of charts is still very prevalent in India. The Kuta system has a complicated set of rules that matches the charts on sexual, spiritual and emotional level. It has twelve points of matching between two charts. The birth chart gives clues to every aspect of compatibility between the couple.
In the West, we seldom look at a birth chart of a person we are falling in love with. Compatibility is usually looked at later stages of the relationships. The Kutas can become a guide to develop the relationship further. Do not worry if you have a low score on the Kutas. Often low scoring relationships can last longer than the high scoring ones as there is karma to be worked out.
The essence of compatibility is how it works under pressure. We can love well in perfect conditions but when we face challenges our compatibility ratio comes into play. Good compatibility usually gives happiness. The length of relationship has usually nothing to do with compatibility. Many people choose to live in an unhappy relationship, knowing they have nothing in common.
Relationships in Mind, Body and Spirit
Relationships and marriages are considered to be a meeting of the mind, body and spirit. A good partnership is good for the soul. A marriage is considered a re-birth where two individual personalities merge into one. The relationship then has a life of its own; two souls are tied together in a spiritual connection. People change their names after marriage regarding it as a re-birth where the couple is dealing with new realities and a new life together
The Importance of the Woman’s Happiness
Vedic compatibility is always done from the woman’s point of view. Indians believe that for a long and happy marriage or relationship, the nurturing of the woman is very important as she forms the strength in a relationship. She is Shakti or the divine female power. Traditionally women were honoured and looked after to ensure their happiness. In modern context, it is the dissatisfaction of the women in relationships that is leading to the disruption of many relationships. The modern man should honour his woman as a wife, mother and lover. The women in the 21st century are much more dynamic than their traditional counterparts. But some of this ancient wisdom applied to the modern relationship and the honouring of the female instinct by both men and women would go a long way to providing happiness.
Karma and Relationships
Getting to know about the law of karma is the key to understanding Vedic relationships. The word karma literally means ‘action’. Every action we take in this life, our past and future lives is our karma. We choose the fruits of our previous karma that we are going to face in this life, both the negative and the positive. The law of Karma says that the ultimate responsibility for our life and happiness rests with us. We cannot blame anyone else for what we are experiencing today. Our actions past and present create situations that we have to face through the journey of our life.
When we relate to our karma, we realise that this birth is only a small part of the whole, because this life is only one of a multitude of lives. The whole is like a necklace. Each lifetime is one pearl but all the pearls have to be strung together to make the necklace. In different life times we form contacts and relationships. Some relationships get completed but some remain unfinished. These unfinished relationships form part of our relationship Karma. The soul remembers. When we meet the soul of loved ones from the past, there is an instant connection. How often you have met someone to whom you are instantly attracted.
Rnanu Bandhana or Karmic Ties
Rnanu means debt and Bandhana means ties. This word is usually used for karmic ties that hold us together. Only those ties have an impact on this life which have some debts- in this case the word debt is meant as unfinished business. Before the soul is born it makes a decision on what relationships are going to mature in this lifetime and with whom it is going to pay off its karmic debts. At the time of birth, when the umbilical cord is cut, the mind forgets this but retains it in the subconscious. When we meet someone with whom we have a rnanu bandhana to work out, the inter-action begins immediately. But with those who you have completed your karma- there is an instant recognition but nothing develops from it. It is important to let go of these relationships. They create unnecessary confusion emotionally. Also some relationships are not matured, the time to pay off that debt has not arrived as yet. Again those relationships do not develop.
What type of relationship you experience depends on the karmic equation? When you fall in love, how this relationship works out depends on what your mutual rnanu bandhana is. If you have greater debts to pay, you will be the one who is putting more into the relationship. Sometimes you are stuck in a very one- sided situation and wonder why you are still in. In an unfinished relationship of past life where you were the taker, when your souls meet again you need to balance this equation, so this time around it is you who become the giver or vice versa.
In sexual relationships also the concept of rnanu bandhana is important. If you are in a relationship and your sexual relationship suddenly stops or the sexual attraction suddenly dies. The karma of sex may have been completed. Or you have a purely sexual relationship- then you had already worked out the other aspects of the relationship.
The Quality of the Moon
Moon as the significator of the mind, is the most important planet to study when you are trying to work with compatibility. If all other factors are good but the Moon is in an unhappy position in your chart or placed with difficult planets, then there will be issues within relationships. The Moon plays an important part in our hidden emotions, happiness and desires. As a planet which shows your relationship with your mother- it indicates the love or lack of it in your childhood. Many emotional problems are related to childhood. If the Moon is with malefic or afflicted, it shows a person trying to work with their inner issues and it can create challenges or difficulties in trying to relate to others. A Moon which is hemmed in by Saturn and Rahu will have more problems to deal with emotionally and this will create difficulty in relating to a person regardless of the quality of the 7th house, Venus, Jupiter etc.
Opposites Attract
Those who express the opposite energy of your Lagna, Sun or Moon signs can be good partners and lead to a satisfying relationship. If your ascendant is opposite to your partners Ascendant, then it is considered a very good compatibility as they would be your natural partners. For Example, a Gemini Ascendant male and Sagittarius ascendant female or vice versa would be considered the ideal partners.
If her Moon sign is his Sun Sign. If you have a Leo Moon, you would be attractive to a person who has a Leo Sun.
Her Moon sign is opposite his Sun sign. An Aries Moon will be compatible with Libra Sun.
Karakas or significator of Relationships
Karakas or significators play an important part in looking at relationships.
Jupiter is the Karaka for men in a woman’s chart and Venus, the karaka for women in a man’s chart. Venus is also the karaka of relationships. The position or dignity of these two planets becomes very important in understanding what kind of relationships you are likely to have. These planets are studied on their own as well as the 7th house in relation to Venus in your birth chart. As Venus signifies relationships, the 7th house from Venus will give you further insight e.g. if your Venus is in Taurus, Scorpio as the 7th house from Taurus will be studied as a secondary house for relationships. Conjunctions or placement of these planets will give you further clues to your relationships.
An exalted Venus indicates your ability to have a long term relationship. If Venus is conjunct Saturn, there may be a delay in relationships. Any Conjunctions with Rahu Ketu add a shadowy aspect to your relationship. It can also indicate involvement in unconventional relationships. If Venus or Jupiter are placed in one of the dusthana houses (6th, 8th or 12th) , then the quality of relationship can suffer.
Similarly Jupiter as the significator of Men in a women’s chart gives indication of the type of husband/partner you are going to get. A debilitated Jupiter does not suggest lack of partner, but the type of partner who may be restricted in this life by Saturnian consideration.
The 7th House and the 7th house ruler
Any planet, benefic or malefic are not good in the 7th house. Sun creates too much fire, Mars- passion, anger, Moon- emotions, Saturn- detachment, Rahu- dissatisfaction, Ketu- loss or rejection, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter give multiple relationships. Here you have to look at this aspect from a more western point of view. Most of us have relationships before we settle down to a commitment . More than one relationship indicated in your chart may not be a negative factor for you. 7th house ruler and it’s placement with the malefics – Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu and Ketu can create challenges within your relationships.
Mars and Relationships
Mars can spoil marital happiness. Indian Sages believed that Mars passion created disharmony in long term happiness of a relationship unless it was matched by a partner with equally strong nature. Mars placed in the 1st, 4th , 7th, 8th and 12th house was usually considered to create problems in relationship which can lead to sudden or unexpected endings. This is known as Kuja Dosha . But as you see it indicates most of Mars positions as negative for relationship. But this dosha has been wrongly understood. The reason for pointing out these positions as difficult so that a good astrologer would match this chart with a partner who had similar desires/ strengths. Mars is a planet of action, power, militancy, war, passion, strong sexuality and it needs a partner who can deal with these powerful energies. Kuja dosha becomes a problem if you meet up with a partner who is soft and timid and can become a victim. Here it is important to remember in India divorce is not common. Partners marry for life. So if a person had strong sexual needs then they needed a partner who could fulfil them. Also if one partner is too powerful and can intimidate the other, there can be victimisation in relationships. Otherwise, there would be much unhappiness.
Rahu Ketu Create Shadows
Any conjunction with Rahu Ketu with the 7th house ruler, Jupiter or Venus and their placement in the 1st, 7th house axis create shadowy challenges within relationships. Rahu Ketu in the 1st 7th axis churn up the issues related to yourself and partnerships. As they work on the psychological level, the nodes can create obstacles in your mind. Rahu in the 7th usually makes you dissatisfied with your relationships. It can lead to multiple relationships. Ketu in the 7th will create a feeling of rejection . You may reject relationships or get involved in relationships which reject you. Ketu conjunct Venus specially indicates you are working out some past life issues through your marriage or relationships. For men, it can mean women who bring some personal baggage into your relationship. Any conjunctions of Jupiter with the nodal axis will create some kind of difficulty within the relationship. Rahu signifies foreigners, so it could also indicate a attraction to those who are foreign to you.
Atharva Vedic Medical Astrology -Signs Body Parts
-H.H Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar
The summary given below is information which will help to understand the connection between astrological signs with various parts of our body and the diseases attached to it.
1. First House/Aries
Body parts: Head, skull, forehead, brain
Indicates fevers, headaches, brain disorders, strokes, cerebral bleeding, and injuries to the skull and head small pox, inflammation, indigestion, difficulties at the time of birth.
2. Second House/Taurus
Body parts: face, nose, mouth, teeth, throat, neck, right eye, cheek, chin, oral cavity, lips, right shoulder
Indicates swelling of the neck, sore throat, thyroid problems, obesity, injury to the face or throat, dental problems, childhood diseases like colds, flu, diseases concerning ear, nose, throat, teeth
3. Third House/Gemini
Body parts: arms, right hand, shoulders, larynx, vocal cord, right ear, upper respiratory tracts, nervous system
Indicates cough, pulmonary disorders, asthama and injury to the shoulders, as well as nervous disorders, agitation, and poor muscular-skeletal coordination.
4. Fourth House/Cancer
Body parts: chest, breast, ribs, lower respiratory system, lungs, blood vessels,
Indicates lung problems, dropsy, injury to the chest, breast tumors/breast cancer, chest problems, diseases arising out of heavy drinking habits, as well as emotional disorders. Hysteria
5. Fifth House/Leo
Body parts: heart, back, bones, spine, stomach, belly, liver, gall bladder, spleen, pancreas, pregnancy
Indicates lack of vitality, weakness of the heart and solar plexus, stomach and digestive problems, lack of fertility and menstrual problems, back pain
6. Sixth House/Virgo
Body parts: intestines, kidneys, waist
Indicates poor digestion, malabsorption, gas, constipation, ulcers, food allergies, hypoglycemia, diabetes,
Apendicitis, immune system weakness, T.B., epidemics, peptic ulcer
7. Seventh House/Libra
Body parts: urinary system, uterus, ovaries, testicles, prostate, semen, reproductive system
Indicates urinary disorders, infertility in women, venereal diseases, sexual vitality problems
8. Eighth House/Scorpio
Body parts: genitals, scrotum, rectum, anus
Indicates hemorrhoids, rectal cancer, blood disorders, impotence in men, veneral diseases, piles, fistula
9. Ninth House/Sagittarius
Body parts: hips, thigh, lower portion of spinal cord, fermoral arteries, lower part of vertebra, upper parts of legs
Indicates obesity, arteriosclerosis, paralysis below the waist, arthritis in the hips or injury to the hips, diseases concerning indigestion
10. Tenth House/Capricorn
Body parts: knees, skin, spinal cord, back
Indicates weakness, injury to the knees or arthritis of knees, weakness of the bones in general, rheumatism
11. Eleventh House/Aquarius
Body parts: legs, tibia, amkles, left ear, left hand, calf muscles
Indicates poor circulation, skin disorders, weakness in lower legs, arthritis of ankles, nervous system problems, diseases concerning gout, rheumatism
12. Twelvth House/Pisces
Body parts: feet, toes, left shoulder, left eye, heel, sole,
Indicates lymphatic disorders, hypoglycemia, diabetes, tumours, trouble with the feet, functional infections, diseases like warts, retention of fluids in the body, disturbed sleep.
Note: The following given predictions are only on a general basis. If you would like our Swamiji to analyze your particular concern or problems, and to understand how to approach and finish off the concerned issuse or problems you SHOULD call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar in the Toll free # 1-888-808-1418 , , who is the ONLY Atharva Vedic Swamiji in USA and the ONLY authority in USA for Hindu Atharva Vedic Astrolgy who has published thousands of articles and has healed more than 3 million peoples to com out of their various problems in their life
Kanya Lagna:-
Earning money will be smooth and regularized. There is a chance of loss of money through government displeasure. You will gain fame and money. You are likely to get more than a hint of this soon after mid year, but it would be a better strategy to play it cool. People engaged in the publishing industry can consider new ventures in 2012. Most of the time, you always analyze the work and work place more than putting your extreme effort into it. You should be tactful to get away from building up love relations with someone from the opposite gender. You struggle a lot for your near and dear ones. You are more concerned with the love and relationship. You will do well in your studies. You will develop interest in learning creative subjects. There will be prosperity. You will be benefited through your elders. Avoid misunderstandings with friends. Some of your efforts may be delayed. The seeds of the year 2011 will ultimately result into a fruitful tree in 2012. You might notice some serious differences in your family right from the start of mid 2012, but after then things will gradually improve for you. Strive quietly now, you’re in training for a brighter future The best strategy to adopt early in 2012 is an indirect approach and the ability to simply get on with what needs to be done right now.
Dhanur Lahna:
You need to work hard and exert yourself in the first six months to forge ahead in career and profession. This year pays special attention to career and ambitious expectations. A bit of this and that creates amazing savings. Welcome news gets the year off to a good start and gives you a clear mind when it comes to dealing with financial and commercial interests. There will be clarity of thought and so you will be able to express yourself appropriately and get success in examinations. You’re on the right track, so enjoy the journey whether it’s business as usual or a change you’re looking for, everything appears to be steering you along the right tracks. It’s essential you get off to a good start. The dynamic planet year continues to generate a positive energy, endowing you with vision and giving you the courage of your convictions. Single people will have a great chance to add color to their lives by starting a new romance. Your new passion may live in another city or country that will only strengthen your desire to be together. The receipts will also increase; income can rise and support of friends or protectors, both moral and financial, is highly probable. Immediate family will give you ample support this year.
Viruchika Lagna
This will be an average year with the second half better than the first. The second half sees you forging ahead. New responsibilities will also create some dilemma. You have to maintain control over your temper to ensure that domestic harmony is maintained. Be guarded against health problems and be careful while driving. Besides, you are probable to have serious disagreements with relatives that can be especially sharp in May to July 2012. Many secrets revealed will have a harmful effect on your personal and professional life. You’ll possibly be in low spirits and somehow lose your usual self-confidence. The best solution is a healthy way of life. You should understand that all the difficulties make a certain sense and are not going to stay forever. This year there will be a steady rise in income and opportunities in mid 2012. An existing judicial problem is also probable to reveal itself. In the second half of the year the problems appeared will become even more dangerous; conflicts with partners will finally lead to a complete break of relations. A love-hate relationship with someone on the social front may keep you on your toes in September. Ups and downs will exist in married life and you will somehow manage to make a good balance between your work and your family. Your health overall will remain good during this period. Some stomach and bone related problems could disturb you and your health will suffer due to over indulgence.
Kataka / Kark Lagna
our financial situation will improve during this period. You will get benefit from various sources. You will inherit good things. You can have income through ecclesiastical sources. You will make a lot of effort to get your due payments. A chance meeting, perhaps something connected with a friend or colleague, might provide the key to something wonderful. But whatever finally pans out, you can be almost certain that it will transform your attitude to love and set you on the road to your desire. Time to put your plans into action – and the good thing is, time is on your side. Mention of security puts the focus on what could become a major theme for this year. You might be pleased by the options this opens up. Throughout 2012 your cosmic pattern suggests the urge and the opportunity. Your health will improve during 2012. You will find relief from previous health problems. You are sensitive and even a small conundrum can seem big in your mind and upset your health. An auspicious function will take place in your family. Some of you will get a government honor. Some of you will go abroad. You will score high marks in analytical subjects. You will sharpen your communication skills and earn well.
Simha Lagna
This is an average year with the second half better than the first. The second half sees you forging ahead. New responsibilities will also create some dilemma. You have to maintain control over your temper to ensure that domestic harmony is maintained. Be guarded against health problems and be careful while driving. Besides, you are probable to have serious disagreements with relatives that can be especially sharp in May to July 2012. Many secrets revealed will have a harmful effect on your personal and professional life. You’ll possibly be in low spirits and somehow lose your usual self-confidence. The best solution is a healthy way of life. You should understand that all the difficulties make a certain sense and are not going to stay forever. This year there will be a steady rise in income and opportunities in mid 2012. An existing judicial problem is also probable to reveal itself. In the second half of the year the problems appeared will become even more dangerous; conflicts with partners will finally lead to a complete break of relations. A love-hate relationship with someone on the social front may keep you on your toes in September. Ups and downs will exist in married life and you will somehow manage to make a good balance between your work and your family. Your health overall will remain good during this period. But, some stomach and bone related problems with disturb you. Health will suffer due to over indulgence.
Mithun Lagna
Jupiter is a functional malefic for Gemini according to Parashara as it rules two kendras, the 7th of desiring relationships and the 10th of career and recognition. Jupiter is also the best benefic in the heavens and it is transiting its own sign of Pisces as we entered 2011 through May 11, 2011 allowing Jupiter to give its many blessings as well as its stressful desires. Jupiter in Pisces increases the qualities of Pisces; such as compassion, sensitivity, pilgrimages and foreign travel. Jupiter will give benefits and challenges in the 10th bhava of career, fame, leadership, authority and government. Jupiter in the 10th will throw its benefits to Cancer in the 2nd of income, speech, family and food. Jupiter will also bring protection to Virgo in the 4th of property, home, mother and vehicles and finally Jupiter will support Scorpio in the 6th of health, employment, pets, service and debts. This is very important because Saturn in Virgo will also influence Scorpio and therefore the double transit of Jupiter and Saturn to Scorpio and the 6th bhava for Gemini will give support and protection to matters of work and health until May 11th.
Jupiter will enter Aries May 11, 2011 and remain until May 20, 2012. Jupiter rules growth, optimism, travel and education and Aries rules new beginnings, independence, ambition and courage. Aries rules the 11th bhava for Gemini that is the area of fulfilling one’s greatest desires, elder siblings, profits and gains, group activities and special friendships. Jupiter in the 11th will bring expansion, luck and opportunities in these areas. Jupiter from Aries will also throw its benefits to the 3rd of siblings, communications, media and courage and throw its influence onto its opposite sign of Libra in the 5th of children, creativity, luck and romance. Jupiter is a karaka or indicator for children and when its in Aries aspecting the 5th of children could bring many blessings around childbirth but also romance. Jupiter will also throw its good fortune onto the 7th of marriage, partnerships, public recognition and business.
Saturn is a powerful malefic but it’s a functional benefic as it rules the most auspicious 9th bhava of prosperity, travel and higher knowledge and the 8th that is deemed a neutral bhava and the 8th rules change, upheavals, psychology, astrology, research and business deals. Saturn being a natural malefic gives ambition and determination that is good for business affairs but not as good for relationships or health. Saturn entered Virgo September 2009 until November 11, 2011 moving through your 4th bhava giving delays but many responsibilities with home, property, mother or family. Virgo rules the areas of health, work, service and analysis. Fortunately the protection of Jupiter on Saturn will watch over the delays or struggles with the 4th issues but only until May 11, 2011.
Expansive Jupiter in Pisces is in opposition to constricted Saturn in Virgo until May 11th that gives protection to Scorpio but will often give opportunities and delays in the areas described above with the bhavas of the 4th of the home and family and the 10th of career and authority.
Saturn in Virgo will also bring challenges and lessons to be learned to your 6th of health and work and to the 10th of career, fame and authority. Malefic Ketu has also been transiting the sign of Gemini and your lagna along with malefic Saturn also aspecting your lagna from the end of 2009 through May 2, 2011 when Ketu leaves Gemini. Therefore Saturn and Ketu 2010 through April 2011 could have given problems health, self-confidence and leadership.
Saturn will enter its exalted position Libra for the first time in 30 years November 11, 2011 until November 2014. Saturn will bring important learning lessons of Libra that include relationships, marriage, clients and customers, contracts and business partnerships. But for Gemini Saturn in Libra will also be transiting your 5th bhava of children, speculation, learning, entertainment, sports and creativity. Being exalted in Libra will give many blessings in these areas of Libra and the 5th that will give you determination to work hard and the discipline for education, or having or working with children or creative projects. Saturn from your 5th will also throw its influence to the 7th in Sagittarius of marriage, partnerships, clients and business and the 11th bhava of group activities, financial gains and achievement of desires. Saturn will also bring its influence to the 2nd of income, family, food and speech.
Jupiter in Aries in your 11th will be in opposition to Saturn in Libra in the 5th gives opportunities and delays with children, creative projects, achievements and group activities November 11, 2011 through May 20, 2012. But Jupiter in Aries and Saturn in Libra will form a supportive double transit of growth to Sagittarius with your 7th of marriage, partnerships, contracts and clients, public recognition and business.
Natural malefic Mars is a functional temporal for Gemini and will be in Leo October 30, 2011 through June 21, 2012 transiting your 3rd bhava of siblings, writing, communications, the fine arts, sports and short trips. Jupiter in Aries will be shining its divine grace and protection onto Mars through May 20, 2012 making sure your 3rd bhava desires can be realized to your benefit; such as with publishing, media, communications, travel and siblings.
Rahu in Scorpio and Ketu in Taurus will begin May 2, 2011 until mid January 2013. Rahu will increase your worldly desires to compete and succeed in the material world and Scorpio for Gemini rules the 6th of work, service, health and competition.
Ketu seeks the inner spiritual life and tends to detach from the material world. Ketu in Taurus will be in the 12th bhava of spiritual growth, foreign travel and charity. This will be a great deepening of the spiritual life for those ready to take the journey.
Meena Lagna:-
This year may cause issues with health as Saturn will be transiting the adverse 8th house for you. This is a malefic transit known as Ashtama Sani and will last through November 2, 2014. Be extra careful with pre-existing health conditions and diseases. You should be careful during January and February. Be careful while driving your vehicle and don’t mix drinking with driving otherwise you may be in trouble. There may be some disturbance because of an elder member in your family member and you may have to visit hospitals very frequently. It will be good for you to keep yourself checked medically from time to time during this year due to Saturn being 12th lord (Expenditure, Losses, Hospitals) being placed in the very malefic 8th house in Transit.
Business and Income
2012 will prove to be a good year for you till May 20, 2012 as Jupiter the karaka for expansion, gains and wealth will be in Aries in your second house of wealth and assets. Jupiter is also your 10th lord and Lagnesh. Wearing a Yellow Sapphire will be very beneficial for you if Jupiter is well placed in your birth chart. You will have opportunities for monetary gains during this year. If you are in planning some new projects this year, try to convert your planning into practice. You will reap good results. The time is in your favour so try and work hard and you will get the desired results definitely till May. Your sign lord Jupiter is in your second house creating a good combination for earning wealth and some good occasions of togetherness in family. Throughout this year you may earn lot of money from your business. Those that are in service will get promotions and good increments too. Those wants to change their job have good opportunity to change the job till May. Jupiter will move to the 3rd house of siblings, short travels, communication, effort and initiative in May. The third house transit of Jupiter is not the greatest but its aspect on the 7th house of partnerships, business, marriage; the 9th of fortune, long distance travel, higher education and learning and the 11th house of elder siblings, friends, Income, Gains and fulfillment of hopes and desires is positive. This will however be negated to a great extent because of the overriding factor of the very adverse 8th Saturn transit.
Your family and relatives
There will be very good focus and interaction with your family members. Jupiter will be in the second house of family till the end of May, 2012. This year your family and partner will be a priority for you. With your spouse you may experience bickering and nagging on small issues but through your loving nature you will manage everything and overcome misunderstandings. You will get good support from your life partner at every level during this year because of Jupiters aspect on the 7th house. Family life will generally be good throughout for you albeit with some friction because of Mars till the middle of this year.
Education & Career
For students this year will prove to be a good year. You may get admission to your desired college or university. If you are going to give any competitive examination for any service etc the result will be in your favour. You may get admission in a good university according to your choice. If you concentrate on your goal, then you will go beyond your expectation. Those that are working could see a bonus or promotion with some possibility of transfer within your country. So the overall year for Pisces will be good till May 2012. Career will see setbacks and issues because of the adverse 8th house transit of Saturn after May 2012 when Jupiter enters Taurus. Specific remedial measures will be needed else this period will be a tough nut to crack even though Saturn is in its exaltation, the karmic lessons will be harsh and many transformations, upheavals and changes are destined until November 2014. Saturn in the 8th is also known as ‘Kantaka Sani’ (Thorn in the foot) This period is especially tough and adverse related to your career. There may be issues at your workplace regarding your career and your peace of mind will be affected. There shall be delays and problematic circumstances in your career which will cause worry and stress. Saturn in the 8th aspects the 10th house of Career, the second house of Wealth and the very important trikona, the 5th which deals with new jobs, investments, knowledge, sastras, future purva punya or merit from past lives and overall luck. The 5th house is also the 8th from the 10th house of Career. The 8th house transit of Saturn from lagna or moon sign is always adverse in all areas of life. You should consult a good Astrologer to delineate this transit by using different techniques of Bhrigu and Ashtakvarga while combining them with your Natal Chart, Vargas and Dasas.
Your friends and Love relations
If you are in a love relationship, you may get good results and you will become closer. Those that are looking for a partner and a relationship will get opportunities after May 2012 when the great benefic Jupiter will aspect Taurus in the 7th house. However, you may get into frequent misunderstandings with your partner because of the malefic aspect of Saturn and Rahu on your 5th house of Romance. You must be calm, patient and caring to improve your understanding by trying to also be compassionate and transparent with each other. There will be an opportunity to make new friends and improve relationships with existing friends after May 2012 when Jupiter will aspect the 11th house. There shall be friction in friendship and social circles as Capricorn is the sign of Jupiter’s debilitation. You must exercise restraint and keep a serious check on your speech and emotions as Mars aspects your sign (self, psychology, intelligence) and is the lord of your second house of speech.
Vehicle, Expenses and Spirituality
Mars will remain in your sixth house till June. This is a good period for positive aggression and victory over enemies. Keep a check on your intellect and mind as Mars aspects your sign with its 8th aspect. There could be arguments with your father as Mars is the 9th lord placed in the 6th and issues in long distance travel too. You may purchase a new vehicle this year because some strong combinations being present for purchasing a new vehicle. Those who have vehicles already may incur a lot of money on its maintenance. You may also spend money on religious journeys especially after May 20, 2012 when Jupiter moves to your 3rd house and aspects the 9th house of Dharma and Pilgrimages. Rahu is in its debilitation in the 9th house in Scorpio. There could be issues at work with your boss and superiors. Father’s health could cause concerns till Jupiter moves to Taurus and casts its protection to the 9th house in May. Rahu’s aspect on the Rasi/Lagna may cause health issues and its aspect on the 5th may result in issues with childbirth and children as both these dire Malefics, Saturn and Rahu will aspect the 5th house. Rahu also has its 12th aspect on the 8th house where Saturn is posited in Transit and may be a catalyst for sudden health issues and transformations in your life.
Tour and Travel
There will be a lot of travel of mid and long distance this year because of the movement of Jupiter and Rahu connected to your 3rd (Short distance) and 9th (long distance) travels. You may travel alone or with your family for personal, business and some religious purpose on pilgrimage. Try and save enough money for a long journey and travels. Some of you may have specific work related business travels too which will prove to be fruitful for you, especially after May when Jupiter will cast its benefic influence onto the 9th house being your Sign lord. Its aspect on the 7th house will be fruitful for travel as well. The 7th house is important for travel and career as well as it is the 10th from the 10th and the 11th from the 9th house.
Planet specific Transits in General for 2012
Jupiter is a functionally neutral planet for Pisces as it rules 2 kendras; the lagna of the Self and body and the 10th of career. Jupiter is also the best benefic in the heavens. Jupiter entered Aries on May 11, 2011 and remain until May 20, 2012. Jupiter rules growth, optimism, travel and education and Aries rules new beginnings, independence, ambition and courage. Aries rules the 2nd bhava of income, family, food and speech. Jupiter in the 2nd will bring expansion, luck and opportunities in these areas. Jupiter from Aries will also throw its benefits to the 6th bhava of employment, health, self-improvement, service, litigation and pets and Jupiter will throw its influence onto its opposite sign of Libra onto your 8th bhava of legacies, partner’s income, psychology, astrology, change and endings. Jupiter will also throw its good fortune onto the 10th bhava of career, fame, authority, government and reputation. After May 20, 2012 Jupiter will move to your 3rd house ruling the 10th house and the 1st. The third house placement is good for communication, travel and initiative. Relationships, Journeys, Religion and Gains from friends and earned Income will benefit because of its benefic aspect.
Saturn is a powerful malefic and a functional malefic as it rules the the 12th of foreign travels, retreat, liberation, losses and uncertainties and the 11th of gains, achievements, friends, elder siblings and group activities. Saturn entered its exalted position Libra for the first time in 30 years November 11, 2011 until November 2014. Saturn will bring important learning lessons of Libra that include relationships, marriage, clients and customers, contracts and business partnerships. But for Pisces Saturn in Libra will also be transiting your 8th bhava of changes, endings, legacies, partner’s income, research and psychology. Being exalted in Libra will give many blessings in these areas of Libra and in the 8th of changes. Saturn from 8th will also throw its influence to the 10th of career, authority, government, fame and reputation and the 2nd bhava of income, family, food and speech. Saturn will also bring its challenges to the 5th bhava of children, speculation, education and romance. Jupiter in Aries in your 2nd will be in opposition to Saturn in Libra in the 8th gives opportunities and delays in finances, income, endings and legacies November 11, 2011 through May 20, 2012. But Jupiter in Aries and Saturn in Libra will also form a supportive double transit of growth to Sagittarius to your 10th house of career, fame and authority.
Natural malefic Mars is a functional benefic for Pisces as it influences the 2nd of income and the 9th of prosperity. Mars will be in Leo October 30, 2011 through June 21, 2012 heating up and creating stress to your 6th bhava of employment, self-improvement, health, quarrels and debts. Mars in Leo, however will be protected by Jupiter in Aries who will be shining its divine grace and protection onto Mars through May 20, 2012 making sure your 6th bhava will be protected and bring more of its blessings with work and health.
Rahu in Scorpio and Ketu in Taurus will begin May 2, 2011 until mid January 2013. Rahu will increase your worldly desires to compete and succeed in the material world and Rahu for Pisces influences the 9th of long distant traveling, father, teachers, legal matters and prosperity.
Ketu seeks the inner spiritual life and tends to detach from the material world. Ketu in Taurus will be in the 3rd bhava of communications, younger siblings, short trips, writing and motivation that could create problems this areas.
Conclusion:- A good Atharva Vedic Swamiji must be consulted during this period. This is especially imperative and important for those who have Cancer, Libra, Scorpio and Pisces Lagna or Moon Sign.
Mesha Lagna:-
The Vedic system prescribes planetary transit analysis based on Moon Sign and Lagna. Both are important to judge their effect.
Rahu will remain in your eighth house during this year. For this you may feel depressed and sick but do not worry this will be just a seasonal problem or a disturbance due to change in weather. But it is advised to not be careless about your health. Give proper attention to your health otherwise the problems may develop into something big for you requiring medical attention. So take care of yourself. During the month of June problems with your digestive system may arise. So it is advisable to maintain a balance between your eating habits and your work routine.
Business and Investments
During this year you may not have good fortune with respect to your finance. Though you are a workaholic you may not get proper results for your efforts and get upset because of this. During September to November you may try some new strategies with your business or maybe with a job that may increase your income. With the use of some new technology in your business or new technique at work may give a new height to your career. It is also possible that you may get a promotion in your existing job or may get a very good job change. It is also possible that you may have to travel a lot for your business or job.
Your family and relatives
At the starting of this year it is possible that you and your spouse may get into some quarrels for very petty reasons. Mars the lord of your sign will remain in your fifth house till the month of June. You will focus on your children during this period. You should also take care for health of your child. You will get a good rapport with your children. You may have to take some important decision at the end of May. Your relationship with your wife will become better but during June and July some misunderstanding may occur possibly due to a third person though you will easily sort out this problem with intelligence.
Education & Career
During this year you are having Jupiter in your ascendant and mars in the fifth house, the position will give good and very positive result for students. The results will be in your favor by the grace of God. You should focus on managing your time and work hard during the months of February and May. Jupiter will remain in your sign Aries, till May. Jupiter’s aspect on the 10th house of Capricorn for career and karma will be very beneficial and expansive. Saturn in its exaltation being the 10th and 11th lord placed in the 7th will be very positive for business stability and slow but sure gains. Overall the year is good for students, education, career and income.
Your friends and Love relations
Love relations will be good during the month of June and July. Your relations with your loved ones will remain calm and sweet throughout the year but face a shadow of depression because of Saturn transiting Libra in the 7th house. It is in exaltation which may make the relationship stable but lack happiness and joy. It is possible that you may get into some misunderstanding at the start of the year. But later on through the year problems will be sorted out. During the month of August and September you may again face issues with relations in your past.
Vehicle, Expenses and Pious Deed
During this year you will incur your money in some pious deed. During the month of April and August you may incur expenditure and spend money in repairing your vehicle. There is also a possibility of purchasing a new vehicle for exchange of the older one. Till March you may spend money on the maintenance of your vehicle. There are possibilities of having an auspicious occasion at your home as Jupiter moves to Taurus in your second house being the lord of the 9th house. The second house transit of Jupiter on May 20, 2012 will be beneficial for fortune and luck with accumulating assets, good news in the family and an increase in wealth.
Tour and Travels
You will travel a lot throughout the year in relation to your business or your job. The travels will prove to be very fruitful for you. During the month of May and June of 2012 you may visit some holy places of pilgrimage with your family. At the end of the year you may also travel for some family occasions.
Important Transits for Aries
Saturn entered its exalted position Libra for the first time in 30 years November 11, 2011 until November 2014. Saturn will bring important learning lessons of Libra that include relationships, marriage, clients and customers, contracts and business partnerships. But for Aries Saturn in Libra will also be transiting your 7th bhava of relationships, clients, contracts and business. Being exalted in Libra will give many blessings from Saturn in these areas of Libra and the 7th and especially with professional relationships but in personal relationships Saturn can give commitments and the discipline to work and resolve any marriage problems or he can delay. Saturn from your 7th will also throw its influence to the 9th in Sagittarius of prosperity, higher knowledge, teachers and long distant traveling and the 4th bhava for property, family, mother and contentment. Saturn will also aspect the 1st that could challenge the body and self-confidence.
Rahu in Scorpio and Ketu in Taurus will begin May 2, 2011 until mid January 2013. Rahu will increase your worldly desires to compete and succeed in the material world and Scorpio for Aries rules the 8th bhava of change, upheavals, spouse’s income, legacies, research, business deals and transcendent knowledge; such as vedic astrology.
Ketu seeks the inner spiritual life and tends to detach from the material world and with Rahu in the 8th this combo could increase the Aries curiosity for astrology and other spiritual teachings. Ketu in Taurus will be transiting the 2nd bhava of income, family, food and speech giving detachment or confusion in any of these areas. However, Jupiter will enter Taurus on May 20, 2012 and remain protecting the rest of Ketu’s journey and giving more spiritual growth in the lessons signified by Ketu.
Kumba Lagna:
Peace will reign in your family life in the first half of the year although the same cannot be said for the second half of the year. There may be changes in your private life. Single people are likely to have new acquaintances, which will result in a new love affair. This romantic encounter is quite probable. You need to be more alert around financial problems from May to July. Luck is with you all the way and it could be that a windfall puts your personal economy in a healthier condition. Businessmen will make agreements with partners from other cities or countries, and will leap into action to achieve a desired purpose. At the same time, alternative opportunities are likely to occur – you’ll change your work or take up another direction. Your new partners will harmoniously replace the old ones. Employees also benefit with promotions or a rise. Your intelligence will get sharpened; you will succeed in your examinations. Career will be high on your priority and bring in a high level of growth in the first half of the year. Authority and confidence would be high. Opposition to your ideas and issues in marriage and relations could come in the second half of the year. Childless couples would be blessed with child. Health will improve a lot. Religious travel and pilgrimages may come your way.
Jupiter is a functionally malefic planet for Aquarius as it rules the 11th bhava of desire and ambitions and the 2nd of income, family and speech. Jupiter is also the best benefic in the heavens. Jupiter entered Aries May 11, 2011 and will remain until May 20, 2012. Jupiter rules growth, optimism, travel and education and Aries rules new beginnings, independence, ambition and courage. Aries rules the 3rd bhava of younger siblings, communications, dramatic arts, short trips and courage. Jupiter in the 3rd will bring expansion, luck and opportunities in these areas. Jupiter from Aries will also throw its benefits to the 7th bhava of marriage, partnerships, contracts, business and foreign residence and Jupiter will throw its influence onto its opposite sign of Libra onto your 9th bhava of prosperity, long distant travels, education, teachers and father. Jupiter will also throw its good fortune onto the 11th bhava of profits and gains, group activities, friendships, elder siblings and fulfilling desires.
Jupiter will move to Taurus in the 4th house on May 20, 2012 for a year. Taurus rules the 4th bhava of home, mother, property, education and vehicles. Jupiter in the 4th will bring expansion, luck and opportunities in these areas. Jupiter from Taurus will also throw its benefits to the 8th of legacies, partner’s income, psychology, astrology and business deals and Jupiter will throw its influence onto its opposite sign of Scorpio onto your 10th bhava of career, authority, government, fame and reputation. Jupiter will also throw its good fortune onto the 12th bhava of spiritual liberation, foreign travels, pilgrimages but also introspection and losses.
Saturn is a powerful malefic but a functional benefic according to Parashara as it rules the lagna or the 1st bhava of the self, body and confidence and the 12th of foreign travels, retreat, liberation, losses and uncertainties. Saturn being a malefic gives ambition and determination that is good for business affairs but not as good for relationships or health. Saturn entered its exalted position Libra for the first time in 30 years November 11, 2011 until November 2014. Saturn will bring important learning lessons of Libra that include relationships, marriage, clients and customers, contracts and business partnerships. But for Aquarius Saturn in Libra will also be transiting your 9th bhava of travel, higher studies, teachers, father and foreign travel. Being exalted in Libra will give many blessings in these areas of Libra and in the 9th of prosperity. Saturn from 9th will also throw its influence to the 11th of gains, fulfilling desires, friendships, elder siblings and group activities and the 3rd bhava of communications, information, short trips, fine arts and younger siblings. Saturn will also bring its challenges to the 6th bhava of employment, competitors, health, self-improvement and debts. Jupiter in Aries in your 3rd will be in opposition to Saturn in Libra in the 9th gives opportunities and delays education, media, traveling and legal matters November 11, 2011 through May 20, 2012. But Jupiter in Aries and Saturn in Libra will also form a supportive double transit of growth to Sagittarius to your 11th house of achievement, elder siblings, profits and gains, and group activities.
Natural malefic Mars is a functional malefic for Aquarius as it influences the 3rd of desire and the 10th of career. Mars will be in Leo October 30, 2011 through June 21, 2012 heating up and creating stress to your 7th bhava of marriage, partnerships, contracts, business and diplomacy. Mars in Leo, however will be protected by Jupiter in Aries who will be shining its divine grace and protection onto Mars through May 20, 2012 making sure your 7th bhava will be protected and bring more of its blessings in relationships and more business.
Rahu in Scorpio and Ketu in Taurus will begin May 2, 2011 until mid January 2013. Rahu will increase your worldly desires to compete and succeed in the material world and Rahu for Aquarius influences the 10th of career, fame, reputation and authority, which gives great striving for professional success.
Ketu seeks the inner spiritual life and tends to detach from the material world. Ketu in Taurus will be in the 4th bhava of home, mother, property and education. Ketu here could disturb the inner personal life because of Rahu’s need to be out in the world making a name for itself.
Rishaba Lagna:-
There shall be a changed improvement in your overall performance this year. You may have to enhance your level of initiative and performance to cope with the increasing pressure of work. Some of you will get a new position. Some of you will get recognition in your career. Healthwise, you will feel more energetic and fresh. Your health related distress will be reduced. Love will flow for you for the entire year. Try to redefine your love statement in your own way as it can bring excitement into your life. Those who are single right now will find a suitable mate around the third quarter of 2012. You will buy your own property or new vehicle. Go through the relevant documents very carefully. Trying to get everything right is rather a tall order and this is especially true in the financial arena. But don’t worry about the fine-tuning if you feel that an important matter needs prompt attention. News received after mid year enables you to plan ahead with greater confidence. Socially, you’ll remain active in all the events. The caring nature of married couples will keep happiness in their relation, but some arguments might get heated in the month of April or May. You’ll find your family supporting you in all your major decisions. Some childless couples may become pregnant.
Jupiter is a functional malefic for Taurus as it rules the 8th of upheavals and change and the 11th of fulfilling one’s desires but it’s also the best benefic in the heavens. Jupiter will enter Aries May 11, 2011 and remain until May 20, 2012. Jupiter rules growth, optimism, travel and education and Aries rules new beginnings, independence, ambition and courage. Aries rules the 12th bhava for Taurus giving spiritual and psychological growth and insights, foreign travel, charity and pilgrimages. Jupiter from Aries will also throw its benefits to the 4th bhava of home, mother, property and vehicles and throw its influence onto its opposite sign of Libra in the 6th of work, service, debts, health and pets. Jupiter will also throw its good fortune onto the 8th of legacies, spouse’s income, astrology, research and business deals.
Saturn is a powerful malefic but it’s a functional benefic and yogakaraka for Taurus bringing many benefits as Saturn for Taurus rules the 9th of dharma and prosperity and the 10th of karma and career to form it’s own Raja Yoga with the best houses in the horoscope. Saturn being a natural malefic gives ambition and determination that is good for career but not as good for relationships or health. Saturn will enter its exalted position Libra for the first time in 30 years November 11, 2011 until November 2014. Saturn will bring important learning lessons of Libra that include relationships, marriage, clients and customers, contracts and business partnerships. But for Taurus Saturn in Libra will also be transiting your 6th bhava of health, employment, self-improvement, disputes and service. Being exalted in Libra will give many blessings in these areas of Libra and the 6th that will give you determination to work hard and the discipline for eating better an exercising. Saturn from your 6th will also throw its influence to the 8th in Sagittarius of changes, joint ventures, chronic health conditions and research and the 3rd bhava of siblings, communications, creative arts and short trips. Saturn will also aspect the 12th that is good for working alone, meditation, and introspection but also good for foreign business matters.
Jupiter in Aries in your 12th will be in opposition to Saturn in Libra in the 6th giving opportunities and delays with work, health and travel November 11, 2011 through May 20, 2012. But Jupiter in Aries and Saturn in Libra will form a supportive double transit to Sagittarius to your 8th house of settlements, inheritance, research and business deals. Jupiter will move to Taurus on May 20, 2012 for a year, which is your first house. Its aspect on the 5th bhava of new jobs, investments, speculation, knowledge, luck and on the 9th bhava of long journeys, religion, pilgrimages, bhagya and higher education and wisdom will be very beneficial to you. Jupiter rules the 8th house of Transformation, Legacies and Change and the 11th house of elder siblings, Income, friends, Gains and fulfillment of hopes and desires. Its transit on your Rasi will be beneficial in gains from cash flow, researches and inheritance. A new job could come your way with higher salary and foreign travel is also in the cards with a chance of a religious journey on pilgrimage.
Natural malefic Mars is a functional temporal for Taurus and will be in Leo October 30, 2011 through June 21, 2012 transiting your 4th bhava of home, mother, property and contentment. Jupiter in Aries will be shining its divine grace and protection onto Mars through May 20, 2012 making sure your 4th bhava desires can be realized to your benefit; such as repairs to the home, remodeling or changing residence.
Rahu in Scorpio and Ketu in Taurus will begin May 2, 2011 until mid January 2013. Rahu will increase your worldly desires to compete and succeed in the material world and Scorpio for Taurus rules the 7th bhava of desiring marriage, partnerships, public recognition and business affairs.
Ketu seeks the inner spiritual life and tends to detach from the material world and with Rahu in the 1st or your lagna will allow relationships to become more intimate because you will be less concerned with your own needs and more focused on your partner. You may need to be careful of not ignoring your body and health while your attention is on others and business.
H.H. Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar
-Problems with Black Magic
- Court Cases
- Immigration Problems
- Father in Law & Mother in Law & Sister in Law and Brother in Law problems
- Sexual Problems
- Children problems
-Drink & Drugs Problems
- Evil Curse & Kala Jadoo Problems
-Scary Dreams Problems
Rahu and Ketu are not two separate entities in Vedic Astrology. They are two parts of the same demon, Swarbhanu who was a dragon. The relevant story goes like this. It was desired to bring out the gems lying hidden in the womb of the ocean. The gems were not the precious stones that we often get out of the sea. What is meant here is perhaps the secrets were unknown so far. Incidentally, it may be added here that by water they never meant the compound or two gases. In occult and spiritual literature water is the base of all manifestation. Water is used as a purifying agent in all religions the world over. As the butter in the milk is not visible but can be obtained by churning the milk, the gods and demons representing the good and evil forces wanted to churn the ocean. The work cannot be done by one or a few persons. It was decided to harness all the available forces of the suras ( gods) and Asuras (demons). As the consequence would be precious to both the parties, they decided to work together and share all that came out. Sumeru mountain was selected as the stick for churning. A serpent was used as the cord for the stick. Many gems came out of the sea one by one. Amrita, the nectar that makes one immortal to one who drinks it, was the last to appear.
The gods did not want to share this nectar with the demons lest the demons become immortal and evil perpetuate. The demons were already apprehensive of the intentions of gods. The latter approached Lord Vishnu who is always partial to gods. The latter appeared before the quarrelling parties in the form of a charming damsel. The damsel assured justice to both parties and asked them to stand in two rows. Swarbhanu one of the demons, apprehensive of the justice by the damsel infiltrated into the row of gods incognito and got his share of the nectar. It was only after drinking the nectar that he was detected by Sun and Moon who complained about it to Lord Vishnu who got enraged and chopped off the head of the demon. The two portions, head and the headless trunk have since been going round in the zodiac. As Sun and Moon are both their enemies they try to devour them which is the cause of solar and lunar eclipses. Swarbhanu before drinking the nectar had observed great penaces and Tapas and got a boon from Lord Brahma that he would be worshipped along with all the planets. Sun and Moon. It was on account of this boon of Lord Brahma that Lord Vishnu(the damsel) deliberately ignored his infiltration and gave him the nectar. The head portion of the demon is known Rahu and the trunk as Ketu.
On the face it looks funny but an intelligent interpretation of it would lead us to great truth. Gods and demons have always existed side by side, each fearful of the other and each struggling for existence and supremacy over the other. Churning of the ocean for taking out the gems was to have the secrets of life and of the manifestation. The Mt. Sumera is nothing but our spinal cord. The nectar that appeared last of all was nothing but the secrets of life and death and the way to liberation. The serpent used as a rope to bind the mountain is the wise man, perhaps, under whose guidance the operation should be undertaken. In short the churning of the sea is nothing but awakening and activating the Kundalini or Serpent power. The person who detected the demon was Moon who represents an illumined mind. Only and illumined mind can distinguish between good and bad. Head is the governing portion of the entire body and the experiences and the knowledge deposited in the lower portion of the body cannot be utilized by a headless man. In fact knowledge of truth and being one with it are two different things. Even the secret knowledge of truth provides the knower with many Siddhis and accomplishments which may be used as well as misused in the daily affairs of life. Chopping off the head means a separation of the governing part of the body from real truth.
The most significant point in the story is that the head comprising the mind and the faculty of distinction and power to govern the body is termed as Rahu. Because he was a demon his eyes are cast downwards, that is, towards earth or material pursuits. The material pleasures may give short time benefits but in the long run the individual gets disillusioned and starts looking towards the heavens for long term or permanent peace and bliss. As Rahu has gained the secrets of life and death he becomes invincible. He will try to get what he wants. If the circumstances are conducive or he will manipulate if they are not conductive. In other words, speaking astrologically, Rahu will get whatever it stands for by hook or by crook. It is compared with Saturn. The discussion on this aspect is possible only after we have learnt more about Rahu. One thing however is certain. Rahu in eclipses is active in dark fortnight and Ketu in bright fortnight. It is on this account that Ketu is considered as the Karaka or significator of Moksha or liberation. Both the nodes are malefic because the individuals gets troubles in both the paths whether spiritual or material.
Rahu and Ketu
Rahu and Ketu have no house of their owns. They are guided by the lord of the house they occupy. They are also influenced by the planets co-occupying the houses with them and also by those aspecting them. This supports our assumption that the nodes affect more than one aspect of life.
Further, the two nodes are always opposite to each other. Normally the planets opposing each other affect each others results. This may not be so with the nodes because the results in each case may not have to be opposed or affected. If at all, they affect each other that which be only supplementary and not otherwise.
According to mythological tales Rahu is the head of the dragon. Head as we know contain the brain and controls the functioning of the entire body. This suggests that Rahu is the controlling and active node. Ketu rules of the body, sends feelings and sensations to the brain. To analyse those sensations and take action if necessary is within the jurisdiction of Rahu. More precisely Ketu has the power of transforming the events into experience which turn into wisdom. On the basis of the above we can assume that the wisdom derived from events is stored by Kety and may be lying some where at the unconscious level. The wisdom lying at the unconscious may come up to rule conscious or even the conscious level which inspires us to respond involuntarily to some events even knowing fully well that a particularly action shall go against our interests, we take that action.
Nobody can predict such action. We may call it mysterious because we do not know the reasons why we took certain action which was not at all warranted under the then prevailing circumstances. This is the bridge linking the fact with the present. Ignoring Rahu and Ketu we would be missing this link.
The sign dispositors of the nodes function as the channels for them. Modern writers have started to link them with our previous incarnations. Ketu stores the past events in its own way and delivers their results through the agency of its sign dispositors and the planets connected with it.
Astrologically speaking, human life has been divided into three stages as Rajasic, Tamasic and Satvic phases. These are also the three Gunas or Qualities manifest in this Universe. Ketu is the first Graha in each of these three stages. In Pisces the egos were fast sleep and had lost their individually. The first step was to awaken the dormant egos. There may be noised around them yet they are not awakened unless called out by name. This is so because the sleeping egos had not lost their individually. The persons generally identify themselves with the name. They will not easily be awakened by calling out by their names. Ketu as the first Graha required for awakening the ego indicates that it has some thing to do with the activities the sleeping ego had identified itself with. Ketu thus can be taken to be concerned with the life earlier than when the egos went dormant. In other words Ketu implants in the egos their earlier identification. Ketu was the repository of its past deeds in some form or the other. It was however, at mental stage.
In the Tamsic phase the individual is ready to face the world manifest physically and mentally. Ketu’s appearance as first again means that the experiences gained in the earlier life release their talent faculties. Sattwik attributes lead to enlightenment on the basis of its existence in the world of matter. Molla in the group asks individual once again to indentify himself in accordance with his past experience. He may like to go for more experiences of the world of matter or to change the course of piolgirmage to spiritualism. This is one aspect of Ketu that is its contribution to the process of evolution. This is the main function of Ketu and all the others Grahas for that matter. When we talk of astrological function we have to keep this in mind that Ketu is the repository of our past Karmas or deeds and misdeeds that bring us to this world of matter and manifestation.
Astrologically speaking, Ketu’s Nakshatra fall in the signs Aries Leo and Sagittarius. The indication is that Ketu does whatever it likes on an impulse. It does not analyse its action objectively. It has no tolerance or forbearance. Seeking reasons for such impulsive actions. We go to the study of the rulers of its Nakshatra’s four quarters. The Nakshatras fall in different signs of the zodiac but their quarters are governed by Mars. Venus, Mercury and Moon. They all belong to the first phase of evolution. Their impact is on subjective mind and they all seek externalization of themselves. Externalisation means an impulse of expressing in physical terms all that they feel inside. The moon as the lord of Cancer governs the cosmic Hiranyagarbha the womb of all manifestation. The egos get all type of nourishment that is required by the ego for all its manoeuvres that it cherished. It is for this reason that Ketu is compared with Mars.
Ketu is called Shikhi which means the top. Ketu prepares the individual for each phase of his journey. Preparation for any action requires a conviction that he can do the work required of him. Ketu for this purpose gives flashes of the inner self of the individual which is omnipotent. The aspect of Ketu is present in all its Nakashatras. It tries to take you to spiritualism, the way to the cosmic self. Ketu’s action is always on the mental plane irrespective of the phase of evolution it is concerned with. In Aries it stimulates the mind because the emerging egos had attained the stage of floating masses. In Pisces they were merely the floating nebulae.
In Leo it again stimulated the mind, increased self centered-ness to the degree of being an egoist. It did so because the ego wanted to have more experience the material world. In the last phase of development it stimulated the mind again to take a decision and if need be to change the course of journey. In short, Ketu does not produce the circumstances. It creates the mind. It is the top executive of human actions.
It is true that by affecting the mind Ketu causesa great mental turbulence because the matter does not move according to its dictates. This often causes great agonies and even frustrations. Repeated failures and frustrations lead to a situation of helplessness and isolation, then the individual tries to seek remedies and divine hKarma & Vedic Astrology
Karma is the law of moral causation. The theory of Karma is a fundamental doctrine in Buddhism. This belief was prevalent in India before the advent of the Buddha. Nevertheless, it was the Buddha who explained and formulated this doctrine in the complete form in which we have it today. What is the cause of the inequality that exists among mankind? Why should one person be brought up in the lap of luxury, endowed with fine mental, moral and physical qualities, and another in absolute poverty, steeped in misery? Why should one person be a mental prodigy, and another an idiot? Why should one person be born with saintly characteristics and another with criminal tendencies? Why should some be linguistic, artistic, mathematically inclined, or musical from the very cradle? Why should others be congenitally blind, deaf, or deformed? Why should some be blessed, and others cursed from their births? Either this inequality of mankind has a cause, or it is purely accidental.
No sensible person would think of attributing this unevenness, this inequality, and this diversity to blind chance or pure accident. In this world nothing happens to a person that he does not for some reason or other deserve. Usually, men of ordinary intellect cannot comprehend the actual reason or reasons. The definite invisible cause or causes of the visible effect is not necessarily confined to the present life, they may be traced to a proximate or remote past birth. According to Buddhism, this inequality is due not only to heredity, environment, “nature and nurture”, but also to Karma. In other words, it is the result of our own past actions and our own present doings. We ourselves are responsible for our own happiness and misery. We create our own Heaven. We create our own Hell. We are the architects of our own fate.
Perplexed by the seemingly inexplicable, apparent disparity that existed among humanity, a young truth-seeker approached the Buddha and questioned him regarding this intricate problem of inequality:
“What is the cause, what is the reason, O Lord,” questioned he, “that we find amongst mankind the short-lived and long-lived, the healthy and the diseased, the ugly and beautiful, those lacking influence and the powerful, the poor and the rich, the low-born and the high-born, and the ignorant and the wise?”
The Buddha’s reply was:
“All living beings have actions (Karma) as their own, their inheritance, their congenital cause, their kinsman, their refuge. It is Karma that differentiates beings into low and high states.” He then explained the cause of such differences in accordance with the law of cause and effect.
Certainly we are born with hereditary characteristics. At the same time we possess certain innate abilities that science cannot adequately account for. To our parents we are indebted for the gross sperm and ovum that form the nucleus of this so-called being. They remain dormant within each parent until this potential germinal compound is vitalised by the karmic energy needed for the production of the foetus. Karma is therefore the indispensable conceptive cause of this being. The accumulated karmic tendencies, inherited in the course of previous lives, at times play a far greater role than the hereditary parental cells and genes in the formation of both physical and mental characteristics.
The Buddha, for instance, inherited, like every other person, the reproductive cells and genes from his parents. But physically, morally and intellectually there was none comparable to him in his long line of Royal ancestors. In the Buddha’s own words, he belonged not to the Royal lineage, but to that of the Aryan Buddhas. He was certainly a superman, an extraordinary creation of his own Karma. According to the Lakkhana Sutta of Digha Nikaya, the Buddha inherited exceptional features, such as the 32 major marks, as the result of his past meritorious deeds. The ethical reason for acquiring each physical feature is clearly explained in the Sutta. It is obvious from this unique case that karmic tendencies could not only influence our physical organism, but also nullify the potentiality of the parental cells and genes – hence the significance of the Buddha’s enigmatic statement, – “We are the heirs of our own actions.” Dealing with this problem of variation, the Atthasalini, being a commentary on the Abhidharma, states:
“Depending on this difference in Karma appears the differences in the birth of beings, high and low, base and exalted, happy and miserable. Depending on the difference in
Karma appears the difference in the individual features of beings as beautiful and ugly, high-born or low born, well-built or deformed. Depending on the difference in Karma appears the difference in worldly conditions of beings, such as gain and loss, and disgrace, blame and praise, happiness and misery.” Thus, from a Buddhist point of view, our present mental, moral intellectual and temperamental differences are, for the most part, due to our own actions and tendencies, both past and present. Although Buddhism attributes this variation to Karma, as being the chief cause among a variety, it does not, however, assert that everything is due to Karma. The law of Karma, important as it is, is only one of the twenty-four conditions described in Buddhist Philosophy. Refuting the erroneous view that “whatsoever fortune or misfortune experienced is all due to some previous action”, the Buddha said: ”So, then, according to this view, owing to previous action men will become murderers, thieves, unchaste, liars, slanderers, covetous, malicious and perverts. Thus, for those who fall back on the former deeds as the essential reason, there is neither the desire to do, nor effort to do, nor necessity to do this deed, or abstain from this deed.” It was this important text, which states the belief that all physical circumstances and mental attitudes spring solely from past Karma that Buddha contradicted. If the present life is totally conditioned or wholly controlled by our past actions, then certainly Karma is tantamount to fatalism or determinism or predestination.
If this were true, free will would be an absurdity. Life would be purely mechanistic, not much different from a machine. Being created by an Almighty God who controls our destinies and predetermines our future, or being produced by an irresistible Karma that completely determines our fate and controls our life’s course, independent of any free action on our part, is essentially the same. The only difference lies in the two words God and Karma. One could easily be substituted for the other, because the ultimate operation of both forces would be identical.
Such a fatalistic doctrine is not the Buddhist law of Karma. According to Buddhism, there are five orders or processes (niyama) which operate in the physical and mental realms.
They are:
Utu Niyama
physical inorganic order, e.g. seasonal phenomena of winds and rains. The unerring order of seasons, characteristic seasonal changes and events, causes of winds and rains, nature of heat, etc., all belong to this group.
Bija Niyama
order of germs and seeds (physical organic order), e.g. rice produced from rice-seed, sugary taste from sugar-cane or honey, peculiar characteristics of certain fruits, etc. The scientific theory of cells and genes and the physical similarity of twins may be ascribed to this order.
Karma Niyama
order of act and result, e.g., desirable and undesirable acts produce corresponding good and bad results. As surely as water seeks its own level so does Karma, given opportunity, produce its inevitable result, not in the form of a reward or punishment but as an innate sequence. This sequence of deed and effect is as natural and necessary as the way of the sun and the moon.
Dhamma Niyama
order of the norm, e.g., the natural phenomena occurring at the advent of a Bodhisattva in his last birth. Gravitation and other similar laws of nature. The natural reason for being good and so forth, may be included in this group
Citta Niyama
order or mind or psychic law, e.g., processes of consciousness, arising and perishing of consciousness, constituents of consciousness, power of mind, etc., including telepathy, telaesthesia, retro-cognition, premonition, clairvoyance, clairaudience, thought-reading and such other psychic phenomena which are inexplicable to modern science. Every mental or physical phenomenon could be explained by these all-embracing five orders or processes which are laws in themselves. Karma as such is only one of these five orders. Like all other natural laws they demand no lawgiver.
Of these five, the physical inorganic order and the order of the norm are more or less mechanistic, though they can be controlled to some extent by human ingenuity and the power of mind. For example, fire normally burns, and extreme cold freezes, but man has walked scathe less over fire and meditated naked on Himalayan snows; horticulturists have worked marvels with flowers and fruits;
Yogis have performed levitation. Psychic law is equally mechanistic, but Buddhist training aims at control of mind, which is possible by right understanding and skilful volition. Karma law operates quite automatically and, when the Karma is powerful, man cannot interfere with its inexorable result though he may desire to do so; but here also right understanding and skilful volition can accomplish much and mould the future. Good Karma, persisted in, can thwart the reaping of bad Karma, or as some Western scholars prefer to say ‘action influence’, is certainly an intricate law whose working is fully comprehended only by a Buddha. The Buddhist aims at the final destruction of all Karma.
The Pali term Karma literally means action or doing. Any kind of intentional action whether mental, verbal, or physical, is regarded as Karma. It covers all that is included in the phrase “thought, word and deed”. Generally speaking, all good and bad action constitutes Karma. In its ultimate sense Karma means all moral and immoral volition. Involuntary, unintentional or unconscious actions, though technically deeds, do not constitute Karma, because volition, the most important factor in determining Karma, is absent.
The Buddha says:
“I declare, O Bhikkhus, that volition is Karma. Having willed one acts by body, speech, and thought.”
Every volitional action of individuals, save those of Buddhas and Arahants, is called Karma. The exception made in their case is because they are delivered from both good and evil; they have eradicated ignorance and craving, the roots of Karma.”Destroyed are their germinal seeds (Khina bija); selfish desires no longer grow,” states the Ratana Sutta of Sutta nipata. This does not mean that the Buddha and Arahantas are passive. They are tirelessly active in working for the real well being and happiness of all. Their deeds ordinarily accepted as good or moral, lack creative power as regards themselves. Understanding things as they truly are, they have finally shattered their cosmic fetters – the chain of cause and effect.
Karma does not necessarily mean past actions. It embraces both past and present deeds. Hence in one sense, we are the result of what we were; we will be the result of what we are. In another sense, it should be added, we are not totally the result of what we were; we will not absolutely be the result of what we are. The present is no doubt the offspring of the past and is the present of the future, but the present is not always a true index of either the past or the future; so complex is the working of Karma. It is this doctrine of Karma that the mother teaches her child when she says “Be good and you will be happy and we will love you; but if you are bad, you will be unhappy and we will not love you.” In short, Karma is the law of cause and effect in the ethical realm. Karma is action, and Vipaka, fruit or result, is its reaction.
Just as every object is accompanied by a shadow, even so every volitional activity is inevitably accompanied by its due effect. Karma is like potential seed: Vipaka could be likened to the fruit arising from the tree – the effect or result. Anisamsa and Adinaya are the leaves, flowers and so forth that correspond to external differences such as health, sickness and poverty – these are inevitable consequences, which happen at the same time. Strictly speaking, both Karma and Vipaka pertain to the mind. As Karma may be good or bad, so may Vipaka, – the fruit – is good or bad.
As Karma is mental so Vipaka is mental (of the mind). It is experienced as happiness, bliss, unhappiness or misery, according to the nature of the Karma seed. Anisamsa are the concomitant advantages – material things such as prosperity, health and longevity. When Vipaka’s concomitant material things are disadvantageous, they are known as Adinaya, full of wretchedness, and appear as poverty, ugliness, disease, short life-span and so forth. As we sow, we reap somewhere and sometime, in his life or in a future birth. What we reap today is what we have sown either in the present or in the past.
The Samyutta Nikaya states:
“According to the seed that’s sown,
So is the fruit you reap there from,
Doer of good will gather good,
Doer of evil, evil reaps,
Down is the seed and thou shalt taste
The fruit thereof.”
Karma is a law in itself, which operates in its own field without the intervention of any external, independent ruling agency. Happiness and misery, which are the common lot of humanity, are the inevitable effects of causes. From a Buddhist point of view, they are not rewards and punishments, assigned by a supernatural, omniscient ruling power to a soul that has done good or evil. Theists, who attempt to explain everything in this and temporal life and in the eternal future life, ignoring a past, believe in a ‘postmortem’ justice, and may regard present happiness and misery as blessings and curses conferred on His creation by an omniscient and omnipotent Divine Ruler who sits in heaven above controlling the destinies of the human race. Buddhism, which emphatically denies such an Almighty, All merciful God-Creator and an arbitrarily created immortal soul, believes in natural law and justice which cannot be suspended by either an Almighty God or an All-compassionate Buddha. According to this natural law, acts bear their own rewards and punishments to the individual doer whether human justice finds out or not. There are some who criticize thus: “So, you Buddhists, too, administer capitalistic opium to the people, saying: “You are born poor in this life on account of your past evil karma. He is born rich on account of his good Karma.
So, be satisfied with your humble lot; but do good to be rich in your next life. You are being oppressed now because of your past evil Karma. There is your destiny. Be humble and bear your sufferings patiently. Do good now. You can be certain of a better and happier life after death.”
The Buddhist doctrine of Karma does not expound such ridiculous fatalistic views. Nor does it vindicate a postmortem justice. The All-Merciful Buddha, who had no ulterior selfish motives, did not teach this law of Karma to protect the rich and comfort the poor by promising illusory happiness in an after-life. While we are born to a state created by ourselves, yet by our own self-directed efforts there is every possibility for us to create new, favorable environments even here and now. Not only individually, but also, collectively, we are at liberty to create fresh Karma that leads either towards our progress or downfall in this very life. According to the Buddhist doctrine of Karma, one is not always compelled by an ‘iron necessity’, for Karma is neither fate, nor predestination imposed upon us by some mysterious unknown power to which we must helplessly submit ourselves. It is one’s own doing reacting on oneself, and so one has the possibility to divert the course of one’s Karma to some extent. How far one diverts it depends on oneself. Is one bound to reap all that one has sown in just proportion?
The Buddha provides an answer:
“If anyone says that a man or woman must reap in this life according to his present deeds, in that case there is no religious life, nor is an opportunity afforded for the entire extinction of sorrow. But if anyone says that what a man or woman reaps in this and future lives accords with his or her deeds present and past, in that case there is a religious life, and an opportunity is afforded for the entire extinction of a sorrow.” (Anguttara Nikaya)
Although it is stated in the Dhammapada that “not in the sky, nor in mid-ocean, or entering a mountain cave is found that place on earth where one may escape from (the consequences of) an evil deed”, yet one is not bound to pay all the past arrears of one’s Karma. If such were the case emancipation would be impossibility. Eternal recurrence would be the unfortunate result. Ignorance (avijja), or not knowing things as they truly are, is the chief cause of Karma. Dependent on ignorance arise activities (avijja paccaya samkhara) states the Buddha in the Paticca Samuppada (Dependent Origination).
Associated with ignorance is the ally craving (tanha), the other root of Karma. Evil actions are conditioned by these two causes. All good deeds of a worldling (putthujana), though associated with the three wholesome roots of generosity (alobha), goodwill (adosa) and knowledge (amoha), are nevertheless regarded as Karma because the two roots of ignorance and craving are dormant in him. The moral types of Supramundane Path Consciousness (magga citta) are not regarded as Karma because they tend to eradicate the two root causes.
Who is the doer of Karma?
Who reaps the fruit of Karma?
Does Karma mould a soul?
In answering these subtle questions, the Venerable Buddhaghosa writes in the Visuddhi Magga:
“No doer is there who does the deed;
Nor is there one who feels the fruit;
Constituent parts alone roll on;
This indeed! Is right discernment.”
For instance, the table we see is apparent reality. In an ultimate sense the so-called table consists of forces and qualities. For ordinary purposes a scientist would use the term water, but in the laboratory he would say H 20.
In this same way, for conventional purposes, such terms as man, woman, being, self, and so forth are used. The so-called fleeting forms consist of psychophysical phenomena, which are constantly changing not remaining the same for two consecutive moments.
Buddhists, therefore, do not believe in an unchanging entity, in an actor apart from action, in a perceiver apart from perception, in a conscious subject behind consciousness. Who then, is the doer of Karma? Who experiences the effect?
Volition, or Will (tetana), is itself the doer, Feeling (vedana) is itself the reaper of the fruits of actions. Apart from these pure mental states (suddhadhamma) there is no-one to sow and no-one to reap. With respect to different functions, Karma is classified into four kinds:
Every birth is conditioned by a past good or bad karma, which predominated at the moment of death. Karma that conditions the future birth is called Reproductive Karma. The death of a person is merely ‘a temporary end of a temporary phenomenon’. Though the present form perishes, another form which is neither the same nor absolutely different takes its place, according to the potential thought-vibration generated at the death moment, because the Karmic force which propels the life-flux still survives. It is this last thought, which is technically called Reproductive(janaka) Karma, that determines the state of a person in his subsequent birth. This may be either a good or bad Karma. According to the Commentary, Reproductive Karma is that which produces mental aggregates and material aggregates at the moment of conception. The initial consciousness, which is termed the patisandhi rebirth consciousness, is conditioned by this Reproductive (janaka) Karma. Simultaneous with the arising of the rebirth-consciousness, there arise the ‘body-decad’, ‘sex-decad’ and ‘base-decad’ (kaya-bhavavatthu dasakas). (decad = 10 factors).
(a) The body-decad is composed of:
The element of extension (pathavi).
The element of cohesion (apo).
The element of heat (tajo).
The element of motion (vayo).
(b) The four derivatives (upadana rupa):
Colour (vanna).
Odour (gandha).
Taste (rasa).
Nutritive Essence (oja)
These eight (mahabhuta 4 + upadana 4 = 8) are collectively called Avinibhoga Rupa (indivisable form or indivisable matter).
(c) Vitality (jivitindriya) and Body (kaya)
These (avinibhoga 8 + jivitindriya 1 + Kaya 1 = 10) ten are collectively called “Body-decad” =(Kaya dasaka).
Sex-decad and Base-decad also consist of the first nine, sex (bhava) and seat of consciousness(vathu) respectively (i.e. eye, ear, nose, tongue, and body).
From this, it is evident that the sex of a person is determined at the very conception of a being. It is conditioned by Karma and is not a fortuitous combination of sperm and ovum cells. The Pain and Happiness one experiences in the course of one’s lifetime are the inevitable consequence of Reproductive Karma.
That which comes near the Reproductive (janaka) Kamma and supports it. It is neither good nor bad and it assists or maintains the action of the Reproductive (janaka) Karma in the course of one’s lifetime. Immediately after conception till the death moment this Karma steps forward to support the Reproductive Karma. A moral supportive (kusala upathambhaka) Karma assists in giving health, wealth, happiness etc. to the being born with a moral Reproductive Karma. An immoral supportive Karma, on the other hand, assists in giving pain, sorrow, etc. to the being born with an immoral reproductive(akusala janaka) Karma, as for instance to a beast of burden.
Which, unlike the former, tends to weaken, interrupt and retard the fruition of the Reproductive Karma. For instance, a person born with a good Reproductive Karma may be subject to various ailments etc., thus preventing him from enjoying the blissful results of his good actions. An animal, on the other hand, who is born with a bad Reproductive Karma may lead a comfortable life by getting good food, lodging, etc., as a result of his good counteractive or obstructive (upabidaka) Karma preventing the fruition of the evil Reproductive Karma.
According to the law of Karma the potential energy of the Reproductive Karma could be nullified by a mere powerful opposing Karma of the past, which, seeking an opportunity, may quite unexpectedly operate, just as a powerful counteractive force can obstruct the path of a flying arrow and bring it down to the ground. Such an action is called Destructive (upaghataka) Karma, which is more effective than the previous two in that it is not only obstructive but also destroys the whole force. This Destructive Karma also may be either good or bad. As an instance of operation of all the four, the case of Devadatta, who attempted to kill the Buddha and who caused a schism in the Sangha (disciples of the Buddha) may be cited. His good Reproductive Karma brought him birth in a royal family. His continued comfort and prosperity were due to the action of the Supportive Karma. The Counteractive or Obstructive Karma came into operation when he was subject to much humiliation as a result of his being excommunicated from the Sangha. Finally the Destructive Karma brought his life to a miserable end.
(B) There is another classification of Karma, according to the priority of effect:
This is either weighty or serious – may be either good or bad. It produces its results in this life or in the next for certain. If good, it is purely mental as in the case of Jhana (ecstasy or absorption). Otherwise it is verbal or bodily. On the Immoral side, there are five immediate effective heinous crimes(pancanantariya karma): Matricide, Patricide, and the murder of an Arahant, the wounding of a Buddha and the creation of a schism in the Sangha. Permanent Scepticism (Niyata Micchaditthi) is also termed one of the Weighty (garuka) Karmas.
If, for instance, any person were to develop the jhana (ecstasy or absorption) and later were to commit one of these heinous crimes, his good Karma would be obliterated by the powerful evil Karma. His subsequent birth would be conditioned by the evil Karma in spite of his having gained the jhana earlier. Devadatta lost his psychic power and was born in an evil state, because he wounded the Buddha and caused a schism in the Sangha. King Ajatasattu would have attained the first stage of Sainthood (Sotapanna) if he had not committed patricide. In this case the powerful evil Karma acted as an obstacle to his gaining Sainthood.
This is that which one does or remembers immediately before the moment of dying. Owing to the great part it plays in determining the future birth, much importance is attained to this deathbed (asanna) Karma in almost all Buddhist countries. The customs of reminding the dying man of good deeds and making him do good acts on his deathbed still prevails in Buddhist countries. Sometimes a bad person may die happily and receive a good birth if he remembers or does a good act at the last moment. A story runs that a certain executioner who casually happened to give some alms to the Venerable Sariputta remembered this good act at the dying moment and was born in a state of bliss. This does not mean that although he enjoys a good birth he will be exempt from the effects of the evil deeds which he accumulated during his lifetime. They will have there due effect as occasions arise. At times a good person may die unhappy by suddenly remembering an evil act of his or by harboring some unpleasant thought, perchance compelled by unfavorable circumstances. In the scriptures, Queen Mallika, the consort of King Kosala, remembering a lie she had uttered, suffered for about seven days in a state of misery when she lied to her husband to cover some misbehavior.
These are exceptional cases. Such reverse changes of birth account for the birth of virtuous children to vicious parents and of vicious children to virtuous parents. As a
result of the last thought moment being conditioned by the general conduct of the person.
It is that which on habitually performs and recollects and for which one has a great liking. Habits whether good or bad becomes ones second nature, tending to form the character of a person. At unguarded moments one often lapses into one’s habitual mental mindset. In the same way, at the death-moment, unless influenced by other circumstances, one usually recalls to mind one’s habitual deeds. Cunda, a butcher, who was living in the vicinity of the Buddha’s monastery, died yelling like an animal because he was earning his living by slaughtering pigs. King Dutthagamini of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) was in the habit of giving alms to the Bhikkhus (monks) before he took his own meals. It was his habitual Karma that gladdened him at the dying moment and gave him birth in the Tusita heaven.
This literally means ‘because done’. All actions that are not included in the aforementioned and those actions soon forgotten belong to this category. This is, as it were the reserve fund of a particular being.
(C) There is another classification of Karma according to the time in which effects are worked out:
Immediately Effective (ditthadhammavedaniya) Karma.
Subsequently Effective (uppapajjavedaniya) Karma.
Indefinitely Effective (aparapariyavedaniya) Karma.
Defunct or Ineffective (ahosi) Karma.
Immediately Effective Karma is that which is experienced in this present life. According to the Abhidhamma one does both good and evil during the javana process (thought-impulsion), which usually lasts for seven thought-moments. The effect of the first thought-moment, being the weakest, one may reap in this life itself. This is called the Immediately Effective Karma.
If it does not operate in this life, it is called ‘Defunct or Ineffective’ Karma.
The next weakest is the seventh thought-moment. Its effect one may reap in the subsequence birth. This is called ‘Subsequently Effective’ Karma.
This, too, is called Defunct or Ineffective Karma if it does not operate in the second birth. The effect of the intermediate thought-moments may take place at any time until one attains Nibbana. This type of Karma is known as ‘Indefinitely Effective’ Karma.
No one, not even the Buddhas and Arahantas, is exempt from this class of Karma which one may experience in the course of one’s wandering in Samsara. There is no special class of Karma known as Defunct or Ineffective, but when such actions that should produce their effects in this life or in a subsequent life do not operate, they are termed Defunct or Ineffective Karma.
(D) The last classification of Karma is according to the plane in which the effect takes place, namely:
Evil Actions (akusala kamma) which may ripen in the sentient planes (kammaloka). (Six celestial planes plus one human plane plus four woeful planes = eleven kamaloka planes.) Here are only four woeful kamalokas.
Good Actions (kusala kamma) which may ripen in the sentient planes except for the four woeful planes.
Good Actions (kusala kamma) which may ripen in the Realm of Form (rupa brahamalokas). There are four Arupa Brahma Lokas.
Question: Do the Karmas of parents determine or affect the Karmas of their children?
Answer: Physically, the Karma of children is generally determined by the Karma of their parents. Thus, healthy parents usually have healthy offspring, and unhealthy parents have unhealthy children. On the effect or how the Karma of their children is determined: the child’s Karma is a thing apart of itself – it forms the child’s individuality, the sum-total of its merits and demerits accumulated in innumerable past existences. For example, the Karma of the Buddha-to-be, Prince Siddhartha was certainly not influenced by the joint Karma of his parents, King Suddhodana and Queen Maya. The glorious and powerful Karma of our Buddha-to-be transcended the Karma of his parents which jointly were more potent than his own.
Question: If the Karma of parents do not influence those of their children, how would the fact be explained that parents who suffer from certain virulent diseases are apt to transmit these evils to their offspring?
Answer: Where a child inherits such a disease it is due to the force of the parents’ characteristics because of the force of the latter’s Utu (conditions favorable to germination). Take, for example, two seeds from a sapling; plant one in inferior, dry soil; and the other in rich, moist soil. The result is that the first seed will sprout into a sickly sapling and soon show symptoms of disease and decay; while the other seed will thrive and flourish and grow up to be a tall and healthy tree. It will be observed that the pair of seeds taken from the same stock grows up differently according to the soil into which they are put. A child’s past Karma may be compared to the seed: the physical disposition of the mother to the soil; and that of the father to the moisture, which fertilized the soil. Roughly speaking, to illustrate our subject, we will say that, representing the sapling’s germination, growth, and existence as a unit, the seed is responsible for one-tenth of them, the soil for six-tenths, and the moisture for the remainder, three-tenths.
Thus, although the power of germination exists potentially in the seed (the child), its growth is powerfully determined and quickened by the soil (the mother) and the moisture (the father). Therefore, even as the conditions of the soil and moisture must be taken as largely responsible factors in the growth and condition of the tree. So must the influences of the parents (or progenitors, as in the case of the animal world) be taken into account in respect to the conception and growth of their offspring? The parents’ share in the Karma determining the physical factors of their issue is as follows: If they are human beings, then their offspring will be a human being. If they are cattle then their issue must be of their species. If the human being is Chinese, then their offspring must be of their race. Thus, the offspring are invariably of the same genera and species, etc., as those of the progenitors. It will be seen from the above that, although a child’s Karma is very powerful in itself, if cannot remain wholly uninfluenced by those of it parents. It is apt to inherit the physical characteristic of its parents. Yet, it may occur that the child’s Karma, being superlatively powerful, the influence of the parent’s joint Karma cannot overshadow it. Of course, it need hardly be pointed out that the evil influences of parents can also be counteracted by the application of medical science.
All beings born of sexual cohabitation are the resultant effects of three forces:
The old Karma of past existence;
The seminal fluid of the mother, and
The seminal fluid of the father.
The physical dispositions of the parents may, or may not, be equal in force. One may counteract the other to a lesser or greater extent. The child’s Karma and physical characteristics, such as race, color, etc., will be the produce of the three forces.
Question: On the death of a sentient being, is there a ‘soul’ that wanders about at will?
Answer: When a sentient being leaves one existence, it is reborn either as a human being, a celestial being, (Deva or Brahama), and inferior animal, or a denizen of one of the regions of hell. The sceptics and the ignorant people held that there are intermediate stages – antrabhava – between these; and that there are being who are neither of the human, the celestial, the Deva or the Brahma worlds nor of any one of the stages of exist recognised in the scriptures – but are in an intermediate stage. Some assert that these transitional stages are possessed of the Five Khandhas (Five Aggregates: they are Matter (rupa); Feeling (vedana); Perception(sanna); 4. Mental-activities (sankhara); and Consciousness (vinnana).
Some assert that these beings are detached ‘souls’ or spirits with no material encasement, and some again, that they are possessed of the faculty of seeing like Devas, and further, that they have power of changing at will, at short intervals, from one to any of the existence mentioned above.
Others again hold the fantastic and erroneous theory that these beings can, and so, fancy themselves to be in other than the existence they are actually in. Thus, to take for example one such of these suppositious beings. He is a poor person – and yet he fancies himself to be rich. He may be in hell – and yet he fancies himself to be in the land of the Devas, and so on. This belief in intermediate stages between existences is false, and is condemned in the Buddhist teachings. A human being in this life who, by his Karma is destined to be a human being in the next, will be reborn as such; one who by his Karma is destined to be a Deva in the next will be appear in the land of the Devas; and one whose future life is to be in Hell, will be found in one of the regions of hell in the next existence.
The idea of an entity or soul or spirit ‘going’, ‘coming’, ‘changing’ or ‘transmigrating’ from one existence to another is an idea entertained by the ignorance and materialistic, and is certainly not justified by the Dhammas that there is no such thing as ‘going’, ‘coming’, ‘changing’, etc., as between existences. The conception, which is in accordance with the Dhamma, may perhaps be illustrated by the picture thrown out by a cinema projector, or the sound of emitted by the gramophone, and their relation to the film or the sound-box and records respectively. For example, a human being dies and is reborn in the land of Devas.
Though these two existences are different, yet the link or continuity between the two at death is unbroken in point of time. The same is true in the case of a man whose further existence is to be in hell. The distance between Hell and the abode of man appears to be great. Yet, in point of time, the continuity of ‘passage’ from the one existence to the other is unbroken, and no intervening matter or space can interrupt the trend of a man’s Karma from the world of human beings to the regions of Hell. The ‘passage’ from one existence to another is instantaneous, and the transition is infinitely quicker than the blink of an eyelid or a lightening-flash. Karma determines the realm of rebirth and the state of existence in that realm of all transient being (in the cycle of existences, which have to be traversed till the attainment, at last, of Nibbana). The results of Karma are manifold, and may be affected in many ways. Religious offerings (dana) may obtain for a man the privilege of rebirth as a human being, or as a deva, in one of the six deva worlds according to the degree of the merit of the deeds performed, and so with the observance of religious duties (sila).
The jhanas or states of absorption, are found in the Brahma world or Brahmalokas up to the summit, the twentieth Brahma world: And so with bad deeds, the perpetrators of which are to be found, grade by grade, down to the lowest depths of Hell. Thus are Karma, past, present and future were, are, and will ever be the sum total of our deeds, good, indifferent or bad. As was seen from the foregoing, our Karma determines the changes of our existences. ”Evil spirits” are, therefore, not beings in an intermediate or transitional stages of existence, but are really very inferior beings, and they belong to one of the following five realms of existence:
1. World of Men: 2. The Lowest plane of deva-world; 3. The region of hell; 4. Animals below men, and 5. Pretas (ghosts).
Number 2 and 5 are very near the world of human beings. As their condition is unhappy, and they are popularly considered evil spirits. It is not true that all who die in this world are reborn as evil spirits; nor is it true that beings who die sudden or violent deaths are apt to be reborn in the lowest plane of the world of devas.
Question: Is there such a thing as a human being who is reborn and who is able to speak accurately of his or her past existence?
Answer:Certainly, this is not an uncommon occurrence, and is in accordance with the tenets of Buddhism in respect to Karma.
The following (who form, an overwhelming majority of human beings) are generally unable to remember there past existences when reborn as human beings: Children who die young. Those who die old and senile. Those who are addicted to the drug or drink habit. Those whose mothers, during their conception, have been sickly or have had to toil laboriously, or have been reckless or imprudent during pregnancy. The children in the womb, being stunned and started, lose all knowledge of their past existence. The following are possessed of a knowledge of their past existences, viz: Those who are not reborn (in the human world) but proceed to the world of the devas, of Brahmas, or to the regions of Hell, remember their past existences. Those who die suddenly deaths from accidents, while in sound health, may also be possessed of this faculty in the next existence, provided that their mothers, in whose womb they are conceived, are healthy. Again, those who live steady, meritorious lives and who in their past existences have striven to attain, often attain it. Lastly the Buddha, the Arahantas and Ariyas attain this gift which is known as pubbenivasa abhnna(Supernatural Power remembering previous existences).
Question: Which are the five Abhinna? Are they attainable only by the Buddha?
Answer: The five Abhinna (Supernatural Powers): Pali – abhi, excellent, nana, wisdom) are:
Iddhividha = Creative power;
Dibbasola = Divine Ear;
Cetopariya nana = Knowledge of others’ thoughts;
Pubbenivasanussati = Knowledge of one’s past existence;
Dibbacakkhu = The Divine eye.
The Abhinna are attainable not only by the Buddha, but also by Arantas and Ariyas, by ordinary mortals who practise according to the Scriptures (as was the case with hermits etc, who flourished before the time of the Buddha and who were able to fly through the air and traverse different worlds). In the Buddhist Scriptures, we find, clearly shown, the means of attaining the five Abhinna. And even nowadays, if these means are carefully and perseveringly pursued, it would be possible to attain these. That we do not see any person endowed with the five Abhinna today is due to the lack of strenuous physical and mental exertion towards their attainment. In the working of Karma there are maleficent and beneficent forces and conditions to counteract and support this self-operating law. Birth (gati) time or condition (kala) substratum of rebirth or showing attachment to rebirth (upadhi) and effort (payoga) act as such powerful aids and hindrances to the fruition of Karma.
Though we are neither the absolutely the servants nor the masters of our Karma, it is evident from these counteractive and supportive factors that the fruition of Karma is influenced to some extent by external circumstances, surroundings, personality, individual striving, and so forth. It is this doctrine of Karma that gives consolation, hope, reliance and moral courage to a Buddhist. When the unexpected happens, and he meets with difficulties, failures, and misfortune, the Buddhist realises that he is reaping what he has sown, and he is wiping off a past debt. Instead of resigning himself, leaving everything to Karma, he makes a strenuous effort to pull the weeds and sow useful seeds in their place, for the future is in his own hands.
He who believes in Karma does not condemn even the most corrupt, for they, too, have their chance to reform themselves at any moment. Though bound to suffer in woeful states, they have hope of attaining eternal Peace. By their own doings they have created their own Hells, and by their own doings they can create their own Heavens, too. A Buddhist who is fully convinced of the law of Karma does not pray to another to be saved but confidently relies on him for his own emancipation. Instead of making any self-surrender, or calling on any supernatural agency, he relies on his own will power, and works incessantly for the well-being and happiness of all. This belief in Karma validates his effort and kindles his enthusiasm, because it teaches individual responsibility. To the ordinary Buddhist, Karma serves as a deterrent, while to an intellectual, it serves as in incentive to do good. He or she becomes kind, tolerant, and considerate. This law of Karma explains the problem of suffering, the mastery of so-called fate and predestination of other religions and about all the inequality of mankind.
Vedic Astrology is a tool or a science that Interprets your Karma. The Vedic Birthchart is a Karmic Blueprint of your destiny that you are going to undergo and receive in this life. A good Vedic Astrologer uses your Rasi Chakra and the various Vargas or ‘Harmonic Charts’ in conjunction with Dasa Systems and Transits to arrive at an accurate conclusion as to what circumstances will accrue in the lifetime of an individual based on his Karma from previous lives. The Karma system of Vedic Astrology is ancient, divine and highly accurate. You reap what you sow, Vedic Astrology will tell you what you reap because of what you sowed. I like to call Vedic Astrology or Jyotisha – Karmic Astrology Vedic Astrology is a tool or a science that Interprets your Karma. The Vedic Birthchart is a Karmic Blueprint of your destiny that you are going to undergo and receive in this life. A good Vedic Astrologer uses your Rasi Chakra and the various Vargas or ‘Harmonic Charts’ in conjunction with Dasa Systems and Transits to arrive at an accurate conclusion as to what circumstances will accrue in the lifetime of an individual based on his Karma from previous lives. The Karma system of Vedic Astrology is ancient, divine and highly accurate. You reap what you saw, Vedic Astrology will tell you what you reap because of what you sowed. An apt name to call Vedic Astrology or Jyotisha would be Karma Astrology. Om Shanthi!!
Atharva Vedic Astrology & Children Problems in your life
H.H Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar
-No Children --Seizures to your children -Artisam to your children-Like to have new baby-No children-Frequent abortions-Miscarriage- Drinks, Sexual & Drugs Addiction to your children
A native will beget children if the 5th is owned by a benefic or a benefic is standing in 5th or the 5th is aspected by a benefic. If the 5th is owned by a malefic and occupied/aspected by another malefic, the native will have no children.
If the 5th from Asdt or Moon (whichever is stronger) happens to be owned by a benefic and if one of the shad vargas (viz classifications) of the 5th bhava madhya happens to belong to Jupiter or the 5th is aspected by a benefic, the native shall have a son without fail through his married wife. Number of sons will equal the number of navamsas covered by the lord of 5th. Of these navamsas, number of children equalling the number of navamsas which have fallen in benefic signs or which have benefic aspect/connection, will prosper; and number of children equaling the number of malefic navamsas or navamsas with malefic aspect/connection will not thrive. A benefic navamsa with strong benefic aspect will give double the results.
Aspect to a navamsa is called for here. This requirement will be satisfied if the zodiac sign in which the navamsa falls is aspected by a planet. Masculine navamsas represent boys and feminine navamsas, girls. If lord of 5th is suffering debilitation, combustion or stay in bitter enemy house, even if having benefic connection, there may be no issues.
If the 5th house happens to be Capricorn or Aquarius or the 5th bhava madhya falls in a varga of Saturn, aspected by Mercury, and not aspected by Sun/Mars/Jupiter, the native will have a son born to his wife, out of wedlock, known as KSHETRAJA. Same result will occur if 5th bhava falls in a Mercurian sign/varga, aspected by Saturn, and not aspected by Sun, Mars or Jupiter.
In SARAVALI text circulating in Andhra, this sloka has been interpreted thus -
If the GANA ruled by Saturn in the 5th house is aspected by Mercury, not aspected by Sun, Mars or Jupiter, the native will have kshetraja. In this context, GANA means a varga (classification viz.
Rasi, Hora, Drekkana, Saptamsa, Navamsa, Dwadasamsa and Trimsamsa). According to this interpretation, one of the seven classifications may be that of Saturn, aspected by Mercury or vice versa. Here, the aspecting planet has also got to be in the same varga.
Assuming 5th is Capricorn or Aquarius, Mercury’s full aspect is enough. Assuming 5th bhava madhya falls at 15° Libra, the 5th bhava madhya is in 2nd drekkana ruled by Saturn. In this case, mercury has to be in Aries 2nd drekkana for his full aspect on Saturnian GANA. From the context and general build of the sloka, both the interpretations seem to be correct. In the former, the yoga will apply only if the 5th falls in a Saturnian/Mercurian sign whilst in the latter, the yoga may arise in any sign subject to the varga being that of Saturn or Mercury. The scope is enlarged in the latter.
If Capricorn or Aquarius becomes the 5th and if Saturn is standing there with aspect of Moon, the native will have an adopted son. Aspect of Mercury in place of Moon indicates a KREETA PUTRA. This is how the sloka has been interpreted in Andhra texts. There is a difference of opinion amongst the South Indian savants with regard to the interpretation of that part of the sloka, pertaining to KREETA PUTRA. According to this opinion, the 5th house should fall in a Mercurian sign with Mercury posited in there and aspected by Moon. Kreeta Putra is said to be a child whose worthiness to be adopted in NOT considered but is purchased for cash. From the context and general build of the sloka, the translators prefer the first opinion.
If the Saptamsa of the 5th happens to be owned by Mars whilst Saturn is posited in 5th, without aspect or conjunction, the native will possess a KRITRIMA PUTRA. this interpretation is based on Andhra texts.Incidentally, Saptamsa is given importance here. This is in keeping with Maharshi Parashara Immortal Astrological Classic BRIHAT PARASHARA HORA wherein he advocates use of Saptamsa Chakra for
predictions concerning issues. This sloka has been interpreted differently in South Indian vernacular texts thus :
If the 7th house falls in Aries/Scorpio whilst Saturn is standing therein without any aspect, the native will have KRITRIMA PUTRA.
The first interpretation is based on the use of words SAPTAMA BHAGA in the sloka, whilst the 2nd interpretation is based on the words SAPTAMA BHAVA in the said sloka. The translators support the first interpretation without any hesitation. KRITRIMA PUTRA is one who has all the features and qualities befitting the parents, but who is not actually adopted but taken in, out of love, as their son.
If one of the vargas of the 5th house belong to Sun and Sun stands in that varga aspected by Mars, the native will have a BIJA PUTRA (a son born to native through a woman belonging to a low community, not married by him).
Example :
If Sun is standing in Leo or own Hora/drekkana/saptamsa/navamsa/dwadasamsa and is aspected by Mars, the yoga arises. Mars should be occupying the same number of varga as that of Sun. If Sun is in 2nd drekkana, Mars should also be in 2nd drekkana; if Sun is in 5th navamsa, Mars should also be in 5th navamsa and so on.
South Indian texts interpret this sloka to mean thus :
If the 5th happens to be Leo with Sun posited in there, aspected by Mars, the native will beget a child known as BIJA PUTRA. If Moon is standing in a martian sign, which happens to be the 5th with aspect of Saturn, and without any other aspect, the native will possess a GOODHOTPANNA (son born to his wife due to her intimacy with someone). This sloka is by KARUNA MUNI. The Andhra interpretation for this sloka is – If Moon in 5th occupies a Martian Navamsa and is aspected by Saturn, the native will beget a Goodhotpanna. Hindi texts interpret this sloka as – If Moon is in 5th in Martian Navamsa aspected by Saturn, without aspect of any benefic, the son will be a fool and of a low type.
Mars in 5th (which happens to be Capricorn/Aquarius) if aspected by Sun, the native will have an APAVIDHA PUTRA (one who is forsaken by parents). This sloka is by KARUNA MUNI. If Moon is conjunct with Saturn and both of them occupy Capricorn/Aquarius, which happens to be the 5th or Moon occupies one of Saturn’s vargas in the 5th aspected by Sun and Venus, the native will have a PUNARBHAVA PUTRA (one born to a woman who has been forsaken or divorced by her
husband and out of wedlock). The South Indian interpretation for this sloka runs thus - Moon standing Saturnian signs/vargas, whilst Saturn in 5th is aspected by both Sun and Venus, the native will beget a Punarbhava Putra.
If Moon is very weak in the matter of Rasmies and is with combustion in any sign, whilst the 5th is conjunct or aspected by Sun, the native will have a KANEENA PUTRA (the native marries a woman who already has a son from her previous marriage).
If Sun and Moon occupy their vargas in Cancer or Leo, which happen to be the 5th, aspected by Venus, there will birth of a SAHODA PUTRA (one who is aleady in the womb of mother at the time of marriage). Sun and Moon should be in the same sign.
The interpretation given for this sloka, which is slightly different compared to Andhra texts, is as follows in malayalam version : if the 5th happens to be Cancer/Leo wherein Sun and Moon are together and aspected by Venus; or Sun and Moon stand on their own vargas in 5th house aspected by Venus, there will be birth of SAHODA PUTRA.
If 5th is owned by malefic and is occupied by a malefic (without benefic aspect), there will be no issues. If there is also a benefic aspect, there will be birth of children after necessary propitiatory measures/shantis. If Venus aspects its own navamsa occurring in the 5th house, birth of a son through maid-servant will occur. If Moon is stronger than Ascendant, this yoga may be considered with reference to 5th of Moon sign.
If the 5th happens to be Taurus, Libra, or Cancer, Moon and Venus in of these signs, the native will have more of girl children. This yoga occurring in Taurus or Cancer is more powerful. If the 5th, Moon and Venus occupy masculine signs, the native will have a mixture of boys and girl children.
Moon in 10th, Venus in 7th and a malefic in 4th indicate that the native will have no issues and that the native’s dynasty will cease with him. Mars in 5th, either as lord of Asendent or lord of 5th indicates birth of some children. If such Mars is conjunct or aspected by Jupiter, the first born will die. If there is aspect of Venus or other planets, same results should NOT be predicted.
Mars in 5th indicates loss of all children born. If all the 3 malefics are in 5th, it denotes that the native will have no happiness and will have few relatives. Mars alone in 5th indicates defect in any organ. Saturn alone in 5th indicates diseases. Mercury, Jupiter or Venus in 5th indicates growth of everything the 5th signifies viz. happiness, prosperity and finance.
-H.H Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar
- Divorce
- Sexual Problems
- Too many Girl / Boy Friends
- Sexual Diseases
- Pre ejection Problems
- Abuse in the Marriage life
Lagna Lord of Girl is Mercury and Lagna Lord of Boy is Jupiter. Mercury and Jupiter are not friendly to each other.
Chara Dara Karaka of Girl is Mercury placed in the 11th in Aries, Boy’s is Moon, afflicted in the 8th House placed in Cancer in Marana Karaka Avastha. Darakaraka shows the partner on a level of Karma at the Soul.
Position of Venus – Karaka for Marriage and Spouse. Venus in the girls chart is Exalted in Pisces in the 10th house but afflicted as it is Conjunct the same Degree as Rahu. Venus conjunct Rahu tends to spoil the Karakatwa of Venus and makes the native prone to illicit relationships and extra-marital affairs. Venus is placed in the 7th house in Navamsa which is also the 12th lord. It is not the best placement. Venus in the Boy’s chart is placed in the 9th house in Inimical Sign Leo with Gulika, the poisonous son of Saturn. In the Navamsa, Venus is placed in the evil 8th House which is also the lord of the 6th House. This shows distress and strife in marriage.
7th Lord from Venus is Mercury placed in the 2nd from it for the girl – Its fine. Kendra and Trikona placements are better. 7th House from Venus has Ketu. This is an affliction. It is also aspected by Rahu which is a Malefic. Tithi Lord of Girl is Mercury is placed in the 2nd from Venus. Tithi Lord of the Boy is Jupiter placed in the 5th from Venus. There is no affliction. Chandra Nakshatra Lord of Girl is the Moon, Nakshatra Lord of the Boy is Saturn. Saturn is inimical to the Moon. Ashtakoota compatibility points between the Girl and the Boy are 26 out of 36 which is Good.
7th Lord of Girl is Jupiter afflicted in close conjunction with Rahu (Guru Chandal Yoga) in the 10th house. It is the 7th Lord (Marriage) placed in the adverse and evil 8th house in the Navamsa in Debilitation. This is a very adverse sign for marriage and the Spouse in General. Jupiter is the Sthira Karaka of the husband in a woman’s chart. The affliction of Jupiter in the Rasi and the Navamsa is not positive for married life. 7th lord of Boy is Mercury placed in the 9th which is auspicious but not quite as it also houses Gulika.
In the Navamsa, the 7th lord of the boy is Mars placed in the 6th House whos dispositor is Venus which is afflicted by virtue of its placement and being Lagnesh. Venus is also the Chara Atma Karaka of the boy. Such individuals have to learn to control their passion and sexuality in this life. The AK in the 8th House is not a positive placement in terms of Marriage, being Venus – the Karaka for married life and spouse.
7th House from Chandra of the Girl is afflicted by a Retrograde Saturn in Scorpio aspected by Mars and Rahu. This is again indicative of inharmony and adversity in Married life. Upapada Lagna This Lagna shows the actual Spouse. UL for the girl is in the 8th House. Upapada Lagna in the 8th house is indicative of ‘Dushta Karma’ from past lives related to Marriage. It is not positive. Lord of the Upapada Lagna is a Retrograde Saturn placed in enemical Scorpio in the 6th House. Saturn is also the 8th Lord and the Second Lord from the Upapada Lagna which shows sustenance of Marriage. It is aspected by Rahu and Mars. This again is not a positive omen for the marriage partner. UL for the Boy is in the 9th house in Leo which has Venus, Sun and Mercury. It shows a bright and elegant wife. The second from UL is aspected by Rahu which shows a sudden end to the first serious relationship or Marriage the boy goes through. The Upapada Lagna is placed in the 12th from Arudha Lagna. The 2/12 axis is not favorable for compatibility between the partners. It shows that he may reject the spouse and not be emotionally or physically in harmony with her need for affection and attention.
Dosha:- Girl has Mars in the 12th and Boy has Mars in the 12th too. They are both Manglik. Two people who are Manglik in Marriage cancels the Dosha. However, it is recommended for your daughter to get married after the age of 28 to avoid any complications. Mars reduces its Martian Energy at this age.
I would not recommend this couple to get married based on the 10 Factor analysis above. It will not last according to my knowledge and experience.
We all have a relationship that works for us. Whatever you need from a relationship, there is someone out there, who can fulfil your needs. There is never complete compatibility as there are always some aspects of the relationship a couple needs to work out. If there were no issues to work out, then why would two souls come together. The trick in finding your best relationship is to look beyond the mere physical attraction and take all the issues you deal with to the spiritual evolution of your relationship.
Vedic Astrology pays great importance to relationships – especially marriage and there are many techniques for compatibility. Traditionally in India, the parents arranged marriages. One of the most important factors which, helped in making the marriages successful was the comparing of the birth charts of couple by the family astrologer. Marriage could only go ahead after the astrologers was satisfied with the compatibility and could let the parents know that there couple would be happy together. This practice of matching of charts is still very prevalent in India. The Kuta system has a complicated set of rules that matches the charts on sexual, spiritual and emotional level. It has twelve points of matching between two charts. The birth chart gives clues to every aspect of compatibility between the couple.
In the West, we seldom look at a birth chart of a person we are falling in love with. Compatibility is usually looked at later stages of the relationships. The Kutas can become a guide to develop the relationship further. Do not worry if you have a low score on the Kutas. Often low scoring relationships can last longer than the high scoring ones as there is karma to be worked out.
The essence of compatibility is how it works under pressure. We can love well in perfect conditions but when we face challenges our compatibility ratio comes into play. Good compatibility usually gives happiness. The length of relationship has usually nothing to do with compatibility. Many people choose to live in an unhappy relationship, knowing they have nothing in common.
Relationships in Mind, Body and Spirit
Relationships and marriages are considered to be a meeting of the mind, body and spirit. A good partnership is good for the soul. A marriage is considered a re-birth where two individual personalities merge into one. The relationship then has a life of its own; two souls are tied together in a spiritual connection. People change their names after marriage regarding it as a re-birth where the couple is dealing with new realities and a new life together
The Importance of the Woman’s Happiness
Vedic compatibility is always done from the woman’s point of view. Indians believe that for a long and happy marriage or relationship, the nurturing of the woman is very important as she forms the strength in a relationship. She is Shakti or the divine female power. Traditionally women were honoured and looked after to ensure their happiness. In modern context, it is the dissatisfaction of the women in relationships that is leading to the disruption of many relationships. The modern man should honour his woman as a wife, mother and lover. The women in the 21st century are much more dynamic than their traditional counterparts. But some of this ancient wisdom applied to the modern relationship and the honouring of the female instinct by both men and women would go a long way to providing happiness.
Karma and Relationships
Getting to know about the law of karma is the key to understanding Vedic relationships. The word karma literally means ‘action’. Every action we take in this life, our past and future lives is our karma. We choose the fruits of our previous karma that we are going to face in this life, both the negative and the positive. The law of Karma says that the ultimate responsibility for our life and happiness rests with us. We cannot blame anyone else for what we are experiencing today. Our actions past and present create situations that we have to face through the journey of our life.
When we relate to our karma, we realise that this birth is only a small part of the whole, because this life is only one of a multitude of lives. The whole is like a necklace. Each lifetime is one pearl but all the pearls have to be strung together to make the necklace. In different life times we form contacts and relationships. Some relationships get completed but some remain unfinished. These unfinished relationships form part of our relationship Karma. The soul remembers. When we meet the soul of loved ones from the past, there is an instant connection. How often you have met someone to whom you are instantly attracted.
Rnanu Bandhana or Karmic Ties
Rnanu means debt and Bandhana means ties. This word is usually used for karmic ties that hold us together. Only those ties have an impact on this life which have some debts- in this case the word debt is meant as unfinished business. Before the soul is born it makes a decision on what relationships are going to mature in this lifetime and with whom it is going to pay off its karmic debts. At the time of birth, when the umbilical cord is cut, the mind forgets this but retains it in the subconscious. When we meet someone with whom we have a rnanu bandhana to work out, the inter-action begins immediately. But with those who you have completed your karma- there is an instant recognition but nothing develops from it. It is important to let go of these relationships. They create unnecessary confusion emotionally. Also some relationships are not matured, the time to pay off that debt has not arrived as yet. Again those relationships do not develop.
What type of relationship you experience depends on the karmic equation? When you fall in love, how this relationship works out depends on what your mutual rnanu bandhana is. If you have greater debts to pay, you will be the one who is putting more into the relationship. Sometimes you are stuck in a very one- sided situation and wonder why you are still in. In an unfinished relationship of past life where you were the taker, when your souls meet again you need to balance this equation, so this time around it is you who become the giver or vice versa.
In sexual relationships also the concept of rnanu bandhana is important. If you are in a relationship and your sexual relationship suddenly stops or the sexual attraction suddenly dies. The karma of sex may have been completed. Or you have a purely sexual relationship- then you had already worked out the other aspects of the relationship.
The Quality of the Moon
Moon as the significator of the mind, is the most important planet to study when you are trying to work with compatibility. If all other factors are good but the Moon is in an unhappy position in your chart or placed with difficult planets, then there will be issues within relationships. The Moon plays an important part in our hidden emotions, happiness and desires. As a planet which shows your relationship with your mother- it indicates the love or lack of it in your childhood. Many emotional problems are related to childhood. If the Moon is with malefic or afflicted, it shows a person trying to work with their inner issues and it can create challenges or difficulties in trying to relate to others. A Moon which is hemmed in by Saturn and Rahu will have more problems to deal with emotionally and this will create difficulty in relating to a person regardless of the quality of the 7th house, Venus, Jupiter etc.
Opposites Attract
Those who express the opposite energy of your Lagna, Sun or Moon signs can be good partners and lead to a satisfying relationship. If your ascendant is opposite to your partners Ascendant, then it is considered a very good compatibility as they would be your natural partners. For Example, a Gemini Ascendant male and Sagittarius ascendant female or vice versa would be considered the ideal partners.
If her Moon sign is his Sun Sign. If you have a Leo Moon, you would be attractive to a person who has a Leo Sun.
Her Moon sign is opposite his Sun sign. An Aries Moon will be compatible with Libra Sun.
Karakas or significator of Relationships
Karakas or significators play an important part in looking at relationships.
Jupiter is the Karaka for men in a woman’s chart and Venus, the karaka for women in a man’s chart. Venus is also the karaka of relationships. The position or dignity of these two planets becomes very important in understanding what kind of relationships you are likely to have. These planets are studied on their own as well as the 7th house in relation to Venus in your birth chart. As Venus signifies relationships, the 7th house from Venus will give you further insight e.g. if your Venus is in Taurus, Scorpio as the 7th house from Taurus will be studied as a secondary house for relationships. Conjunctions or placement of these planets will give you further clues to your relationships.
An exalted Venus indicates your ability to have a long term relationship. If Venus is conjunct Saturn, there may be a delay in relationships. Any Conjunctions with Rahu Ketu add a shadowy aspect to your relationship. It can also indicate involvement in unconventional relationships. If Venus or Jupiter are placed in one of the dusthana houses (6th, 8th or 12th) , then the quality of relationship can suffer.
Similarly Jupiter as the significator of Men in a women’s chart gives indication of the type of husband/partner you are going to get. A debilitated Jupiter does not suggest lack of partner, but the type of partner who may be restricted in this life by Saturnian consideration.
The 7th House and the 7th house ruler
Any planet, benefic or malefic are not good in the 7th house. Sun creates too much fire, Mars- passion, anger, Moon- emotions, Saturn- detachment, Rahu- dissatisfaction, Ketu- loss or rejection, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter give multiple relationships. Here you have to look at this aspect from a more western point of view. Most of us have relationships before we settle down to a commitment . More than one relationship indicated in your chart may not be a negative factor for you. 7th house ruler and it’s placement with the malefics – Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu and Ketu can create challenges within your relationships.
Mars and Relationships
Mars can spoil marital happiness. Indian Sages believed that Mars passion created disharmony in long term happiness of a relationship unless it was matched by a partner with equally strong nature. Mars placed in the 1st, 4th , 7th, 8th and 12th house was usually considered to create problems in relationship which can lead to sudden or unexpected endings. This is known as Kuja Dosha . But as you see it indicates most of Mars positions as negative for relationship. But this dosha has been wrongly understood. The reason for pointing out these positions as difficult so that a good astrologer would match this chart with a partner who had similar desires/ strengths. Mars is a planet of action, power, militancy, war, passion, strong sexuality and it needs a partner who can deal with these powerful energies. Kuja dosha becomes a problem if you meet up with a partner who is soft and timid and can become a victim. Here it is important to remember in India divorce is not common. Partners marry for life. So if a person had strong sexual needs then they needed a partner who could fulfil them. Also if one partner is too powerful and can intimidate the other, there can be victimisation in relationships. Otherwise, there would be much unhappiness.
Rahu Ketu Create Shadows
Any conjunction with Rahu Ketu with the 7th house ruler, Jupiter or Venus and their placement in the 1st, 7th house axis create shadowy challenges within relationships. Rahu Ketu in the 1st 7th axis churn up the issues related to yourself and partnerships. As they work on the psychological level, the nodes can create obstacles in your mind. Rahu in the 7th usually makes you dissatisfied with your relationships. It can lead to multiple relationships. Ketu in the 7th will create a feeling of rejection . You may reject relationships or get involved in relationships which reject you. Ketu conjunct Venus specially indicates you are working out some past life issues through your marriage or relationships. For men, it can mean women who bring some personal baggage into your relationship. Any conjunctions of Jupiter with the nodal axis will create some kind of difficulty within the relationship. Rahu signifies foreigners, so it could also indicate a attraction to those who are foreign to you.
Atharva Vedic Medical Astrology -Signs Body Parts
-H.H Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar
The summary given below is information which will help to understand the connection between astrological signs with various parts of our body and the diseases attached to it.
1. First House/Aries
Body parts: Head, skull, forehead, brain
Indicates fevers, headaches, brain disorders, strokes, cerebral bleeding, and injuries to the skull and head small pox, inflammation, indigestion, difficulties at the time of birth.
2. Second House/Taurus
Body parts: face, nose, mouth, teeth, throat, neck, right eye, cheek, chin, oral cavity, lips, right shoulder
Indicates swelling of the neck, sore throat, thyroid problems, obesity, injury to the face or throat, dental problems, childhood diseases like colds, flu, diseases concerning ear, nose, throat, teeth
3. Third House/Gemini
Body parts: arms, right hand, shoulders, larynx, vocal cord, right ear, upper respiratory tracts, nervous system
Indicates cough, pulmonary disorders, asthama and injury to the shoulders, as well as nervous disorders, agitation, and poor muscular-skeletal coordination.
4. Fourth House/Cancer
Body parts: chest, breast, ribs, lower respiratory system, lungs, blood vessels,
Indicates lung problems, dropsy, injury to the chest, breast tumors/breast cancer, chest problems, diseases arising out of heavy drinking habits, as well as emotional disorders. Hysteria
5. Fifth House/Leo
Body parts: heart, back, bones, spine, stomach, belly, liver, gall bladder, spleen, pancreas, pregnancy
Indicates lack of vitality, weakness of the heart and solar plexus, stomach and digestive problems, lack of fertility and menstrual problems, back pain
6. Sixth House/Virgo
Body parts: intestines, kidneys, waist
Indicates poor digestion, malabsorption, gas, constipation, ulcers, food allergies, hypoglycemia, diabetes,
Apendicitis, immune system weakness, T.B., epidemics, peptic ulcer
7. Seventh House/Libra
Body parts: urinary system, uterus, ovaries, testicles, prostate, semen, reproductive system
Indicates urinary disorders, infertility in women, venereal diseases, sexual vitality problems
8. Eighth House/Scorpio
Body parts: genitals, scrotum, rectum, anus
Indicates hemorrhoids, rectal cancer, blood disorders, impotence in men, veneral diseases, piles, fistula
9. Ninth House/Sagittarius
Body parts: hips, thigh, lower portion of spinal cord, fermoral arteries, lower part of vertebra, upper parts of legs
Indicates obesity, arteriosclerosis, paralysis below the waist, arthritis in the hips or injury to the hips, diseases concerning indigestion
10. Tenth House/Capricorn
Body parts: knees, skin, spinal cord, back
Indicates weakness, injury to the knees or arthritis of knees, weakness of the bones in general, rheumatism
11. Eleventh House/Aquarius
Body parts: legs, tibia, amkles, left ear, left hand, calf muscles
Indicates poor circulation, skin disorders, weakness in lower legs, arthritis of ankles, nervous system problems, diseases concerning gout, rheumatism
12. Twelvth House/Pisces
Body parts: feet, toes, left shoulder, left eye, heel, sole,
Indicates lymphatic disorders, hypoglycemia, diabetes, tumours, trouble with the feet, functional infections, diseases like warts, retention of fluids in the body, disturbed sleep.
Note: The following given predictions are only on a general basis. If you would like our Swamiji to analyze your particular concern or problems, and to understand how to approach and finish off the concerned issuse or problems you SHOULD call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar in the Toll free # 1-888-808-1418 , , who is the ONLY Atharva Vedic Swamiji in USA and the ONLY authority in USA for Hindu Atharva Vedic Astrolgy who has published thousands of articles and has healed more than 3 million peoples to com out of their various problems in their life
Kanya Lagna:-
Earning money will be smooth and regularized. There is a chance of loss of money through government displeasure. You will gain fame and money. You are likely to get more than a hint of this soon after mid year, but it would be a better strategy to play it cool. People engaged in the publishing industry can consider new ventures in 2012. Most of the time, you always analyze the work and work place more than putting your extreme effort into it. You should be tactful to get away from building up love relations with someone from the opposite gender. You struggle a lot for your near and dear ones. You are more concerned with the love and relationship. You will do well in your studies. You will develop interest in learning creative subjects. There will be prosperity. You will be benefited through your elders. Avoid misunderstandings with friends. Some of your efforts may be delayed. The seeds of the year 2011 will ultimately result into a fruitful tree in 2012. You might notice some serious differences in your family right from the start of mid 2012, but after then things will gradually improve for you. Strive quietly now, you’re in training for a brighter future The best strategy to adopt early in 2012 is an indirect approach and the ability to simply get on with what needs to be done right now.
Dhanur Lahna:
You need to work hard and exert yourself in the first six months to forge ahead in career and profession. This year pays special attention to career and ambitious expectations. A bit of this and that creates amazing savings. Welcome news gets the year off to a good start and gives you a clear mind when it comes to dealing with financial and commercial interests. There will be clarity of thought and so you will be able to express yourself appropriately and get success in examinations. You’re on the right track, so enjoy the journey whether it’s business as usual or a change you’re looking for, everything appears to be steering you along the right tracks. It’s essential you get off to a good start. The dynamic planet year continues to generate a positive energy, endowing you with vision and giving you the courage of your convictions. Single people will have a great chance to add color to their lives by starting a new romance. Your new passion may live in another city or country that will only strengthen your desire to be together. The receipts will also increase; income can rise and support of friends or protectors, both moral and financial, is highly probable. Immediate family will give you ample support this year.
Viruchika Lagna
This will be an average year with the second half better than the first. The second half sees you forging ahead. New responsibilities will also create some dilemma. You have to maintain control over your temper to ensure that domestic harmony is maintained. Be guarded against health problems and be careful while driving. Besides, you are probable to have serious disagreements with relatives that can be especially sharp in May to July 2012. Many secrets revealed will have a harmful effect on your personal and professional life. You’ll possibly be in low spirits and somehow lose your usual self-confidence. The best solution is a healthy way of life. You should understand that all the difficulties make a certain sense and are not going to stay forever. This year there will be a steady rise in income and opportunities in mid 2012. An existing judicial problem is also probable to reveal itself. In the second half of the year the problems appeared will become even more dangerous; conflicts with partners will finally lead to a complete break of relations. A love-hate relationship with someone on the social front may keep you on your toes in September. Ups and downs will exist in married life and you will somehow manage to make a good balance between your work and your family. Your health overall will remain good during this period. Some stomach and bone related problems could disturb you and your health will suffer due to over indulgence.
Kataka / Kark Lagna
our financial situation will improve during this period. You will get benefit from various sources. You will inherit good things. You can have income through ecclesiastical sources. You will make a lot of effort to get your due payments. A chance meeting, perhaps something connected with a friend or colleague, might provide the key to something wonderful. But whatever finally pans out, you can be almost certain that it will transform your attitude to love and set you on the road to your desire. Time to put your plans into action – and the good thing is, time is on your side. Mention of security puts the focus on what could become a major theme for this year. You might be pleased by the options this opens up. Throughout 2012 your cosmic pattern suggests the urge and the opportunity. Your health will improve during 2012. You will find relief from previous health problems. You are sensitive and even a small conundrum can seem big in your mind and upset your health. An auspicious function will take place in your family. Some of you will get a government honor. Some of you will go abroad. You will score high marks in analytical subjects. You will sharpen your communication skills and earn well.
Simha Lagna
This is an average year with the second half better than the first. The second half sees you forging ahead. New responsibilities will also create some dilemma. You have to maintain control over your temper to ensure that domestic harmony is maintained. Be guarded against health problems and be careful while driving. Besides, you are probable to have serious disagreements with relatives that can be especially sharp in May to July 2012. Many secrets revealed will have a harmful effect on your personal and professional life. You’ll possibly be in low spirits and somehow lose your usual self-confidence. The best solution is a healthy way of life. You should understand that all the difficulties make a certain sense and are not going to stay forever. This year there will be a steady rise in income and opportunities in mid 2012. An existing judicial problem is also probable to reveal itself. In the second half of the year the problems appeared will become even more dangerous; conflicts with partners will finally lead to a complete break of relations. A love-hate relationship with someone on the social front may keep you on your toes in September. Ups and downs will exist in married life and you will somehow manage to make a good balance between your work and your family. Your health overall will remain good during this period. But, some stomach and bone related problems with disturb you. Health will suffer due to over indulgence.
Mithun Lagna
Jupiter is a functional malefic for Gemini according to Parashara as it rules two kendras, the 7th of desiring relationships and the 10th of career and recognition. Jupiter is also the best benefic in the heavens and it is transiting its own sign of Pisces as we entered 2011 through May 11, 2011 allowing Jupiter to give its many blessings as well as its stressful desires. Jupiter in Pisces increases the qualities of Pisces; such as compassion, sensitivity, pilgrimages and foreign travel. Jupiter will give benefits and challenges in the 10th bhava of career, fame, leadership, authority and government. Jupiter in the 10th will throw its benefits to Cancer in the 2nd of income, speech, family and food. Jupiter will also bring protection to Virgo in the 4th of property, home, mother and vehicles and finally Jupiter will support Scorpio in the 6th of health, employment, pets, service and debts. This is very important because Saturn in Virgo will also influence Scorpio and therefore the double transit of Jupiter and Saturn to Scorpio and the 6th bhava for Gemini will give support and protection to matters of work and health until May 11th.
Jupiter will enter Aries May 11, 2011 and remain until May 20, 2012. Jupiter rules growth, optimism, travel and education and Aries rules new beginnings, independence, ambition and courage. Aries rules the 11th bhava for Gemini that is the area of fulfilling one’s greatest desires, elder siblings, profits and gains, group activities and special friendships. Jupiter in the 11th will bring expansion, luck and opportunities in these areas. Jupiter from Aries will also throw its benefits to the 3rd of siblings, communications, media and courage and throw its influence onto its opposite sign of Libra in the 5th of children, creativity, luck and romance. Jupiter is a karaka or indicator for children and when its in Aries aspecting the 5th of children could bring many blessings around childbirth but also romance. Jupiter will also throw its good fortune onto the 7th of marriage, partnerships, public recognition and business.
Saturn is a powerful malefic but it’s a functional benefic as it rules the most auspicious 9th bhava of prosperity, travel and higher knowledge and the 8th that is deemed a neutral bhava and the 8th rules change, upheavals, psychology, astrology, research and business deals. Saturn being a natural malefic gives ambition and determination that is good for business affairs but not as good for relationships or health. Saturn entered Virgo September 2009 until November 11, 2011 moving through your 4th bhava giving delays but many responsibilities with home, property, mother or family. Virgo rules the areas of health, work, service and analysis. Fortunately the protection of Jupiter on Saturn will watch over the delays or struggles with the 4th issues but only until May 11, 2011.
Expansive Jupiter in Pisces is in opposition to constricted Saturn in Virgo until May 11th that gives protection to Scorpio but will often give opportunities and delays in the areas described above with the bhavas of the 4th of the home and family and the 10th of career and authority.
Saturn in Virgo will also bring challenges and lessons to be learned to your 6th of health and work and to the 10th of career, fame and authority. Malefic Ketu has also been transiting the sign of Gemini and your lagna along with malefic Saturn also aspecting your lagna from the end of 2009 through May 2, 2011 when Ketu leaves Gemini. Therefore Saturn and Ketu 2010 through April 2011 could have given problems health, self-confidence and leadership.
Saturn will enter its exalted position Libra for the first time in 30 years November 11, 2011 until November 2014. Saturn will bring important learning lessons of Libra that include relationships, marriage, clients and customers, contracts and business partnerships. But for Gemini Saturn in Libra will also be transiting your 5th bhava of children, speculation, learning, entertainment, sports and creativity. Being exalted in Libra will give many blessings in these areas of Libra and the 5th that will give you determination to work hard and the discipline for education, or having or working with children or creative projects. Saturn from your 5th will also throw its influence to the 7th in Sagittarius of marriage, partnerships, clients and business and the 11th bhava of group activities, financial gains and achievement of desires. Saturn will also bring its influence to the 2nd of income, family, food and speech.
Jupiter in Aries in your 11th will be in opposition to Saturn in Libra in the 5th gives opportunities and delays with children, creative projects, achievements and group activities November 11, 2011 through May 20, 2012. But Jupiter in Aries and Saturn in Libra will form a supportive double transit of growth to Sagittarius with your 7th of marriage, partnerships, contracts and clients, public recognition and business.
Natural malefic Mars is a functional temporal for Gemini and will be in Leo October 30, 2011 through June 21, 2012 transiting your 3rd bhava of siblings, writing, communications, the fine arts, sports and short trips. Jupiter in Aries will be shining its divine grace and protection onto Mars through May 20, 2012 making sure your 3rd bhava desires can be realized to your benefit; such as with publishing, media, communications, travel and siblings.
Rahu in Scorpio and Ketu in Taurus will begin May 2, 2011 until mid January 2013. Rahu will increase your worldly desires to compete and succeed in the material world and Scorpio for Gemini rules the 6th of work, service, health and competition.
Ketu seeks the inner spiritual life and tends to detach from the material world. Ketu in Taurus will be in the 12th bhava of spiritual growth, foreign travel and charity. This will be a great deepening of the spiritual life for those ready to take the journey.
Meena Lagna:-
This year may cause issues with health as Saturn will be transiting the adverse 8th house for you. This is a malefic transit known as Ashtama Sani and will last through November 2, 2014. Be extra careful with pre-existing health conditions and diseases. You should be careful during January and February. Be careful while driving your vehicle and don’t mix drinking with driving otherwise you may be in trouble. There may be some disturbance because of an elder member in your family member and you may have to visit hospitals very frequently. It will be good for you to keep yourself checked medically from time to time during this year due to Saturn being 12th lord (Expenditure, Losses, Hospitals) being placed in the very malefic 8th house in Transit.
Business and Income
2012 will prove to be a good year for you till May 20, 2012 as Jupiter the karaka for expansion, gains and wealth will be in Aries in your second house of wealth and assets. Jupiter is also your 10th lord and Lagnesh. Wearing a Yellow Sapphire will be very beneficial for you if Jupiter is well placed in your birth chart. You will have opportunities for monetary gains during this year. If you are in planning some new projects this year, try to convert your planning into practice. You will reap good results. The time is in your favour so try and work hard and you will get the desired results definitely till May. Your sign lord Jupiter is in your second house creating a good combination for earning wealth and some good occasions of togetherness in family. Throughout this year you may earn lot of money from your business. Those that are in service will get promotions and good increments too. Those wants to change their job have good opportunity to change the job till May. Jupiter will move to the 3rd house of siblings, short travels, communication, effort and initiative in May. The third house transit of Jupiter is not the greatest but its aspect on the 7th house of partnerships, business, marriage; the 9th of fortune, long distance travel, higher education and learning and the 11th house of elder siblings, friends, Income, Gains and fulfillment of hopes and desires is positive. This will however be negated to a great extent because of the overriding factor of the very adverse 8th Saturn transit.
Your family and relatives
There will be very good focus and interaction with your family members. Jupiter will be in the second house of family till the end of May, 2012. This year your family and partner will be a priority for you. With your spouse you may experience bickering and nagging on small issues but through your loving nature you will manage everything and overcome misunderstandings. You will get good support from your life partner at every level during this year because of Jupiters aspect on the 7th house. Family life will generally be good throughout for you albeit with some friction because of Mars till the middle of this year.
Education & Career
For students this year will prove to be a good year. You may get admission to your desired college or university. If you are going to give any competitive examination for any service etc the result will be in your favour. You may get admission in a good university according to your choice. If you concentrate on your goal, then you will go beyond your expectation. Those that are working could see a bonus or promotion with some possibility of transfer within your country. So the overall year for Pisces will be good till May 2012. Career will see setbacks and issues because of the adverse 8th house transit of Saturn after May 2012 when Jupiter enters Taurus. Specific remedial measures will be needed else this period will be a tough nut to crack even though Saturn is in its exaltation, the karmic lessons will be harsh and many transformations, upheavals and changes are destined until November 2014. Saturn in the 8th is also known as ‘Kantaka Sani’ (Thorn in the foot) This period is especially tough and adverse related to your career. There may be issues at your workplace regarding your career and your peace of mind will be affected. There shall be delays and problematic circumstances in your career which will cause worry and stress. Saturn in the 8th aspects the 10th house of Career, the second house of Wealth and the very important trikona, the 5th which deals with new jobs, investments, knowledge, sastras, future purva punya or merit from past lives and overall luck. The 5th house is also the 8th from the 10th house of Career. The 8th house transit of Saturn from lagna or moon sign is always adverse in all areas of life. You should consult a good Astrologer to delineate this transit by using different techniques of Bhrigu and Ashtakvarga while combining them with your Natal Chart, Vargas and Dasas.
Your friends and Love relations
If you are in a love relationship, you may get good results and you will become closer. Those that are looking for a partner and a relationship will get opportunities after May 2012 when the great benefic Jupiter will aspect Taurus in the 7th house. However, you may get into frequent misunderstandings with your partner because of the malefic aspect of Saturn and Rahu on your 5th house of Romance. You must be calm, patient and caring to improve your understanding by trying to also be compassionate and transparent with each other. There will be an opportunity to make new friends and improve relationships with existing friends after May 2012 when Jupiter will aspect the 11th house. There shall be friction in friendship and social circles as Capricorn is the sign of Jupiter’s debilitation. You must exercise restraint and keep a serious check on your speech and emotions as Mars aspects your sign (self, psychology, intelligence) and is the lord of your second house of speech.
Vehicle, Expenses and Spirituality
Mars will remain in your sixth house till June. This is a good period for positive aggression and victory over enemies. Keep a check on your intellect and mind as Mars aspects your sign with its 8th aspect. There could be arguments with your father as Mars is the 9th lord placed in the 6th and issues in long distance travel too. You may purchase a new vehicle this year because some strong combinations being present for purchasing a new vehicle. Those who have vehicles already may incur a lot of money on its maintenance. You may also spend money on religious journeys especially after May 20, 2012 when Jupiter moves to your 3rd house and aspects the 9th house of Dharma and Pilgrimages. Rahu is in its debilitation in the 9th house in Scorpio. There could be issues at work with your boss and superiors. Father’s health could cause concerns till Jupiter moves to Taurus and casts its protection to the 9th house in May. Rahu’s aspect on the Rasi/Lagna may cause health issues and its aspect on the 5th may result in issues with childbirth and children as both these dire Malefics, Saturn and Rahu will aspect the 5th house. Rahu also has its 12th aspect on the 8th house where Saturn is posited in Transit and may be a catalyst for sudden health issues and transformations in your life.
Tour and Travel
There will be a lot of travel of mid and long distance this year because of the movement of Jupiter and Rahu connected to your 3rd (Short distance) and 9th (long distance) travels. You may travel alone or with your family for personal, business and some religious purpose on pilgrimage. Try and save enough money for a long journey and travels. Some of you may have specific work related business travels too which will prove to be fruitful for you, especially after May when Jupiter will cast its benefic influence onto the 9th house being your Sign lord. Its aspect on the 7th house will be fruitful for travel as well. The 7th house is important for travel and career as well as it is the 10th from the 10th and the 11th from the 9th house.
Planet specific Transits in General for 2012
Jupiter is a functionally neutral planet for Pisces as it rules 2 kendras; the lagna of the Self and body and the 10th of career. Jupiter is also the best benefic in the heavens. Jupiter entered Aries on May 11, 2011 and remain until May 20, 2012. Jupiter rules growth, optimism, travel and education and Aries rules new beginnings, independence, ambition and courage. Aries rules the 2nd bhava of income, family, food and speech. Jupiter in the 2nd will bring expansion, luck and opportunities in these areas. Jupiter from Aries will also throw its benefits to the 6th bhava of employment, health, self-improvement, service, litigation and pets and Jupiter will throw its influence onto its opposite sign of Libra onto your 8th bhava of legacies, partner’s income, psychology, astrology, change and endings. Jupiter will also throw its good fortune onto the 10th bhava of career, fame, authority, government and reputation. After May 20, 2012 Jupiter will move to your 3rd house ruling the 10th house and the 1st. The third house placement is good for communication, travel and initiative. Relationships, Journeys, Religion and Gains from friends and earned Income will benefit because of its benefic aspect.
Saturn is a powerful malefic and a functional malefic as it rules the the 12th of foreign travels, retreat, liberation, losses and uncertainties and the 11th of gains, achievements, friends, elder siblings and group activities. Saturn entered its exalted position Libra for the first time in 30 years November 11, 2011 until November 2014. Saturn will bring important learning lessons of Libra that include relationships, marriage, clients and customers, contracts and business partnerships. But for Pisces Saturn in Libra will also be transiting your 8th bhava of changes, endings, legacies, partner’s income, research and psychology. Being exalted in Libra will give many blessings in these areas of Libra and in the 8th of changes. Saturn from 8th will also throw its influence to the 10th of career, authority, government, fame and reputation and the 2nd bhava of income, family, food and speech. Saturn will also bring its challenges to the 5th bhava of children, speculation, education and romance. Jupiter in Aries in your 2nd will be in opposition to Saturn in Libra in the 8th gives opportunities and delays in finances, income, endings and legacies November 11, 2011 through May 20, 2012. But Jupiter in Aries and Saturn in Libra will also form a supportive double transit of growth to Sagittarius to your 10th house of career, fame and authority.
Natural malefic Mars is a functional benefic for Pisces as it influences the 2nd of income and the 9th of prosperity. Mars will be in Leo October 30, 2011 through June 21, 2012 heating up and creating stress to your 6th bhava of employment, self-improvement, health, quarrels and debts. Mars in Leo, however will be protected by Jupiter in Aries who will be shining its divine grace and protection onto Mars through May 20, 2012 making sure your 6th bhava will be protected and bring more of its blessings with work and health.
Rahu in Scorpio and Ketu in Taurus will begin May 2, 2011 until mid January 2013. Rahu will increase your worldly desires to compete and succeed in the material world and Rahu for Pisces influences the 9th of long distant traveling, father, teachers, legal matters and prosperity.
Ketu seeks the inner spiritual life and tends to detach from the material world. Ketu in Taurus will be in the 3rd bhava of communications, younger siblings, short trips, writing and motivation that could create problems this areas.
Conclusion:- A good Atharva Vedic Swamiji must be consulted during this period. This is especially imperative and important for those who have Cancer, Libra, Scorpio and Pisces Lagna or Moon Sign.
Mesha Lagna:-
The Vedic system prescribes planetary transit analysis based on Moon Sign and Lagna. Both are important to judge their effect.
Rahu will remain in your eighth house during this year. For this you may feel depressed and sick but do not worry this will be just a seasonal problem or a disturbance due to change in weather. But it is advised to not be careless about your health. Give proper attention to your health otherwise the problems may develop into something big for you requiring medical attention. So take care of yourself. During the month of June problems with your digestive system may arise. So it is advisable to maintain a balance between your eating habits and your work routine.
Business and Investments
During this year you may not have good fortune with respect to your finance. Though you are a workaholic you may not get proper results for your efforts and get upset because of this. During September to November you may try some new strategies with your business or maybe with a job that may increase your income. With the use of some new technology in your business or new technique at work may give a new height to your career. It is also possible that you may get a promotion in your existing job or may get a very good job change. It is also possible that you may have to travel a lot for your business or job.
Your family and relatives
At the starting of this year it is possible that you and your spouse may get into some quarrels for very petty reasons. Mars the lord of your sign will remain in your fifth house till the month of June. You will focus on your children during this period. You should also take care for health of your child. You will get a good rapport with your children. You may have to take some important decision at the end of May. Your relationship with your wife will become better but during June and July some misunderstanding may occur possibly due to a third person though you will easily sort out this problem with intelligence.
Education & Career
During this year you are having Jupiter in your ascendant and mars in the fifth house, the position will give good and very positive result for students. The results will be in your favor by the grace of God. You should focus on managing your time and work hard during the months of February and May. Jupiter will remain in your sign Aries, till May. Jupiter’s aspect on the 10th house of Capricorn for career and karma will be very beneficial and expansive. Saturn in its exaltation being the 10th and 11th lord placed in the 7th will be very positive for business stability and slow but sure gains. Overall the year is good for students, education, career and income.
Your friends and Love relations
Love relations will be good during the month of June and July. Your relations with your loved ones will remain calm and sweet throughout the year but face a shadow of depression because of Saturn transiting Libra in the 7th house. It is in exaltation which may make the relationship stable but lack happiness and joy. It is possible that you may get into some misunderstanding at the start of the year. But later on through the year problems will be sorted out. During the month of August and September you may again face issues with relations in your past.
Vehicle, Expenses and Pious Deed
During this year you will incur your money in some pious deed. During the month of April and August you may incur expenditure and spend money in repairing your vehicle. There is also a possibility of purchasing a new vehicle for exchange of the older one. Till March you may spend money on the maintenance of your vehicle. There are possibilities of having an auspicious occasion at your home as Jupiter moves to Taurus in your second house being the lord of the 9th house. The second house transit of Jupiter on May 20, 2012 will be beneficial for fortune and luck with accumulating assets, good news in the family and an increase in wealth.
Tour and Travels
You will travel a lot throughout the year in relation to your business or your job. The travels will prove to be very fruitful for you. During the month of May and June of 2012 you may visit some holy places of pilgrimage with your family. At the end of the year you may also travel for some family occasions.
Important Transits for Aries
Saturn entered its exalted position Libra for the first time in 30 years November 11, 2011 until November 2014. Saturn will bring important learning lessons of Libra that include relationships, marriage, clients and customers, contracts and business partnerships. But for Aries Saturn in Libra will also be transiting your 7th bhava of relationships, clients, contracts and business. Being exalted in Libra will give many blessings from Saturn in these areas of Libra and the 7th and especially with professional relationships but in personal relationships Saturn can give commitments and the discipline to work and resolve any marriage problems or he can delay. Saturn from your 7th will also throw its influence to the 9th in Sagittarius of prosperity, higher knowledge, teachers and long distant traveling and the 4th bhava for property, family, mother and contentment. Saturn will also aspect the 1st that could challenge the body and self-confidence.
Rahu in Scorpio and Ketu in Taurus will begin May 2, 2011 until mid January 2013. Rahu will increase your worldly desires to compete and succeed in the material world and Scorpio for Aries rules the 8th bhava of change, upheavals, spouse’s income, legacies, research, business deals and transcendent knowledge; such as vedic astrology.
Ketu seeks the inner spiritual life and tends to detach from the material world and with Rahu in the 8th this combo could increase the Aries curiosity for astrology and other spiritual teachings. Ketu in Taurus will be transiting the 2nd bhava of income, family, food and speech giving detachment or confusion in any of these areas. However, Jupiter will enter Taurus on May 20, 2012 and remain protecting the rest of Ketu’s journey and giving more spiritual growth in the lessons signified by Ketu.
Kumba Lagna:
Peace will reign in your family life in the first half of the year although the same cannot be said for the second half of the year. There may be changes in your private life. Single people are likely to have new acquaintances, which will result in a new love affair. This romantic encounter is quite probable. You need to be more alert around financial problems from May to July. Luck is with you all the way and it could be that a windfall puts your personal economy in a healthier condition. Businessmen will make agreements with partners from other cities or countries, and will leap into action to achieve a desired purpose. At the same time, alternative opportunities are likely to occur – you’ll change your work or take up another direction. Your new partners will harmoniously replace the old ones. Employees also benefit with promotions or a rise. Your intelligence will get sharpened; you will succeed in your examinations. Career will be high on your priority and bring in a high level of growth in the first half of the year. Authority and confidence would be high. Opposition to your ideas and issues in marriage and relations could come in the second half of the year. Childless couples would be blessed with child. Health will improve a lot. Religious travel and pilgrimages may come your way.
Jupiter is a functionally malefic planet for Aquarius as it rules the 11th bhava of desire and ambitions and the 2nd of income, family and speech. Jupiter is also the best benefic in the heavens. Jupiter entered Aries May 11, 2011 and will remain until May 20, 2012. Jupiter rules growth, optimism, travel and education and Aries rules new beginnings, independence, ambition and courage. Aries rules the 3rd bhava of younger siblings, communications, dramatic arts, short trips and courage. Jupiter in the 3rd will bring expansion, luck and opportunities in these areas. Jupiter from Aries will also throw its benefits to the 7th bhava of marriage, partnerships, contracts, business and foreign residence and Jupiter will throw its influence onto its opposite sign of Libra onto your 9th bhava of prosperity, long distant travels, education, teachers and father. Jupiter will also throw its good fortune onto the 11th bhava of profits and gains, group activities, friendships, elder siblings and fulfilling desires.
Jupiter will move to Taurus in the 4th house on May 20, 2012 for a year. Taurus rules the 4th bhava of home, mother, property, education and vehicles. Jupiter in the 4th will bring expansion, luck and opportunities in these areas. Jupiter from Taurus will also throw its benefits to the 8th of legacies, partner’s income, psychology, astrology and business deals and Jupiter will throw its influence onto its opposite sign of Scorpio onto your 10th bhava of career, authority, government, fame and reputation. Jupiter will also throw its good fortune onto the 12th bhava of spiritual liberation, foreign travels, pilgrimages but also introspection and losses.
Saturn is a powerful malefic but a functional benefic according to Parashara as it rules the lagna or the 1st bhava of the self, body and confidence and the 12th of foreign travels, retreat, liberation, losses and uncertainties. Saturn being a malefic gives ambition and determination that is good for business affairs but not as good for relationships or health. Saturn entered its exalted position Libra for the first time in 30 years November 11, 2011 until November 2014. Saturn will bring important learning lessons of Libra that include relationships, marriage, clients and customers, contracts and business partnerships. But for Aquarius Saturn in Libra will also be transiting your 9th bhava of travel, higher studies, teachers, father and foreign travel. Being exalted in Libra will give many blessings in these areas of Libra and in the 9th of prosperity. Saturn from 9th will also throw its influence to the 11th of gains, fulfilling desires, friendships, elder siblings and group activities and the 3rd bhava of communications, information, short trips, fine arts and younger siblings. Saturn will also bring its challenges to the 6th bhava of employment, competitors, health, self-improvement and debts. Jupiter in Aries in your 3rd will be in opposition to Saturn in Libra in the 9th gives opportunities and delays education, media, traveling and legal matters November 11, 2011 through May 20, 2012. But Jupiter in Aries and Saturn in Libra will also form a supportive double transit of growth to Sagittarius to your 11th house of achievement, elder siblings, profits and gains, and group activities.
Natural malefic Mars is a functional malefic for Aquarius as it influences the 3rd of desire and the 10th of career. Mars will be in Leo October 30, 2011 through June 21, 2012 heating up and creating stress to your 7th bhava of marriage, partnerships, contracts, business and diplomacy. Mars in Leo, however will be protected by Jupiter in Aries who will be shining its divine grace and protection onto Mars through May 20, 2012 making sure your 7th bhava will be protected and bring more of its blessings in relationships and more business.
Rahu in Scorpio and Ketu in Taurus will begin May 2, 2011 until mid January 2013. Rahu will increase your worldly desires to compete and succeed in the material world and Rahu for Aquarius influences the 10th of career, fame, reputation and authority, which gives great striving for professional success.
Ketu seeks the inner spiritual life and tends to detach from the material world. Ketu in Taurus will be in the 4th bhava of home, mother, property and education. Ketu here could disturb the inner personal life because of Rahu’s need to be out in the world making a name for itself.
Rishaba Lagna:-
There shall be a changed improvement in your overall performance this year. You may have to enhance your level of initiative and performance to cope with the increasing pressure of work. Some of you will get a new position. Some of you will get recognition in your career. Healthwise, you will feel more energetic and fresh. Your health related distress will be reduced. Love will flow for you for the entire year. Try to redefine your love statement in your own way as it can bring excitement into your life. Those who are single right now will find a suitable mate around the third quarter of 2012. You will buy your own property or new vehicle. Go through the relevant documents very carefully. Trying to get everything right is rather a tall order and this is especially true in the financial arena. But don’t worry about the fine-tuning if you feel that an important matter needs prompt attention. News received after mid year enables you to plan ahead with greater confidence. Socially, you’ll remain active in all the events. The caring nature of married couples will keep happiness in their relation, but some arguments might get heated in the month of April or May. You’ll find your family supporting you in all your major decisions. Some childless couples may become pregnant.
Jupiter is a functional malefic for Taurus as it rules the 8th of upheavals and change and the 11th of fulfilling one’s desires but it’s also the best benefic in the heavens. Jupiter will enter Aries May 11, 2011 and remain until May 20, 2012. Jupiter rules growth, optimism, travel and education and Aries rules new beginnings, independence, ambition and courage. Aries rules the 12th bhava for Taurus giving spiritual and psychological growth and insights, foreign travel, charity and pilgrimages. Jupiter from Aries will also throw its benefits to the 4th bhava of home, mother, property and vehicles and throw its influence onto its opposite sign of Libra in the 6th of work, service, debts, health and pets. Jupiter will also throw its good fortune onto the 8th of legacies, spouse’s income, astrology, research and business deals.
Saturn is a powerful malefic but it’s a functional benefic and yogakaraka for Taurus bringing many benefits as Saturn for Taurus rules the 9th of dharma and prosperity and the 10th of karma and career to form it’s own Raja Yoga with the best houses in the horoscope. Saturn being a natural malefic gives ambition and determination that is good for career but not as good for relationships or health. Saturn will enter its exalted position Libra for the first time in 30 years November 11, 2011 until November 2014. Saturn will bring important learning lessons of Libra that include relationships, marriage, clients and customers, contracts and business partnerships. But for Taurus Saturn in Libra will also be transiting your 6th bhava of health, employment, self-improvement, disputes and service. Being exalted in Libra will give many blessings in these areas of Libra and the 6th that will give you determination to work hard and the discipline for eating better an exercising. Saturn from your 6th will also throw its influence to the 8th in Sagittarius of changes, joint ventures, chronic health conditions and research and the 3rd bhava of siblings, communications, creative arts and short trips. Saturn will also aspect the 12th that is good for working alone, meditation, and introspection but also good for foreign business matters.
Jupiter in Aries in your 12th will be in opposition to Saturn in Libra in the 6th giving opportunities and delays with work, health and travel November 11, 2011 through May 20, 2012. But Jupiter in Aries and Saturn in Libra will form a supportive double transit to Sagittarius to your 8th house of settlements, inheritance, research and business deals. Jupiter will move to Taurus on May 20, 2012 for a year, which is your first house. Its aspect on the 5th bhava of new jobs, investments, speculation, knowledge, luck and on the 9th bhava of long journeys, religion, pilgrimages, bhagya and higher education and wisdom will be very beneficial to you. Jupiter rules the 8th house of Transformation, Legacies and Change and the 11th house of elder siblings, Income, friends, Gains and fulfillment of hopes and desires. Its transit on your Rasi will be beneficial in gains from cash flow, researches and inheritance. A new job could come your way with higher salary and foreign travel is also in the cards with a chance of a religious journey on pilgrimage.
Natural malefic Mars is a functional temporal for Taurus and will be in Leo October 30, 2011 through June 21, 2012 transiting your 4th bhava of home, mother, property and contentment. Jupiter in Aries will be shining its divine grace and protection onto Mars through May 20, 2012 making sure your 4th bhava desires can be realized to your benefit; such as repairs to the home, remodeling or changing residence.
Rahu in Scorpio and Ketu in Taurus will begin May 2, 2011 until mid January 2013. Rahu will increase your worldly desires to compete and succeed in the material world and Scorpio for Taurus rules the 7th bhava of desiring marriage, partnerships, public recognition and business affairs.
Ketu seeks the inner spiritual life and tends to detach from the material world and with Rahu in the 1st or your lagna will allow relationships to become more intimate because you will be less concerned with your own needs and more focused on your partner. You may need to be careful of not ignoring your body and health while your attention is on others and business.
H.H. Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar
-Problems with Black Magic
- Court Cases
- Immigration Problems
- Father in Law & Mother in Law & Sister in Law and Brother in Law problems
- Sexual Problems
- Children problems
-Drink & Drugs Problems
- Evil Curse & Kala Jadoo Problems
-Scary Dreams Problems
Rahu and Ketu are not two separate entities in Vedic Astrology. They are two parts of the same demon, Swarbhanu who was a dragon. The relevant story goes like this. It was desired to bring out the gems lying hidden in the womb of the ocean. The gems were not the precious stones that we often get out of the sea. What is meant here is perhaps the secrets were unknown so far. Incidentally, it may be added here that by water they never meant the compound or two gases. In occult and spiritual literature water is the base of all manifestation. Water is used as a purifying agent in all religions the world over. As the butter in the milk is not visible but can be obtained by churning the milk, the gods and demons representing the good and evil forces wanted to churn the ocean. The work cannot be done by one or a few persons. It was decided to harness all the available forces of the suras ( gods) and Asuras (demons). As the consequence would be precious to both the parties, they decided to work together and share all that came out. Sumeru mountain was selected as the stick for churning. A serpent was used as the cord for the stick. Many gems came out of the sea one by one. Amrita, the nectar that makes one immortal to one who drinks it, was the last to appear.
The gods did not want to share this nectar with the demons lest the demons become immortal and evil perpetuate. The demons were already apprehensive of the intentions of gods. The latter approached Lord Vishnu who is always partial to gods. The latter appeared before the quarrelling parties in the form of a charming damsel. The damsel assured justice to both parties and asked them to stand in two rows. Swarbhanu one of the demons, apprehensive of the justice by the damsel infiltrated into the row of gods incognito and got his share of the nectar. It was only after drinking the nectar that he was detected by Sun and Moon who complained about it to Lord Vishnu who got enraged and chopped off the head of the demon. The two portions, head and the headless trunk have since been going round in the zodiac. As Sun and Moon are both their enemies they try to devour them which is the cause of solar and lunar eclipses. Swarbhanu before drinking the nectar had observed great penaces and Tapas and got a boon from Lord Brahma that he would be worshipped along with all the planets. Sun and Moon. It was on account of this boon of Lord Brahma that Lord Vishnu(the damsel) deliberately ignored his infiltration and gave him the nectar. The head portion of the demon is known Rahu and the trunk as Ketu.
On the face it looks funny but an intelligent interpretation of it would lead us to great truth. Gods and demons have always existed side by side, each fearful of the other and each struggling for existence and supremacy over the other. Churning of the ocean for taking out the gems was to have the secrets of life and of the manifestation. The Mt. Sumera is nothing but our spinal cord. The nectar that appeared last of all was nothing but the secrets of life and death and the way to liberation. The serpent used as a rope to bind the mountain is the wise man, perhaps, under whose guidance the operation should be undertaken. In short the churning of the sea is nothing but awakening and activating the Kundalini or Serpent power. The person who detected the demon was Moon who represents an illumined mind. Only and illumined mind can distinguish between good and bad. Head is the governing portion of the entire body and the experiences and the knowledge deposited in the lower portion of the body cannot be utilized by a headless man. In fact knowledge of truth and being one with it are two different things. Even the secret knowledge of truth provides the knower with many Siddhis and accomplishments which may be used as well as misused in the daily affairs of life. Chopping off the head means a separation of the governing part of the body from real truth.
The most significant point in the story is that the head comprising the mind and the faculty of distinction and power to govern the body is termed as Rahu. Because he was a demon his eyes are cast downwards, that is, towards earth or material pursuits. The material pleasures may give short time benefits but in the long run the individual gets disillusioned and starts looking towards the heavens for long term or permanent peace and bliss. As Rahu has gained the secrets of life and death he becomes invincible. He will try to get what he wants. If the circumstances are conducive or he will manipulate if they are not conductive. In other words, speaking astrologically, Rahu will get whatever it stands for by hook or by crook. It is compared with Saturn. The discussion on this aspect is possible only after we have learnt more about Rahu. One thing however is certain. Rahu in eclipses is active in dark fortnight and Ketu in bright fortnight. It is on this account that Ketu is considered as the Karaka or significator of Moksha or liberation. Both the nodes are malefic because the individuals gets troubles in both the paths whether spiritual or material.
Rahu and Ketu
Rahu and Ketu have no house of their owns. They are guided by the lord of the house they occupy. They are also influenced by the planets co-occupying the houses with them and also by those aspecting them. This supports our assumption that the nodes affect more than one aspect of life.
Further, the two nodes are always opposite to each other. Normally the planets opposing each other affect each others results. This may not be so with the nodes because the results in each case may not have to be opposed or affected. If at all, they affect each other that which be only supplementary and not otherwise.
According to mythological tales Rahu is the head of the dragon. Head as we know contain the brain and controls the functioning of the entire body. This suggests that Rahu is the controlling and active node. Ketu rules of the body, sends feelings and sensations to the brain. To analyse those sensations and take action if necessary is within the jurisdiction of Rahu. More precisely Ketu has the power of transforming the events into experience which turn into wisdom. On the basis of the above we can assume that the wisdom derived from events is stored by Kety and may be lying some where at the unconscious level. The wisdom lying at the unconscious may come up to rule conscious or even the conscious level which inspires us to respond involuntarily to some events even knowing fully well that a particularly action shall go against our interests, we take that action.
Nobody can predict such action. We may call it mysterious because we do not know the reasons why we took certain action which was not at all warranted under the then prevailing circumstances. This is the bridge linking the fact with the present. Ignoring Rahu and Ketu we would be missing this link.
The sign dispositors of the nodes function as the channels for them. Modern writers have started to link them with our previous incarnations. Ketu stores the past events in its own way and delivers their results through the agency of its sign dispositors and the planets connected with it.
Astrologically speaking, human life has been divided into three stages as Rajasic, Tamasic and Satvic phases. These are also the three Gunas or Qualities manifest in this Universe. Ketu is the first Graha in each of these three stages. In Pisces the egos were fast sleep and had lost their individually. The first step was to awaken the dormant egos. There may be noised around them yet they are not awakened unless called out by name. This is so because the sleeping egos had not lost their individually. The persons generally identify themselves with the name. They will not easily be awakened by calling out by their names. Ketu as the first Graha required for awakening the ego indicates that it has some thing to do with the activities the sleeping ego had identified itself with. Ketu thus can be taken to be concerned with the life earlier than when the egos went dormant. In other words Ketu implants in the egos their earlier identification. Ketu was the repository of its past deeds in some form or the other. It was however, at mental stage.
In the Tamsic phase the individual is ready to face the world manifest physically and mentally. Ketu’s appearance as first again means that the experiences gained in the earlier life release their talent faculties. Sattwik attributes lead to enlightenment on the basis of its existence in the world of matter. Molla in the group asks individual once again to indentify himself in accordance with his past experience. He may like to go for more experiences of the world of matter or to change the course of piolgirmage to spiritualism. This is one aspect of Ketu that is its contribution to the process of evolution. This is the main function of Ketu and all the others Grahas for that matter. When we talk of astrological function we have to keep this in mind that Ketu is the repository of our past Karmas or deeds and misdeeds that bring us to this world of matter and manifestation.
Astrologically speaking, Ketu’s Nakshatra fall in the signs Aries Leo and Sagittarius. The indication is that Ketu does whatever it likes on an impulse. It does not analyse its action objectively. It has no tolerance or forbearance. Seeking reasons for such impulsive actions. We go to the study of the rulers of its Nakshatra’s four quarters. The Nakshatras fall in different signs of the zodiac but their quarters are governed by Mars. Venus, Mercury and Moon. They all belong to the first phase of evolution. Their impact is on subjective mind and they all seek externalization of themselves. Externalisation means an impulse of expressing in physical terms all that they feel inside. The moon as the lord of Cancer governs the cosmic Hiranyagarbha the womb of all manifestation. The egos get all type of nourishment that is required by the ego for all its manoeuvres that it cherished. It is for this reason that Ketu is compared with Mars.
Ketu is called Shikhi which means the top. Ketu prepares the individual for each phase of his journey. Preparation for any action requires a conviction that he can do the work required of him. Ketu for this purpose gives flashes of the inner self of the individual which is omnipotent. The aspect of Ketu is present in all its Nakashatras. It tries to take you to spiritualism, the way to the cosmic self. Ketu’s action is always on the mental plane irrespective of the phase of evolution it is concerned with. In Aries it stimulates the mind because the emerging egos had attained the stage of floating masses. In Pisces they were merely the floating nebulae.
In Leo it again stimulated the mind, increased self centered-ness to the degree of being an egoist. It did so because the ego wanted to have more experience the material world. In the last phase of development it stimulated the mind again to take a decision and if need be to change the course of journey. In short, Ketu does not produce the circumstances. It creates the mind. It is the top executive of human actions.
It is true that by affecting the mind Ketu causesa great mental turbulence because the matter does not move according to its dictates. This often causes great agonies and even frustrations. Repeated failures and frustrations lead to a situation of helplessness and isolation, then the individual tries to seek remedies and divine help. Ketu does not ask him to withdraw into his shell and that is possible only when we surrender ourselves. Our western friends are of the opinion that Ketu is Mars conjunct Saturn. It cannot be said how this assumption has gained ground . Mars gives up its impulsive nature in the Saturnian sign Capricorn. Esoterically Saturn is considered to be a god of retribution and turning all Karmik accumulation into impersonal universe energy. Karmik retribution is the department under Rahu as we have seen during our study of Nakshatras. Ketu is not concerned with retribution. Its department is storing of all the deeds or misdeeds in the form or wisdom or experiences. It is difficult to agree with western assumption. The discussion can be summarized briefly.
1. Ketu is a Karmic planet in the sense that it is the store house of all our past deeds or misdeeds and ego aspirations and ambitions of the previous incarnations.
2. Ketu does not create circumstances. It is the circumstances which churn the contents of Ketu and become the stimulants to bring out the past relevant experiences etc to the fore to influence the mind.
3. Ketu is like Mars because it works at the spur of the moment.
4. Ketu brings out the specific ray to the fore.
It was Ketu that sowed the seed of re-incarnation of the ego. It gave them them wisdom and experience that they had gathered during their last sojourn in the world. It was subjective and purely on mental plane. It was too early to be effective but it was very important because it demarcated the line of action of each ego. By the time Rahu appeared on the scene various other developments had taken place. Rahu gave to the egos a human shape. All the organs of sense and action were fully developed. It was a human being with animal instinct. There was need to plant something that was anti animalism. The possibility of any action arises only when there are two aims different from each other. Ketu no doubt gave the flashes of divinity. It was Rahu which made the ego in human shape realize divinity in him along with animalism but along with the instincts. Rahu also imparted the knowledge that the divinity in him was only a bounded divinity. It had its own limitation in manifestation. Rahu is considered as on of the Rudras who know the law of evolution, law of Karmas and law of retribution. It was thus assigned the most important task of enforcement of all the three laws.
It is Rahu only who can suspend the operation of the function of any or all the planets at any particular moment. This does not mean that the achievements of the earlier lives or incarnations are lost to the individual. He will be rewarded or punished as the case may be at some future date. They remain in the personal ledger of the individual. It is the full bloomed flower that is to go on its journey towards his destiny. Swati is the next asterism falling in Libra. The sign belongs to Tamasik Vrittis or the attributes. Under this influence the egos immerse themselves deeper and deeper in matter . Rahu here arouses deeper wisdom and spirituality and teaches the ego to have a balanced life. Vayu or the wind god by its “sieving process” shows the distinction between the useful and non useful or real and unreal. The septenary principle starts functioning and the ego pick up its unique thread that it had developed in earlier lives. Rahu oversees the operations of all three laws, namely, the law of evolution, law or Karma and law of retribution.
The third Nakshatra of Rahu is Satbhishak in Aquarius. Lord of Aquarius is Saturn another Rudra governed by Lord Shiva, the Maha Rudra. Saturnian sign Aquarius teaches the individual that his body etc should be considered merely as a channel for the fulfillment of the Divine will and all that he has achieved should be used for the benefit of the world. Personalism gives way to impersonalism. Varuna the presiding deity over the asterism has the responsibility of purifying the soul and cleaning it by removing all the traces of Avidya i.e. ignorance. In critical times when the individual is unable to bear the sieving action of Varuna he looks downward that is, he does not call for the divine assistance but looks for his own faults. In other words the ego again tries to seek the help of its unique ray.
It would be clear from the above that Rahu is not actually the demon but an enlightened demon who is determined to have its divinity back. The sacrifice, however big it may be, is his least concern.
Rahu like Ketu is also a Karmic planet. While Ketu being a store house can be taken as the Karmik (intake) planet and Rahu the active and distributing. Their effects may be termed as Karmik (distribution). Their sign depositors can also be classified like this. The sign lords of Ketu and Rahu on the same analogy are termed as Karmic planet (inlet) and Karmik planet (distribution).
As regards the houses affected by these Karmic Grahas some eminent astrologers say that Ketu has no aspect while Rahu aspects Houses 5, 9 and 12th from it. This is perhaps on the basis that the later eminent astrologers have granted them some aspect. Much work on this point has not been done so far. It is therefore, difficult to agree or disagree with these assertions. As these nodes work through the planets related to them either as sign lords or by association or aspects, we have good reason to believe that the planets show the house affected by the nodes.
The nodes are always retrograde in motion indicating that they relate to the past rather than the present. On this analogy all the retrograde planets at the time of the birth should be treated as Karmic planets. Much research work is required for this purpose.
The sign of the zodiac containing the Nakshatras of Rahu are all airy signs which have their effects on mind. As Rahu governs or controls the part that rules over the entire body it does create material condition conductive to the actions it proposes to take by the actions of the individual. The individual behaves in a way that the required material conditions are produced for him to take punishment or reward as the case may be, for its action. Rahu is compared with Saturn. Saturn is a slow moving planet having many faces (masks) to get its work done ultimately. Rahu is not slow like Saturn but it does have many masks and it uses them as and when required. Saturn is a non-sparing body and so is Rahu. Both try to clear off the Karmic impediments that stand in the way of the individual to unite with the original self. They are cruel but their cruelty is for making the individual better.
Rahu like Saturn is considered to be a liar. In fact none of them is a liar. They only keep their cards close to their chest. The individual mis-understands and misinterprets the situation and experiences the untoward results. Diplomacy of Rahu or Saturn may, however, be taken as their untruthfulness.
Rahu is supposed to be mysterious in action and often treading the unbeaten tracks. This belief also does not carry much of a conviction. Rahu is a celestial being.
For more help to come out of your problems, call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar Immediately @ Toll Free 1-888-808-1418. Om Shanthi
elp. Ketu does not ask him to withdraw into his shell and that is possible only when we surrender ourselves. Our western friends are of the opinion that Ketu is Mars conjunct Saturn. It cannot be said how this assumption has gained ground . Mars gives up its impulsive nature in the Saturnian sign Capricorn. Esoterically Saturn is considered to be a god of retribution and turning all Karmik accumulation into impersonal universe energy. Karmik retribution is the department under Rahu as we have seen during our study of Nakshatras. Ketu is not concerned with retribution. Its department is storing of all the deeds or misdeeds in the form or wisdom or experiences. It is difficult to agree with western assumption. The discussion can be summarized briefly.
1. Ketu is a Karmic planet in the sense that it is the store house of all our past deeds or misdeeds and ego aspirations and ambitions of the previous incarnations.
2. Ketu does not create circumstances. It is the circumstances which churn the contents of Ketu and become the stimulants to bring out the past relevant experiences etc to the fore to influence the mind.
3. Ketu is like Mars because it works at the spur of the moment.
4. Ketu brings out the specific ray to the fore.
It was Ketu that sowed the seed of re-incarnation of the ego. It gave them them wisdom and experience that they had gathered during their last sojourn in the world. It was subjective and purely on mental plane. It was too early to be effective but it was very important because it demarcated the line of action of each ego. By the time Rahu appeared on the scene various other developments had taken place. Rahu gave to the egos a human shape. All the organs of sense and action were fully developed. It was a human being with animal instinct. There was need to plant something that was anti animalism. The possibility of any action arises only when there are two aims different from each other. Ketu no doubt gave the flashes of divinity. It was Rahu which made the ego in human shape realize divinity in him along with animalism but along with the instincts. Rahu also imparted the knowledge that the divinity in him was only a bounded divinity. It had its own limitation in manifestation. Rahu is considered as on of the Rudras who know the law of evolution, law of Karmas and law of retribution. It was thus assigned the most important task of enforcement of all the three laws.
It is Rahu only who can suspend the operation of the function of any or all the planets at any particular moment. This does not mean that the achievements of the earlier lives or incarnations are lost to the individual. He will be rewarded or punished as the case may be at some future date. They remain in the personal ledger of the individual. It is the full bloomed flower that is to go on its journey towards his destiny. Swati is the next asterism falling in Libra. The sign belongs to Tamasik Vrittis or the attributes. Under this influence the egos immerse themselves deeper and deeper in matter . Rahu here arouses deeper wisdom and spirituality and teaches the ego to have a balanced life. Vayu or the wind god by its “sieving process” shows the distinction between the useful and non useful or real and unreal. The septenary principle starts functioning and the ego pick up its unique thread that it had developed in earlier lives. Rahu oversees the operations of all three laws, namely, the law of evolution, law or Karma and law of retribution.
The third Nakshatra of Rahu is Satbhishak in Aquarius. Lord of Aquarius is Saturn another Rudra governed by Lord Shiva, the Maha Rudra. Saturnian sign Aquarius teaches the individual that his body etc should be considered merely as a channel for the fulfillment of the Divine will and all that he has achieved should be used for the benefit of the world. Personalism gives way to impersonalism. Varuna the presiding deity over the asterism has the responsibility of purifying the soul and cleaning it by removing all the traces of Avidya i.e. ignorance. In critical times when the individual is unable to bear the sieving action of Varuna he looks downward that is, he does not call for the divine assistance but looks for his own faults. In other words the ego again tries to seek the help of its unique ray.
It would be clear from the above that Rahu is not actually the demon but an enlightened demon who is determined to have its divinity back. The sacrifice, however big it may be, is his least concern.
Rahu like Ketu is also a Karmic planet. While Ketu being a store house can be taken as the Karmik (intake) planet and Rahu the active and distributing. Their effects may be termed as Karmik (distribution). Their sign depositors can also be classified like this. The sign lords of Ketu and Rahu on the same analogy are termed as Karmic planet (inlet) and Karmik planet (distribution).
As regards the houses affected by these Karmic Grahas some eminent astrologers say that Ketu has no aspect while Rahu aspects Houses 5, 9 and 12th from it. This is perhaps on the basis that the later eminent astrologers have granted them some aspect. Much work on this point has not been done so far. It is therefore, difficult to agree or disagree with these assertions. As these nodes work through the planets related to them either as sign lords or by association or aspects, we have good reason to believe that the planets show the house affected by the nodes.
The nodes are always retrograde in motion indicating that they relate to the past rather than the present. On this analogy all the retrograde planets at the time of the birth should be treated as Karmic planets. Much research work is required for this purpose.
The sign of the zodiac containing the Nakshatras of Rahu are all airy signs which have their effects on mind. As Rahu governs or controls the part that rules over the entire body it does create material condition conductive to the actions it proposes to take by the actions of the individual. The individual behaves in a way that the required material conditions are produced for him to take punishment or reward as the case may be, for its action. Rahu is compared with Saturn. Saturn is a slow moving planet having many faces (masks) to get its work done ultimately. Rahu is not slow like Saturn but it does have many masks and it uses them as and when required. Saturn is a non-sparing body and so is Rahu. Both try to clear off the Karmic impediments that stand in the way of the individual to unite with the original self. They are cruel but their cruelty is for making the individual better.
Rahu like Saturn is considered to be a liar. In fact none of them is a liar. They only keep their cards close to their chest. The individual mis-understands and misinterprets the situation and experiences the untoward results. Diplomacy of Rahu or Saturn may, however, be taken as their untruthfulness.
Rahu is supposed to be mysterious in action and often treading the unbeaten tracks. This belief also does not carry much of a conviction. Rahu is a celestial being.
For more help to come out of your problems, call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar Immediately @ Toll Free 1-888-808-1418. Om Shanthi