Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Dr commander selvam

Om Namashivayaa!!

Lot of people is calling the Temple and e- mailing about requesting for my Editorial. I was really tied up with so many things. This month onwards, you could see “my style of Editorial”. 

What is the happiness?
 Unfortunately, some people getting happiness by hurting someone. Sometime we may hurt someone’s feeling, unknowingly, however we should not commit the same knowingly. To Error is human and to forgive is Divine. No human is perfect including me. 

I always say that “You will live according to your thoughts’. However we, the humans will get in to difficulties, and we will be wondering why these things are happening? Even take our Lord RAMA. He missed his wife, he went to forest for so many years, even though he was the reincarnation of the God. The real meaning in it, no one is exceptional from the life’s stress or issues, since Lord Rama came in the human format, he got in to the clutches of Karma/ Destiny. However one thing is rest assured that always our Punya/ Good actions will come and save our life. It applies to every human.

Take our Hindu Temple of Georgia, and our “Siddhi Times” is very famous all over the nation, and definitely I should not claim that, I am an intelligent personality, and everything has happened because of me. That is totally out of order. I could say that I got an opportunity to serve my God, and I should take it as a proud in my life

Even this 108 Shiva installation was tried by numerous Maharajas, Rishis, Prince and Princess. However I have got the blessings from my Lord Shiva to execute the same. Normally Hindus go in front of the Gods and ask for their betterment in their life, however so far I go in front of my Lord Shiva, and I say that tell me BOSS/ Maharaj, how to support you ?,and how to feed you in a better way?
 Now  I am working for the richest person in the world, Yes that’s my Shivji, who is my God and I  don’t want to loose my job, hence I work at least 15 hours a day to make sure that I should be the best employee for my Lord Shiva.

Lot of people will be wondering about my success or the Temple’s success. The answer is simple. We, every one will live according to our thoughts. Good will bring good and the Bad will bring Bad. Either the jealousy or gossip is not going to make any one’s life better. In Tami it said “Pothum yendra Maname, pon seyyum Marundhu”. That means, confinement in the mind itself is the best medicine for our life .Valikku Piragu Valimai. That means only with the pain, someone could get great success.

Our Hindu Temple of Georgia has just completed its second anniversary and when you look at the growth so far we have achieved, is about a 20 years’ growth and everything has just happened within 2 years, all purely the blessings of the GOD. Lot of time we will be wondering about some one’s success materially or spiritually. Here, no one should forget nothing will come in the life easily. Hard work always fetches. I am working on an average of 15 hours a day for my GOD for the last 10 years in USA and all the seven days a week except taking a small break of just hardly 5 days a year for my family work. Since I have my father, mother, brother etc.

Without pain nothing is gain. Simply sleeping in the home and spending money with the friends, gossiping about someone, feeling jealous about someone, will not bring any kind of good luck or prosperity in the life. That’s why I always say that “You will live according to your thoughts”.
When we are pointing on some one with a finger, we need to see that other three fingers are facing us. 

This 108 Shiva Temple is going to have its groundbreaking very soon, and again it’s going to have the name of only Hindu Temple in the Hindu lineage with 108 shivji. The whole Temple has been designed like an antique Hindu Temple which will take any visitors to 7000 years back. The temple is going to be 30,000 sq.ft, and two of the very famous Movie Art directors in India with our stahpathi are already working on it. I am just waiting for the concurrence of my big Boss, that’s my Lord Shivji to get the right time for groundbreaking.

One thing is rest assured that, its Deiva sankalppam, and definitely not my powers or energies. I converted my blood as money and 100% I paid to this Temple, with the only ambition of not to Beg money from any one. Do your duty, get the money for your job, and I want to give 100% to my Lord Shivji. My boss that is Lord Shivji has given me an excellent life, then why should I worry about something. When I am in the public life, definitely I cannot make every one happy, and as I said always someone doesn’t like someone for some reason.

 I am sitting on the shoulder of my Shivji, who is also my adopted dad, and definitely, I know and every one knows that Lord Shivji is not going to fall, so I too….. The Veda says that, you will be able to identify the True color of the people, when an issue comes, and I have witnessed it now. Thank God!!! My shivji gave me a quick experiment, not a long term experiments.

Our Hindu Temple of Georgia is going to have a great funding from a corporation in USA.. Any way it’s said in the Vedas that the dangerous crossing, you should know how to play, otherwise, you will caught in that. Anyway, very soon, the news will be published  in our  Siddhi Times about the  contribution from a local corporation, however even to the beauty, the same company doesn’t know still that, they are going to fund the project. Don’t you think, whatever I am telling looks like crazy….Not at all, since I know what is going to happen for thousands of my followers, and I have settled their problems ,  and pretty much I know what is going to happen to this Historical venture. 
Our Indian people, we know pretty much that majority of the Temple, except few Temples in USA, has got strong ego fights and politics going inside the Temple. However I could strongly say that our Hindu Temple of Georgia is an exceptional one, however I need to face the outside politics and I am dealing with the same now. However hearing and dealing and dealt with thousands of my followers’ problems, never makes me to feel anything as a problem in my life. 

I have started my life from my scratch, and I am now working for the richest Boss in the entire universe. My boss loves me so much. He takes care of all my expenses, and naturally I need to be obedient to my boss. I love my Boss like anything, and up to my last breath in this world, I will devote all the 365 days a year to my boss. I don’t need any vacation or bank balance for me or for my family, since my boss knows everything, and I WOULD SAY THAT HE IS THE ONLY HINDU in the entire universe knows everything. HIS NAME IS LORD/ GOD SHIV JI (Shankar Bhagavan) and he has numerous names. His sons Lords Ganesh and Lord Kartikeya are also very famous among Hindus, however I am working and reporting to my Big Boss directly, that is my “LORD SHIVA”

Om Shanthi


Saturday, 6 April 2013

Swamiji sri selvam siddhar

Adi Shankara was born thousand years before this century. He was born in a Brahmin family, but he lost his father at the very young stage of life. His birth place is called
“KALADY”, a small village situated in KERALA of SOUTH INDIA. Up to six years he was brought up by his mother. He was willing to take renunciation by that age of six itself. However, his mother refused him for Ashram life of renunciation and penance.

One day, when the boy Shankara was taking bath in the river, a crocodile caught one of his legs. That information went into the ears of his mother. His mother ran to the riverbank and saw her son struggling for life. At that stage also, Sri Shankara told his mother, that if she could permit him for a life of renunciation Lord Vishnu would save my life from this crocodile. His mother had no other go. She gave permission for the boy to take renunciation.

By surprise an elephant came into that place and fought with the crocodile. The crocodile slipped into the river leaving the boy unhurt. From that time he became Sanyasi (sage/saint/monk). It was meant, that a person who left the earthly pleasures. But Sri Shankara promised his mother that he would come to her at the time of her last days .  He traveled through out India and visited all holy places. Adi Shankara had composed and written many Sanskrit slogas of philosophy. Bhaja Govindam is a collection of poems written by Adi Shankara and his desiples, Sri Padma pathar and Sri Todakachariyar. Baja Govindham plainly explains the sorrowful and changeable nature of the worldly life of people.

Bhaja Govindham follows with 31Slogas, worshipping Sri Vishnu in other name Sri Govindha.

Sloga No.1
Oh fool, the time of death is harmful, what is the use of learning Sanskrit grammar like
“Duklinkarane”.The Grammatical verses will not save any one when the death occurs.
So, through the mind, through the words and through physique worship the “Lord Govindha”. Always worship by chanting the words “Lord Govindha”.

Sloga No.2
Oh fool!! A person gets wealth through his past births and contributions. Avoid strong desire for money, wealth and property. Be satisfied with what that comes ultimately. Do not get confused and get strong desire and become insane. The deeds of past birth have much attachment to present life.

Sloga No.3
Oh fool!! A young woman’s breasts and hip are made by flesh and excessive protein. Do not get infatuation or lust by looking at them! Think with patience how these forms come into vision. Control the mind by minute to minute and second to second. Think about the basic elements of those physical anatomy, then the lust and sexual feeling will not arise.

Sloga No.4
In the lotus leaf, the dew drops of water in the early morning, which exists for a few seconds. Human life is impermanent. This world has strange nature. Every where Ego and Selfishness and disease appear and exist. For this destructive worldly pleasure don’t wander with hunger.

Sloga No.5
When a person has ability to earn and make income, his relatives and others will love him much. When that person becomes unable to make money, wealth due to old age, his relatives and others start to neglect him, and they would not ask his well fare. In old age that person would fall bed-ridden due to disease. No one would come near to that person.

Sloga No.6
While that bird named ‘soul’ fly away from one’s physique, no body would care about that person. With whom that person shared the pleasure would get afraid to go near to that dead body. These are temporary contacts with close relatives and not permanent. The flower like words from them would cease. Nothing in this world is eternal.

Sloga No.7
When a person born and reach to boy hood, he spends his time through playful activities. When a person attains young, he goes behind woman for pleasure. When a person attains old age, he spends his time through thinking about past with tears. These are the three stages of one’s worldly life. Even then no one spends his time about thinking of the God. No one leads his life towards the Almighty.

Sloga No.8
Who is one’s son? Who is one’s wife? This world is nothing but strange trap. Where from a person comes into this world? Who are the relatives when a person has not entered into this world? Engage into that “Deep thought”! Come to realize this physique is not one’s nature! Then how this birth came? Search through philosophy. How and where this deep-mist that disclose the “Truth” of one’s “Self”.

Sloga No.9
Have and join with the true devotees of God! Join with justful people. Then the truth and revealation will come through this attachment! Then the imaginary relations and attraction would destroy. By that time a person will achieve eternal pleasure and will be a known one to all. Even while living in this world a person will become a saint or devotee of God and attains wisdom. Then those people know and understand about the eternal pleasure.


Thursday, 4 April 2013

Swamiji selvam siddhar

Going Green is a lovely thought, but it is not a priority with most people.

Most people are so into day to day living that they can’t recognize that something is wrong with their Mother.

For every need and concern they have, the solution has always been provided and taken care of by the Mother.  Now she is sick and needs your immediate tender care.  When we say “your” or “you”, we are talking to the people of planet Earth.  Unless we recognize that it will take a total commitment from all to fight or deter the situation, Nothing can be done.

Wake up people.  We are talking to all of you on every continent.

It is time for thought pollution, atmospheric pollution, soil pollution, and water pollution to disappear.

From the time of old to present day, pollution has always been around.

The Ancient ones always knew the solution to this problem and recorded it in the Vedas.

The Vedas speak of Agnihotra/Homa Therapy and the need for its performance by each householder.  In those Ancient scriptures it is referred to as the CASH COW.  The reason is that it provides so many benefits.  It clears the mind of stress and wards off many physical diseases at the same time.  It puts harmony back into our lives and the journey becomes easier so we make better decisions.  Thus, we weaken our negative Karma.

Agnihotra, when performed correctly, stands alone as the “Solution to Pollution” of ALL types; even neutralizing radiation.

The specific ingredients, timings and Vibration therapy involved keeps Agnihotra separate as a Science that can be incorporated into Any lifestyle, belief or non-beliefs.

The components needed are a semi-pyramid shaped copper pot, cow dung, cow’s ghee, brown rice, specific mantra vibrations, and correct timings for sunrise and sunset.

Now let us discuss one component of this Agnihotra, cow’s ghee.  Vedas call cow’s ghee Life.  Ancient healers have known its wonderful healing properties and gave  it this honor by calling it the “medicine of medicines.” Cow’s ghee is the most unique matter and nectar available to man on planet Earth.  Cow’s milk from which ghee is made is a unique blend of 101 different substances containing nutritious values of its component parts.  In its proteins are 19 amino acids, in the butter, 11 fatty acids, 6 vitamins, 8 enzymes, 25 minerals, 2 sugars, 5 phosphorous compounds, 14 nitrogenous substances and some more yet unknown substances.  All these ingredients are suspended and dissolved in the form of fluid (Ghee).

When cow’s ghee is mixed with the other substances and mantra is performed at exactly the time the sun is said to rise and set along with addition of a pinch of rice, four gases are produced with the burning: 1) Ethylene, 2) Propylene 3) Formaldehyde and 4) Butapropolactone.  With the formation of these gases as the heat increases, another energy is produced by the cow’s ghee.  The gas energy produced is acetylene.  This particular energy sucks in the polluted and purifies it. Those gases produced from performance of Agnihotra with the use of cow’s ghee posses the wonderful capacity to remove the mental tensions, curing many diseases.  This is how things are influenced by the medicinal properties of cow’s ghee.

So you can see from one prospect benefit and there are many more. Agnihotra can provide a simple solution to going green with a simple tool for all mankind.  An most impurities.  It is economical for all.  It is taught FREE to anyone on the planet.

The nutrients from this fire also nurture the atmosphere, soil and water at the cellular level.  Going green must include resetting the planets energy cycle.  Agnihotra can do it.  We have many miseries and woes.  We fight about everything.  Agnihotra allows us to
understand our roles as caretakers of the planet.  Are you in tune yet?

At sunrise and sunset, many energies are in the atmosphere.  The way the sunrays strike the atmosphere at those times, many impurities are destroyed.  With the performance of Agnihotra, the process is increased.  The most important ingredient is man himself.  Only man’s utterance of the chants create a vibration similar to the one that comes from the cosmos so say the scientist.