Thursday, 4 April 2013

Swamiji selvam siddhar

Going Green is a lovely thought, but it is not a priority with most people.

Most people are so into day to day living that they can’t recognize that something is wrong with their Mother.

For every need and concern they have, the solution has always been provided and taken care of by the Mother.  Now she is sick and needs your immediate tender care.  When we say “your” or “you”, we are talking to the people of planet Earth.  Unless we recognize that it will take a total commitment from all to fight or deter the situation, Nothing can be done.

Wake up people.  We are talking to all of you on every continent.

It is time for thought pollution, atmospheric pollution, soil pollution, and water pollution to disappear.

From the time of old to present day, pollution has always been around.

The Ancient ones always knew the solution to this problem and recorded it in the Vedas.

The Vedas speak of Agnihotra/Homa Therapy and the need for its performance by each householder.  In those Ancient scriptures it is referred to as the CASH COW.  The reason is that it provides so many benefits.  It clears the mind of stress and wards off many physical diseases at the same time.  It puts harmony back into our lives and the journey becomes easier so we make better decisions.  Thus, we weaken our negative Karma.

Agnihotra, when performed correctly, stands alone as the “Solution to Pollution” of ALL types; even neutralizing radiation.

The specific ingredients, timings and Vibration therapy involved keeps Agnihotra separate as a Science that can be incorporated into Any lifestyle, belief or non-beliefs.

The components needed are a semi-pyramid shaped copper pot, cow dung, cow’s ghee, brown rice, specific mantra vibrations, and correct timings for sunrise and sunset.

Now let us discuss one component of this Agnihotra, cow’s ghee.  Vedas call cow’s ghee Life.  Ancient healers have known its wonderful healing properties and gave  it this honor by calling it the “medicine of medicines.” Cow’s ghee is the most unique matter and nectar available to man on planet Earth.  Cow’s milk from which ghee is made is a unique blend of 101 different substances containing nutritious values of its component parts.  In its proteins are 19 amino acids, in the butter, 11 fatty acids, 6 vitamins, 8 enzymes, 25 minerals, 2 sugars, 5 phosphorous compounds, 14 nitrogenous substances and some more yet unknown substances.  All these ingredients are suspended and dissolved in the form of fluid (Ghee).

When cow’s ghee is mixed with the other substances and mantra is performed at exactly the time the sun is said to rise and set along with addition of a pinch of rice, four gases are produced with the burning: 1) Ethylene, 2) Propylene 3) Formaldehyde and 4) Butapropolactone.  With the formation of these gases as the heat increases, another energy is produced by the cow’s ghee.  The gas energy produced is acetylene.  This particular energy sucks in the polluted and purifies it. Those gases produced from performance of Agnihotra with the use of cow’s ghee posses the wonderful capacity to remove the mental tensions, curing many diseases.  This is how things are influenced by the medicinal properties of cow’s ghee.

So you can see from one prospect benefit and there are many more. Agnihotra can provide a simple solution to going green with a simple tool for all mankind.  An most impurities.  It is economical for all.  It is taught FREE to anyone on the planet.

The nutrients from this fire also nurture the atmosphere, soil and water at the cellular level.  Going green must include resetting the planets energy cycle.  Agnihotra can do it.  We have many miseries and woes.  We fight about everything.  Agnihotra allows us to
understand our roles as caretakers of the planet.  Are you in tune yet?

At sunrise and sunset, many energies are in the atmosphere.  The way the sunrays strike the atmosphere at those times, many impurities are destroyed.  With the performance of Agnihotra, the process is increased.  The most important ingredient is man himself.  Only man’s utterance of the chants create a vibration similar to the one that comes from the cosmos so say the scientist.

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